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macrumors 65816
Jun 24, 2010
I'm sure the + model will be the only one with the 256GB storage, Apple seem to be heading towards making that the flagship as much as possible, regardless of the fact people most likely buy one model or the other based on size preference.

I do hope at least that some of the new colour options such as blue and/or black turn out to be true because gold and pink already look so dated (and rather effeminate) while silver/grey are a little dull.

The blue looks good at least (if this is indeed real) -







Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
The surface also has expandable memory,

Just because i have the money doesn't mean im gonna spend it on something that isn't of value. Its called spending wisely, but you're a fanboy and will buy anything Apple makes.
LOL riiiight. I am a fanboy. If you will READ what I said... I just suggested that someone buy a variety of phones iOS and Android... that are a more budget friendly price.... if $100 is a big deal in their budget. It has nothing to do with loyalty to Apple.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2012
North Wales
But if your one of the 85% approx "normal size" iPhone owners and the 256GB is only for the plus your are going to be mighty disappointed, if you want a 256GB iPhone - assuming this article is correct.


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Thank the lord. Everyday is a struggle with my 16gb, deleting pictures, apps, etc is almost a daily occurrence. Nothing is worse than going somewhere and trying to capture an important moment, but not being able to take a video/picture (out of storage again!) because Apple had to be stingy with the memory.

Out of interest, why didnt you get an iPhone with more memory? On principle?

Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
Quotes like these ignore the possibility that someone may be on a budget. That budget could be self imposed or hard capped due to necessity.
If you would read my subsequent post you would see that I suggested alternatives to buying an expensive iPhone. Whether a budget is self imposed or due to financial hardship... it doesn't matter... if $100 will break the bank... you should not be considering such an expensive device to begin with. There are less expensive alternatives for you.


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2013
If $100 is going to make or break you, you really shouldn't be buying a $650+ cell phone...
But I thought everybody should be buying an iPhone, even people in much poorer countries like India or China? At least that's what I read from the topic saying marketshares of Android rises!


macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2012
Given the high price that Apple charges for flash, I think they should include the same amount of memory in the cloud for free, so all people will always have their device fully backed up (mirrored, from a device id), without hassle, iCloud-login or paying additional money.

That would be the Apple way - software and hardware integrated in a user friendly way.

People don't mind paying Apple premium, but they expect things to "just work".

I don't know, how many times I have heard people being confused with iCloud accounts, out of space popups, or that they lost all photos on their device. Seriosly, just mirror it, out of the box for free (unless you opt out). That would make the next phone a great product.

If people want more cloud storage than what is available on the device, let them signup for a plan etc.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Oct 15, 2012
But if your one of the 85% approx "normal size" iPhone owners and the 256GB is only for the plus your are going to be mighty disappointed, if you want a 256GB iPhone - assuming this article is correct.

You really think Apple ONLY sells 15 percent of the phones as Plus models? love my 6+, couldnt see myself going down to either the 4 or 4.7 inch screens again.


macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2010
64 GB really should be the base model if they want to compete with Android phones that have expandable storage. It should be 64, 128, and 256. And the pricing should not go up from what it is today.

I overheard a comical exchange a few months ago between the Apple Store "Genius" and an older lady who didn't understand why her 16 GB iPhone didn't have enough space to take more pictures. Apple really needs to do its retail and support employees a favor and stop putting them in the position to have to explain such things as often as they probably do.


Jan 10, 2012
Loved my 6+ so much that I got a 6s+ - both 128GB models. 6+ used on average 15-18GB. My 6s+ is my first phone to hit 20GB of used space. It's nice having the space.

That said, I don't think I'd get the 256GB... They usually make the Apple Update Plan payments so that it's only a few bucks more to get the top storage model (only reason why I have the 128GB).

Agreed, 16GB is too small. Even when I had my 5, 16GB - I had to work hard to keep it free (deleting Photos after uploading to Google Photos).


macrumors regular
Nov 22, 2012
People tend to forget that Apple is a business and not some fan pleasing startup. I don't understand this relentless rants about 16 gb base storages .

You expect apple to bump up the storage without price hikes amid slowing iPhone sales?

If 16gb is too small , get the bigger and pay a bit more . Otherwise there are many other options on the market like the SE or the endless sea of great android handsets

If any company came to macrumors for advise , they would fail miserabley as the nagging is unbelievabley continuous and frankly annoying .

I like apple and use most of their products , but if I feel they no longer fit me , I'll just get something else


macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2012
North Wales
You really think Apple ONLY sells 15 percent of the phones as Plus models? love my 6+, couldnt see myself going down to either the 4 or 4.7 inch screens again.

i read it was about that - 15 % maybe I'm wrong - please correct me.
ps I dont blame you for loving your plus its just too big for my requirements.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2016
Thank the lord. Everyday is a struggle with my 16gb, deleting pictures, apps, etc is almost a daily occurrence. Nothing is worse than going somewhere and trying to capture an important moment, but not being able to take a video/picture (out of storage again!) because Apple had to be stingy with the memory.
You mean YOU were stingy by not buying 64GB? But, in the new iOS coming apps will take less space, as Apple is now only downloading resources that are needed for that app. Pics and Music will take the same though!


Jan 10, 2012
You mean YOU were stingy by not buying 64GB? But, in the new iOS coming apps will take less space, as Apple is now only downloading resources that are needed for that app. Pics and Music will take the same though!

I was really hoping that they would do this in iOS 9, at least I think that was the rumor. I also look forward to this. 200MB for apps is kinda nuts, but I guess I'm getting old haha.

Highly recommend Google Photos and using the "free up space" option - I do this on my 128GB every few months just out of bad habit. lol.


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2011
El Segundo
256GB Storage Rumor Gaining Steam...

Yeah, and Apple will charge you through the nose for it? Will be interesting to see if this is a replacement capacity or a new level of capacity.
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macrumors regular
Nov 22, 2012
I am sure the shareholders will expect Apple to do this, before they start losing marketshare due to storage/cost issues.
You think that's important to share holders than profits , or you think shareholders have a clue ?

Every move these companies make is based on diagnostics and big data , trust me , they know waaaaay more than you and I combined


macrumors 65816
Jun 24, 2010
People tend to forget that Apple is a business and not some fan pleasing startup. I don't understand this relentless rants about 16 gb base storages .

You expect apple to bump up the storage without price hikes amid slowing iPhone sales?

If 16gb is too small , get the bigger and pay a bit more . Otherwise there are many other options on the market like the SE or the endless sea of great android handsets

If any company came to macrumors for advise , they would fail miserabley as the nagging is unbelievabley continuous and frankly annoying .

I like apple and use most of their products , but if I feel they no longer fit me , I'll just get something else

Because memory is cheap? It's long since these things cost a lot and Apple make huge margins on it, while that's great for their bottom line it's not so good for the consumer, but I can tell you don't care about that - what should concern Apple is that the competition are getting ever-better and offering a lot more for less, not just in features and specs but they've also caught up in the design stakes. Android has also come a long way in recent years while iOS is a lot less stable and intuitive than it used to be, if Apple gets too complacent it could really start to harm them.
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