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macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2008
What about oral sex, masterbation and fingering? Especially given some women don't orgasm from penile insertion directly. How could an intelligent designer have got that wrong?
Exactly. The fact a woman doesn't have to climax to conceive and vice versa disproves the concept that intercourse is purely for procreation. Also, if it is sinful to waste sperm then surely it should be sinful to not conceive every time a woman ovulates. All comes back to Christians AFTER Jesus trying to link sexual desire to sin.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Most of this is new-age nonsense so ill ignore it. Regarding Jesus and homosexuality though: Jesus is God. God made nature. That pretty much says it all about homosexuality. You don't even need to be religious to see the truth there.

Here's a thought: what is everyone were homosexual? if they are 'born that way' then its most definitely possible at some point right? So what if it happened? Would we search for a Cure or just call it a day as a species?

Keep in mind: I don't believe there is a cure for homosexuality as I think its an indulgence.

I used to know this one gay guy who would get younger dudes to come to his house and play straight porn to get them horny so he could try to take advantage of them. When I heard about it I thought "gee, if everyone is born a certain way how could he hope to convert any of them". Then I came to my senses and thought "oh, he's just a perv being a perv"

I don't get this view. Look at yourself. Have you ever been attracted to boys? No? And you've decided this is your choice and not who you happen to be? Try to imagine you grew up being attracted to boys. Would you try to fit in having lackluster relationships with the other sex, unhappy, but you made a choice to fit in or would you finally try to find happiness? The choice would be to deny who you are, not be who you are.

I'll acknowledge that experimentation may happen, but in the long run, you are who you are.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2008
So were it not for your moral fibre, you would be a homosexual too?
"I'm going to treat myself this week Dorris. Really indulge myself."

"What's that Ken? Going to get yourself one of those fancy new Apple Watches?"

"No, Dorris, this week I thought I'd treat myself to a bit of homosexuality."


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2014
New Jersey, United States
I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to grasp the concept that some people are simply not aroused by the opposite sex through no fault of their own.

It basically comes down to:
"Well, I don't feel any same sex attractions, so therefore it must be a choice for the people who do. And I'll use my religion as an excuse to hold onto my opinion that homosexuality is icky with as little public scrutiny as possible."

It's like despising the taste of cilantro and having other people tell you that you must have made the choice to dislike cilantro because they absolutely love it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2012
I don't mean to offend I simply told one story. I could tell many more of many different types of gay people some good some bad. I believe however that man and woman were created by God with the intention of children. It doesn't always work out that way but that is the ultimate intention of intimacy none the less, not to simply have orgasims. Since sex is no biggie and only takes place 1% of the time, would you mind giving it up? I know I would mind if you asked me the same with regards my wife. So maybe it's a bigger deal than you say?

You have it backwards. Man created God to attempt to explain things that it YET did not understand. Like "what make that boom noise", don't understand thunder, so let's make up God. there is no evidence that some mystical being created man with a specific purpose. We are just accidents of nature. Sorry to break the news. But your beliefs (which are more accurately described as superstitions) are obviously flawed and based on desert nomad superstitions from the Bronze Age, that likely were pounded into your head as a child and became inextricably mixed up with your "culture" and family and societal pressure to continue what is deemed as "normal". Time to move into modern times dude. Hence your backward and outdated views on homosexuality (which are just a part of the chemistry of the biological organisms called humans).

And why did so called all powerful God allow man to invent abortions, hysterectomies, vasectomies, the pill, etc if we were designed just to procreate by this alleged God being? So he's all powerful, but can't stop abortions or contraceptives or homosexuality-- poor dude. Sounds like this is a seriously flawed creator and not worthy of your worship, your money or your time.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2011
You have it backwards. Man created God to attempt to explain things that it YET did not understand. Like "what make that boom noise", don't understand thunder, so let's make up God. there is no evidence that some mystical being created man with a specific purpose. We are just accidents of nature. Sorry to break the news. But your beliefs (which are more accurately described as superstitions) are obviously flawed and based on desert nomad superstitions from the Bronze Age, that likely were pounded into your head as a child and became inextricably mixed up with your "culture" and family and societal pressure to continue what is deemed as "normal". Time to move into modern times dude. Hence your backward and outdated views on homosexuality (which are just a part of the chemistry of the biological organisms called humans).

And why did so called all powerful God allow man to invent abortions, hysterectomies, vasectomies, the pill, etc if we were designed just to procreate by this alleged God being? So he's all powerful, but can't stop abortions or contraceptives or homosexuality-- poor dude. Sounds like this is a seriously flawed creator and not worthy of your worship, your money or your time.

Can you show me your evidence that there isn't a God? Might help everyone change their mind.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2014
New Jersey, United States
Can you show me your evidence that there isn't a God? Might help everyone change their mind.

You can't prove a negative. The burden of proof would be on you. And If you're claiming that your imaginary friend is real, you better have some damn good evidence (and no, the bible isn't evidence).


Any evidence there is a god?

"Well, how did we all get here then?"

Or something tacky of that nature...


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Can you show me your evidence that there isn't a God? Might help everyone change their mind.

IIRC, most pagan religions pre-dated anything monotheistic, such as Christianity. Shamanism, Druids, and the Greek and Roman gods are right off the top of that list.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
IIRC, most pagan religions pre-dated anything monotheistic, such as Christianity. Shamanism, Druids, and the Greek and Roman gods are right off the top of that list.

And even the Bible is rather iffy on whether its God, Yahweh, is truly the only God, or merely the God of Israel.


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2012
Can you show me your evidence that there isn't a God? Might help everyone change their mind.

Should I show u no evidence of Thor or Apollo or Odin? Which God made up by man do you think is fiction and which do u think is real?

Your question is no different than asking Tolkien for evidence that hobbits aren't real. Just because the word religion is used, why do u accept magical writings as real? Cause people 2000 years ago said so? I made up the word pruiytgh. That word created everything. Okay, prove it didn't. See how silly religion and the whole God thing is now? Anyone can make up anything and say that made the world. Why would you go for myths written by Bronze Age people? Are u not educated?


Tacos. Boobs. Puppies.

That's evidence of evolution and natural selection. God is a poor mans excuse for I dunno how that got here.




"Well, how did we all get here then?"

Or something tacky of that nature...

Chemistry evolution and biology.


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2012
That still doesn't explain tacos.
Sure it does. Tacos are simply an extension of biology and natural selection, whereby man learned to create various delicacies to satisfy the biological urge to eat. I. E. Man created tacos.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2013
You can't prove a negative. The burden of proof would be on you. And If you're claiming that your imaginary friend is real, you better have some damn good evidence (and no, the bible isn't evidence).

This right here. This is where it all crumbles to dust.

The proof is not on us as we do not need to prove anything to you in order to believe what we believe.

In the end.. The truth will be the truth and there will only be 1 truth whether either of us believe it or not.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
This right here. This is where it all crumbles to dust.

The proof is not on us as we do not need to prove anything to you in order to believe what we believe.

In the end.. The truth will be the truth and there will only be 1 truth whether either of us believe it or not.

If that is so, then why even care what others do or who they marry?

And I really wish you would answer the question I asked a couple posts ago.

steve knight

macrumors 68030
Jan 28, 2009
This right here. This is where it all crumbles to dust.

The proof is not on us as we do not need to prove anything to you in order to believe what we believe.

In the end.. The truth will be the truth and there will only be 1 truth whether either of us believe it or not.

if you want to use your faith to rule others lives you better have proof. the sad part you don't even have to prove your faith to yourself to believe.
But hey when christians can agree on the version of the bible that is right or the passages or who is saved and who is not or even how they are saved. then we can start talking truth. truth requires proof and faith is not proof of truth. When no one can agree on the truth who is to say what is or is not the truth ?and would we know it if we did? Truth has to be past faith faith is individual and not something people share. no one has the same faith so saying your faith is truth is saying everyone else is not.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
Employer provided healthcare is part of your compensation. In other words, your own money. Even more so as employees contribute a portion of the healthcare premiums.

Based on that argument, all plans should have the same cost, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. They don't. In fact unions are still ticked that their "Cadillac" plans will be taxed in the future. So why should this one thing (4 types of morning after drugs) be decided by the government when other things
(deductibles, OOP and costs) are not. And yes I do know that there are limits to the OOP costs, but some plans have higher ones than others.) In fact, the BC mandate was not even part of the law, it was a regulation written by the DHHS.

Also, I am a male, why should my policy be forced to cover birth control?

Apparently, you plan to never marry, or have children?

Someone needs a lesson about the birds and the bees.

Considering that male sperm are a key reason behind the need for birth control, it seems like an odd question to ask.

Since this one comment garnered several responses, how about we change this to a woman over 50 who is in menopause.

Why does she need BC or maternity services?


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
Men pay for stuff only women need. Women pay for stuff only men need. It all evens out in the end. If you let people pick and choose every single thing they wanted coverage for, not only would it likely increase administrative costs, undoubtedly someone would decline coverage for something and then need it later.
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