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macrumors 65816
Feb 21, 2007
They're all worthless really well I hear better things with verizon so maybe go with that but all cell phone carriers are working in the same boat, pretty corrupt if you ask me.

That won't work (GSM phone on a CDMA network). The only other national US carrier is T-Mobile. Do any of the smaller carriers use GSM?


macrumors newbie
Oct 16, 2008
I cant wait for the MMS commercials to start rolling out
they are going to feature that MMS is innovative on the iPhone :rolleyes:

Well that sucks for me I own a 2G iPhone but i seriously don't care that's why i use e-mail instead
cant wait for my contract to end on November so i can Fully Unlock my phone and use it on another carrier


macrumors member
Jun 16, 2008
New Hampshire Seacoast
MMS is great, but not if I still have 'No Service'

Hey AT&T, Can you please fix your network so I can make phone calls and access the 3G network? I get 'No service' at my new address... and when i emailed you, you said I was lying. When is the iPhone coming to Verizon? Hurry, Please...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2007
Austin, TX
I haven't read through all the comments, but does anyone find this whole "MMS will choke the system" argument to be idiotic? MMS is going to account for so much less data than normal web usage does now.. I can't believe they've taken so long. :mad:


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
I want MMs. FWIW, peanut.

...peanut? :confused:

And yes, I realize I'm in the minority here, but I've got a phone that's getting 1/9 of what AT&T's network is theoretically capable of and 1/18 of what the phone is capable of. So you'll excuse me if I'm not thrilled that AT&T is about to introduce a service that chokes that bandwidth even further (let's see if we can get back to EDGE speeds so I can just give up and turn off the 3G entirely! that'll be fun!)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2008
I email photos all the time and they look great. MMS is just low quality images. Why does everyone have their panties in a bunch over this ancient functionality that is out of date by 4 years?

Because a majority of my friends do not have smartphones, and occasionally send me a picture of something interesting or funny, which never makes it to my phone, nor does a notification. hasn't worked since I got my 3Gs, so people are sending me messages that I'm not getting and wondering why I don't respond.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
I haven't read through all the comments, but does anyone find this whole "MMS will choke the system" argument to be idiotic? MMS is going to account for so much less data than normal web usage does now.. I can't believe they've taken so long. :mad:

Yes, but MMS is not going to replace normal web usage, it's going to supplement it. It's just added strain on an already badly strained network. Moreover, while most people think of MMS as just sending a pic you took with your phone's camera, it could be used to send other image, audio, or video files, and those are not small amounts of data.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
i think i'm going to call up and tell them I'll pay my bill by the end of summer and see how that goes.

Funny but my response would be ...

Dear Delusional, try it and let us know how that works out for you. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2007
Hudson MA
Avoid ETF ?

Me: I purchased an iPhone 3GS knowing that I would be able to send MMS by the end of the summer, but I still don't have it.
AT&T rep : We will be rolling out MMS on 25th September.
ME: Oh, summer ends on Sept 22nd. I would like to cancel my contract then.....

Anyone with me on this ?


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2009
I email photos all the time and they look great. MMS is just low quality images. Why does everyone have their panties in a bunch over this ancient functionality that is out of date by 4 years?

Because they have nothing better to do with their time then bitch about AT&T, tethering, MMS, smudges on their phones, Apple's app store, etc.

Unspoken Demise

macrumors 68040
Apr 16, 2009
Me: I purchased an iPhone 3GS knowing that I would be able to send MMS by the end of the summer, but I still don't have it.
AT&T rep : We will be rolling out MMS on 25th September.
ME: Oh, summer ends on Sept 22nd. I would like to cancel my contract then.....

Anyone with me on this ?
I hate to say this, but he does kind of have a point. The contract is a 2 way street.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2009
Ok wonderful, now where is my tethering?


Not that it would have helped me much out west in the US. I don't know about anyone else, but the 3G/Edge data service in Las Vegas, NV was absolutely atrocious! Though voice service seemed ok, and I always had indication of strong signals, I was lucky if I could send or receive data 1/4 of the time I spent there recently on vacation.

By the way, 2 different, 3G family iPhones both exhibited the exact same awful data services out there. The phones worked fine back home here in New England. :( It seems to me AT&T has a long way to go before they can be touted as a serious data network provider.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Me: I purchased an iPhone 3GS knowing that I would be able to send MMS by the end of the summer, but I still don't have it.
AT&T rep : We will be rolling out MMS on 25th September.
ME: Oh, summer ends on Sept 22nd. I would like to cancel my contract then.....

Anyone with me on this ?

I hate to say this, but he does kind of have a point. The contract is a 2 way street.

Whether he has a point or not I seriously think it's stupid to take 3 days and figure you're going to run with it. This is similar to saying a cup of hot coffee burned your mouth and you're damaged by the millions.

Frankly there is a date, it will be here, and hopefully that makes these people **** about it.

Wait until it is out and it fails ... at least then you'll have something to whine about.


macrumors 68000
Jun 27, 2008
Because a majority of my friends do not have smartphones, and occasionally send me a picture of something interesting or funny, which never makes it to my phone, nor does a notification. hasn't worked since I got my 3Gs, so people are sending me messages that I'm not getting and wondering why I don't respond.

If they are your friends, shouldn't they know that the iPhone doesn't get MMS? :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2009
Cool, but I almost wish they just did it w/out giving any warning. Every couple days I would think "Maybe if I check now it'll be on," knowing that eventually I'd be pleasently surprised. Now we know we have to wait 3 weeks for this to happen.

MMS isn't even that big of a deal to me (I could probably count on both hands how many pix messages I've sent in my cell phone-using life), but now the wait is gonna have me twitching...

Unspoken Demise

macrumors 68040
Apr 16, 2009
Whether he has a point or not I seriously think it's stupid to take 3 days and figure you're going to run with it. This is similar to saying a cup of hot coffee burned your mouth and you're damaged by the millions.

Frankly there is a date, it will be here, and hopefully that makes these people **** about it.

Wait until it is out and it fails ... at least then you'll have something to whine about.
Didnt say I agreed with him. However, I can see there being many people with this mindset, and it is somewhat justified. If they say late summer, you paid for a phone to have that by late summer, and it is not summer when it gets released, that is false advertising.
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