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macrumors member
May 16, 2007
I guess my biggest question is will my credit card be charged for this beta period???


macrumors G3
Aug 29, 2008
I'm also having the problem that only 700 or so songs out of 4000 got matched and it wanted to upload the other 3,000 or so songs. :eek:

Keep in mind that most of these are in Lossless format too, so that's a **** ton of GBs to upload. Of course, this is a beta so I see that others are having similar problems.

However, another problem that I had was that my Mac Mini was on fire when it was scanning and matching my iTunes library, this thing got ridiculous hot. So I ended up stopping the process when it decided to upload the remaining songs. Did anyone else have this problem and if so, why in the world would that make the Mac Mini overheat so much? Specially since the music files are on an external hard drive.

I doubt it, if you are using the redemption code.


macrumors 68040
Jul 30, 2007
My iTunes match finished with the last update, but after turning it on on my iphone, the music app shows the cloud with spinning circle for a few seconds before going back to the 'no music' screen. What am i doing wrong here? Dev forums don't seem to mention this at all

I think you need to perform a physical sync with your computer that has iTunes beta 8 installed.


macrumors newbie
Sep 3, 2011
I don't think it's actually uploading all those songs though. If it did the upload speed on my fios is blazing fast because it went through 20K song in about 2 hours. I noticed that some songs it said it was uploading went super fast and when I downloaded them they were actually Matched. The songs that took longer to upload were actually uploaded copies it didn't match. I seem to be one of the luckier ones though, because it's matched about 90 percent of my music not counting the songs it uploaded when the beta first opened a few weeks ago (those I guess have to wait til they delete my library because there's no way to rescan them). Match has also matched some pretty obscure b-sides and non-album tracks that aren't available on the US store, so it must pick up from foreign Itunes stores too. The big annoyance I have right now is that anything matched that I download it sends twice. Once to replace the file and another that shows in my purchased tracks (I checked, there are 2 copies of the same file in my library). I'm not charged for the "purchased tracks", so that's good and I'm sure it will be fixed soon.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2003
Subscriber rate will be huge

It appears that anyone who has composed songs with GarageBand, saved recorded notes or ripped indie CDs will have to pay the subscription fee. Who is exempt from all three categories?


macrumors newbie
Sep 10, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A5313e Safari/7534.48.3)

ct2k7 said:
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A5313e Safari/7534.48.3)

But it doesn't work if no credit xard on file??

I'm not sure, have you tried? I can't, because I'm not a US developer.

I have. I put the code in but it goes no further. It seems to want that cc info..


macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2008
Yes I am very meticulous about my tags. Its interesting though. on my iPad/iPhone it already shows that all 6795 are there but only the 900 or so can be played. Its cool too that all of the playlists that are in your iTunes library show up on the device.

I suspect the match only works well if you import a CD, and when doing so let iTunes detect and download the track information. If you enter the tags yourself, I would expect they would not match.

Consider that you could make 1000 copies of the same song, then enter whatever track information you want and have iTunes match stream you 1000 songs you don't own. Apple and the record execs would never allow that.

It might not rely on metadata at all, and instead use technology similar to Shazam to identify the song.

I would like to see a feature that allows me to disable uploading of songs it can't identify, or better yet allow me to select them manually. Maybe that will happen at some point.


macrumors regular
May 1, 2008
As far as I've read in a couple of forums, you actually need to have a valid credit card on file and then and only then, they charge your iTunes account credit... As mentioned in iTunes, the credit card provided will be used for annual automatic renewals of the service, so I guess that's why they ask it by default... I am having the same problem as I have sufficient credit on my account by gift cards, but no credit card to input :(


Nov 26, 2007
Same here - looks like they locked out all people outside of the US as most of us won't have a USA credit card. It's a US service, so we can't really complain though ;-).
Maybe there are CC proxy like there there are network proxy ?

As far as I've read in a couple of forums, you actually need to have a valid credit card on file and then and only then, they charge your iTunes account credit... As mentioned in iTunes, the credit card provided will be used for annual automatic renewals of the service, so I guess that's why they ask it by default... I am having the same problem as I have sufficient credit on my account by gift cards, but no credit card to input :(


macrumors newbie
May 20, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

To clear things up:
-The whole point of 'matching' is so you don't have to actually upload your music. It identifies songs based on some combination of metadata and sound waveform and 'adds' the iTunes matched version to your cloud collection.
-If Apple is smart at all, they would not waste server bandwidth and power by having you upload your lossless music, the unidentified music will be converted to 256 Kbps AAC on your computer THEN uploaded.


Nov 25, 2005
I don't mind spending the $ during the dev program, but does anyone actually have this working full force? All I see is problems with it, and no sense spending more cash for a beta non working service.

I'll explain it: The idea is that you, as a developer, who wants to make money from Apple's services, use the beta service to help Apple find problems in the service so that they get fixed before general consumers use the service.


macrumors 68040
Feb 22, 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
It's a US service, so we can't really complain though ;-)

Well the thing we could complain about is that Apple is not really fast with adding other countries to their licensed countries list. Take for example iTunes movie content. This has been around for what, five years? It's still missing in a large part of the world.
The Dutch iTunes movie content is still MIA. I know we represent a tiny market compared to the US, UK and german speaking region, but it shouldn't be that hard to focus part of the effort on including smaller regions in negotiations with providers.

I do not have any confidence that I will be using iTunes match anytime soon. :mad:


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2009
So, I am a huge DMB fan and I have several of their Live Trax albums ripped into iTunes. In a couple of cases, different live versions of the same songs are on multiple albums. So how does the matching work? Can the program differentiate between different versions of live songs from different albums? Does it just do it's scan and say "oh that's #41, we have a match for that" and play a different live version than what I have, or worst still a studio cut?

Thanks for any help info testers of this system can provide.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2010
I really like the idea behind Match but fear that out of my 24,000 songs less than 30% will be in the iTunes store

Meaning a massive ball ache of uploading 200+gigs of music


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2007
Land of the Free-Waiting for Term Limits
I'll explain it: The idea is that you, as a developer, who wants to make money from Apple's services, use the beta service to help Apple find problems in the service so that they get fixed before general consumers use the service.

Yes I am aware of the beta process and the need to assist apple with the unreleased services. Yet, the initial response to the particular beta comes with many not even being allowed to test it due to failed attempts or hours of trying.
Just saying that our dev accounts maybe should cover the beta process, with apple not needing another 30$ to land for our testing on their behalf.

Not saying its a big deal, just thinking out loud.


macrumors 65816
May 8, 2006
San Diego
I'm also having the problem that only 700 or so songs out of 4000 got matched and it wanted to upload the other 3,000 or so songs. :eek:

Keep in mind that most of these are in Lossless format too, so that's a **** ton of GBs to upload. Of course, this is a beta so I see that others are having similar problems.

However, another problem that I had was that my Mac Mini was on fire when it was scanning and matching my iTunes library, this thing got ridiculous hot. So I ended up stopping the process when it decided to upload the remaining songs. Did anyone else have this problem and if so, why in the world would that make the Mac Mini overheat so much? Specially since the music files are on an external hard drive.
You must have been uploading Disco Inferno. Delete that song and you should be good to go!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2011
They will charge your card now, at first it only found 2/3 of my songs but after multiple scans I think it eventually found more. I'm not sure tho I didn't watch it for the past week or so to see what it was uploading. Looks like there are all there on my iPad. One thing I don't like it how the songs you already had syned to the device are deleted. I wanted those to stay and just use the match when I want to hear a song that I had not synced. Now if I am not on wifi I'm out of luck when I want to hear a song on match unless I previously listened to it.


macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2008
I think you need to perform a physical sync with your computer that has iTunes beta 8 installed.

I didn't have to. But, I did go to settings->Music and turn on iTunes match, and enter my iTunes account information. I started to see some music before the match was completed.


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2009
Just so everyone knows, my dev account and regular iTunes account are different, and I signed up using my non dev account just fine.


macrumors regular
Aug 24, 2008
Does this actually upgrade the music files on your computer or just for streaming? What is stopping someone from signing up, upgrading all their music and then canceling the service? :confused:


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
Does this actually upgrade the music files on your computer or just for streaming?
It upgrades the music on your device/computer.

What is stopping someone from signing up, upgrading all their music and then canceling the service? :confused:
Other than the dirt cheap price for a year of service you wouldn't have access to all your music wherever you are. That's the entire point of iTunes Match.
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