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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Years back when learning to shoot I remember the thinking was stick with a 50mm lens and stay on manual. It seems from what I have read about DSLR's the recommendation is to learn with a single medium zoom lens. But what about the program settings, unless I'm mistaken it looks like shooting in a pure manual mode has fallen out of favor. So while I'm learning do I leave the camera on P or chose either aperture or shutter priority depending on the situation.


macrumors regular
Aug 4, 2006
I'm learning as well and use generally manual mode. Dunno why, it's just the way I used my point and shoot as well. It all comes down to sam thing if you ask me though. My D200 shows which combination is the right exposure values, then I compose and shoot...

John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
...........So while I'm learning do I leave the camera on P or chose either aperture or shutter priority depending on the situation.
It all depends on what you want to do! When I started photography, you had to adjust the aperture, shutter speed and focus. Few cameras had built-in meters and so we used a separate one in order to calculate correct exposure (I've still got my Western Master IV!). Nowadays it's "auto everything" which removes most of the effort - all that's necessary is to frame the shot and press the shutter.

Technology is moving ahead at such a rate, I should imagine that the majority of todays budding photographers haven't a clue what happens when they press the shutter release! Having said that - why should they? As you say - "just leave the camera on P or chose either aperture or shutter priority depending on the situation" - and have fun!


macrumors regular
Aug 11, 2006
I just leave it on P most of the time, unless I'm shooting moving obects, then S, or I want a particular DOF then A. I'm no Pro, but I'm sure they wouldnt use M too much, unless they specifically want to overexpose/underexpose.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
I shoot manual 90% of the time. The only times I shoot in A or S mode is when the lighting is changing too quickly and I don't have my flash. I never shoot P mode.


macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2006
i have a d50 and personally I enjoy setting all the setting all th settings myself... it makes me feal like i own the picture more, the settings i dont like is the sports setting... It just doesn't fit my standareds :cool:
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