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macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2003
It seems apple are keen to wait things out and get as much revenue from their products without bringing their technology to the masses immediately.

Yes, generally, it's accepted business practice to do that....:rolleyes:


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
I take it you make a habit of spending $200 for a $3 (or less) equipment upgrade? IMO, the fact that Apple doesn't even allow its customers to upgrade from Combo Drive to a Superdrive without buying a lot of other stuff they may have no interest in just about says it all.

Apple want to upsell you the better model. You can just buy an external DVD Burner for the base MacBook if you want to burn DVD's.


macrumors newbie
Feb 8, 2008

i'm torn between a high end macbook and a low end macbook Pro.

can the blackbook with 4GB RAM support advanced programs such as AutoCad?

Also...can the above mentioned blackbook play games such as call of duty 4 or battlefield: bad company?

(assume theyre available on mac :p)


about 20 mins til i buy one eheh


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2008
What a pity that there are no new designs.... I've been waiting for it for such a long time.... Anyway I have to consider the updated laptops.

Could anyone tell me if the new macbook "Intel GMA X3100 graphics processor with 144MB of DDR2 SDRAM shared with main memory" good enough to produce 3D models and renders? Some final quality is needed, for professional purposes.

Should I purchase a macbook pro instead, just because of that? And if so, is the 2.4/2.5GHz processor performance noticiable?

Thanks! :)


macrumors regular
Jun 8, 2006
ummm Macbook just got Penryn, which is a huge surprise (since it just got updated in November).

So again, Apple has made sure its Macbook and not just MBP has the latest CPU.

Very nice.

Stop complaining. MB just got Penryn at same time as MBP!!


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2008
I think if you look at the progress with the iPod and the iPhone and compare that with the design progress on the MBP my opinion is that the best designers don't have their hands on the MBP. What a shame, as a pro laptop is the bit of kit I'm most prepared to spent a hunk of cash on.

This keyboard is old, old, old! It's dusty!


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
ummm Macbook just got Penryn, which is a huge surprise (since it just got updated in November).

So again, Apple has made sure its Macbook and not just MBP has the latest CPU.

Very nice.

Stop complaining. MB just got Penryn at same time as MBP!!

Hear Hear!

Plus, 2Gb standard.

Larger hard discs, and people still complain.

MB are very well priced. Apple are walking a fine line for taking potential sales away from the MBP line.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2008
The Macbook is a great and beautiful computer if you do nothing except word process and use the internet, but the continued lack of a graphics card is a dealbreaker for me. I don't consider video cards a "professional" feature. I consider NOT HAVING video cards a bare bones way to skimp money... Does that mean I should have to get a $2500 power laptop? No. I want a mid-range, mid-price, consumer laptop that has a basic video card!

The 2.4 ghz chip is impressive, but unnecessary. Word processors and internet navigators don't need that power. I think that people who only need those basic things should be able to buy base-model laptops for $600, and people who do more computing (games, etc.) should be buying $1300 laptops with solid video cards. It's just too bad they still can't, even after this update.... Oh wait a minute! They can! From any other computer company in the world but Apple!

And to those who "don't understand" the complaining about a combo drive: It is upsetting to see an outdated technology used as a way to manipulate customers into paying more for a higher model. There is no cost savings in combo drives --DVD burners are practically free. They are using them 100% as a way to artificially differentiate their price points. The key word there is "artificially." It's even more upsetting how readily dedicated Apple fans applaud this move, simply because Apple can do no wrong. But they can do wrong. Leaving out basic technology as a form of manipulation is wrong. As a result, that $600 DVD burning laptop from Dell is looking even better vs the Apple competitor at twice the price with a 20th century CD burner...

I guess my main frustration is just the complete and total lack of a mid-range laptop from Apple. We have to pay $1300 just to start out with basic features in a consumer laptop, and that doesn't even have the capability to play games. I really don't want to have to get a Vista laptop, but Apple is making it hard for me :(. That $600 entry level Dell comes with a decent video card for only $100 more...

Post of the thread. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how anyone here can defend a combo drive in a $1100 laptop. I mean... really? It's 2008. DVD writers cost absolutely nothing, and if a machine has an optical drive, DVD-writing should absolutely be standard. I shouldn't HAVE to look beyond the cheapest model (cheapest relative to the rest of apples line, not to other laptops).

And although this is my 1st post here, Ive followed this site for a long time, and have been an even-longer time apple fan. I love their products, but lately many of their decisions have been frankly disappointing, and almost spiteful and insulting towards the consumer.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Post of the thread. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how anyone here can defend a combo drive in a $1100 laptop. I mean... really? It's 2008. DVD writers cost absolutely nothing, and if a machine has an optical drive, DVD-writing should absolutely be standard. I shouldn't HAVE to look beyond the cheapest model (cheapest relative to the rest of apples line, not to other laptops).

You are right and have been for a while, the problem is that people complain about this every single time Apple upgrade the MacBook. Its just a little old now :).


macrumors 68020
Jan 3, 2006
That means the difference for Apple is less than $5.00. There is absolutely no reason to skimp on the optical drive when the price difference is so miniscule.

What gives, Apple? It doesn't matter if peope don't use it. It was old technology half a decade ago. Hell, my 6-year-old iMac can write DVDs. There is no excuse for hardware like that. It's insulting, actually.
I agree. During the last refresh, it was barely acceptable, but now I don't see any Windows laptops, even the ones sold for $500, with just a combo drive. This is a very pathetic attempt to get you to buy the $200 more expensive laptop if you need a DVD writer. I am going to be in the market over the summer for a laptop for my parents, but I am not paying $1300 just for Superdrive. I guess they will stay in Windows world.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2008
Oh, and enough with the 2GB 'standard'. Has the definition of standard changed, and I didnt get the memo? The $1100 model still has 1GB. Thats not called standard.

Another thing that irks me is apple's decision to use the multitouch as a differentiating factor between the 2 lines- as if they arent differentiated enough already. Multitouch should become synonymous with Apple and their products, and I think its a big mistake not to make it ubiquitous.


macrumors 65816
Feb 28, 2007
I'm surprised more people aren't upset over the lack of a backlite keyboard. I sure am. I don't need the power of a MBP, nor multitouch, but I like seeing the keyboard in the dark.

I thought for sure Apple would FINALLY add this to the MB. If it had it, it would be the perfect laptop for many.


Yeah LED back light was one of the key things I had hoped for and also the lit keybd. But I wonder if Apple will ever have a MB lit keybd other than the Pro?

Sure would of liked the multi touch pad.

Oh well I will continue to wait. Overall not too bad of an update.

Oh thought that an extra $20 for the remote was a rip. Don't like the nickel and dime us for everything. What's next? They gonna charge us additional for the shipping box? :D

Oh well! Seems to be the way all things are going now a days! :(


macrumors 68030
Apr 7, 2007
I agree. During the last refresh, it was barely acceptable, but now I don't see any Windows laptops, even the ones sold for $500, with just a combo drive. This is a very pathetic attempt to get you to buy the $200 more expensive laptop if you need a DVD writer. I am going to be in the market over the summer for a laptop for my parents, but I am not paying $1300 just for Superdrive. I guess they will stay in Windows world.

I guess it sucks to be your parents then.


macrumors 65816
Feb 28, 2007
Dude this could be the ganja speaking but I never noticed how much notebook hard drives went up in space man. I got my iBook in '03 with 20gb and even my iMac from 1yr ago has only 120gb.. Now the macbook has 250gb.. Maybe ill get one when I start at school for graphic design

Take another hit on that ganja and the next thing ya know holographic drives will be standard while you buzz away your life!--))) :D


macrumors newbie
Feb 8, 2008
Q: my mum's a teacher...

what would work out cheaper:

- buying it under her name so she can redeem it in tax stuff
- buying it under my name so i can get the $199 ipod rebate



macrumors newbie
Aug 19, 2007
Post of the Thread

The Macbook is a great and beautiful computer if you do nothing except word process and use the internet, but the continued lack of a graphics card is a dealbreaker for me. I don't consider video cards a "professional" feature. I consider NOT HAVING video cards a bare bones way to skimp money... Does that mean I should have to get a $2500 power laptop? No. I want a mid-range, mid-price, consumer laptop that has a basic video card!

The 2.4 ghz chip is impressive, but unnecessary. Word processors and internet navigators don't need that power. I think that people who only need those basic things should be able to buy base-model laptops for $600, and people who do more computing (games, etc.) should be buying $1300 laptops with solid video cards. It's just too bad they still can't, even after this update.... Oh wait a minute! They can! From any other computer company in the world but Apple!

And to those who "don't understand" the complaining about a combo drive: It is upsetting to see an outdated technology used as a way to manipulate customers into paying more for a higher model. There is no cost savings in combo drives --DVD burners are practically free. They are using them 100% as a way to artificially differentiate their price points. The key word there is "artificially." It's even more upsetting how readily dedicated Apple fans applaud this move, simply because Apple can do no wrong. But they can do wrong. Leaving out basic technology as a form of manipulation is wrong. As a result, that $600 DVD burning laptop from Dell is looking even better vs the Apple competitor at twice the price with a 20th century CD burner...

I guess my main frustration is just the complete and total lack of a mid-range laptop from Apple. We have to pay $1300 just to start out with basic features in a consumer laptop, and that doesn't even have the capability to play games. I really don't want to have to get a Vista laptop, but Apple is making it hard for me :(. That $600 entry level Dell comes with a decent video card for only $100 more...

This is seriously the post of the thread. Apple plays a cunning game with consumers between the base and mid-range Macbook. They have fooled people into thinking that the component differences between the two are worth the price difference.

Thus, anyone who wants a Superdrive in the $1099 Macbook is immediately shouted down with the claim that this addition would raise prices; after all the more expensive model has the Superdrive so the drive itself must cost at least a hundred more.

In reality, nothing is farther from the truth. All adding a Superdrive to the $1099 model would accomplish is the lowering of Apple's very high profit margin. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple was making a 10-20% margin on these machines.

What's even more unsettling is the fact the combo drive and Superdrive are probably the exact same thing. The manufacturer just disables the DVD burning functions per Apple's request. After the update, I visited the Dell website and found machines that cost half the Macbook's price with a DVD burner.


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
Hey, the minute I buy a new laptop, a few weeks later a new one comes out. I should keep buying! :D LOL. I'm kind of cheesed in a way but I'm happy with what I have


macrumors member
May 24, 2006
Derka derka stan
The Charlotte NC Apple Store said they will charge the restocking fee for an opened box, so I'll keep the one I bought Saturday.

I guess i will not open mine.

My order is a replacement of my second generation macbook. They are supposed to ship my computer after i send them my current computer. I sent an email to the customer service specialist that is replacing my computer to see if i can get an upgraded macbook. Lets hope he says sure :/


macrumors 68020
Jan 7, 2007
Nunya, Business TX
2008 combo drive lol wow

Anyway... do you have an issue with the existence of a combo drive model, or the price of the SuperDrive model? Because I could do without the drive altogether. If there was only ever a $1299 SD model with a -$149 Combo "downgrade" I'd bet there'd be less whining.

PS I have no idea what that edit message is about. o_O


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2008
I agree. During the last refresh, it was barely acceptable, but now I don't see any Windows laptops, even the ones sold for $500, with just a combo drive. This is a very pathetic attempt to get you to buy the $200 more expensive laptop if you need a DVD writer. I am going to be in the market over the summer for a laptop for my parents, but I am not paying $1300 just for Superdrive. I guess they will stay in Windows world.

Even the so called "Superdrive" is hardly a super drive. Common, it just has a max. reading speed of 8x, it's slow at recognizing discs and it's loud as well! I would prefer the 2.1GHz MB because I don't want the additional heat of the 2.4GHz model and I prefer a longer lasting battery. Unfortunately Apple doesn't want me to configure a 2.1GHz CPU with their super "8x" burner.

!¡ V ¡!

macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2007
Anyway... do you have an issue with the existence of a combo drive model, or the price of the SuperDrive model? Because I could do without the drive altogether. If there was only ever a $1299 SD model with a -$149 Combo "downgrade" I'd bet there'd be less whining.

You are describing the MacBook Air. ;)
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