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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 5, 2009
I am trying to connect four things to one HDTV: a Directv receiver, a PS3, a Yamaha HD receiver, and Atv2.

I have the tv going into the switcher out. From there I'm not sure because when I put the Atv2 into the switcher, I can watch tv but the switcher remote will not change inputs. Advice please?
Could use some help with the setup. Did I explain the problem the right way?
Could use some help with the setup. Did I explain the problem the right way?

No. What about the PS3? Does that work? Without letting us know that you have tried the most basic troubleshooting - there are just too many possible causes. Did you try different devices in different inputs (on the switch)? Is this an HDMI switch? Is it auto sensing? What brand/model? Did you follow the manual? Does the ATV work when plugged directly to the TV? What happens when you unplug the dtv receiver from the switch?.....and so on...
hitman I got your pm.
You need to answer some of the questions above for better help.
Can you change the switch manually and see if it works?
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