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macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2012
Totally agree. I finally got my hands on the new iPad this past weekend and I did not notice a heat issue. Further,

Wired Also Tests Heat of New iPad, Finds It Middle of Tablet Road

"The third-generation iPad reached just 94 degrees Fahrenheit in its hottest rear chassis location (slightly below, and to the right of, the Apple logo when the tablet is held in portrait mode). Ninety-four degrees is not an uncomfortable temperature in one’s hands, and it’s also well short of the alarming 116 degrees publicized by Consumer Reports,"

hehe yep. you can't blame CR, they wanted their hits and they got it (and roped in a few people into screaming the world is ending too!) but it was pretty obvious from the get go that this was a non-issue to everyone but the haters :D

I still contend that the not charging thing is an issue, that Apple should try to fix if possible, but the heat thing was laughable from the start!


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2011
So where's your data then, chief?


Oh yeah, that's what I thought.

I've routinely pointed out that Apple commercials themselves were what I was pointing to. And other's on this forum have posted their data for not charging. But once again, you'll just think what you want, say my "opinion" is "retarded", and move along. Whatever makes you happy. If you want to have the delusion of the Apple cult following, then so be it.


Not even close! Did you or anyone else read the article? The OP especially?

They aren't even using the same game. They didn't reproduce anything - they did their own test, which might be valid depending on how the game utilizes the GPUs and CPUs. They don't even tell you where they measured the temperature "on the back". It's a big device for point-temperature measurements.

At the very least they could have tried to reproduce the test CR did and that would have either told us they have a few bad iPads out there, or they have a problem...

Where is the science anymore these days? Logic and brain use are out the window...

My data? You're the one making the claims that the new ipad can't do the things Apple markets it to do, the burden of proof is on you. You're the one saying these problems are real world. I'm saying they're not. My data is the lack of evidence that supports your data. In other words, the millions of ipads out there that aren't turning them selves off because the battery died while plugged in.

I have several million examples. What do you have?

Thinking for yourself might sound good and well, but what good is it when you're always wrong? Like I said, think harder. Or better yet, just stop posting because you're just sounding ridiculous now.


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2009
"City of Lakes", MN
hehe yep. you can't blame CR, they wanted their hits and they got it (and roped in a few people into screaming the world is ending too!) but it was pretty obvious from the get go that this was a non-issue to everyone but the haters :D

What's funny is that the haters are having less and less to grasp at these days. Apple is now the most valuable U.S. company, makes the best tablet, makes the best phone, makes the best laptops, makes the best hardware and software. Yup, the haters have to jump on any crumbs they can find.


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2010
So CRs test is the standard for testing these things? Why do they have to duplicate CR's test? CR's test required playing a graphic intensive game for like 5 hours straight plugged in or something didn't it? hehe, sorry, I know you want that to be the normal use conditions of the iPad so you can get your point across, but its not! :D

FAIL. You clearly didn't read anything, nor understand how science works. Why are you commenting when you can't even grasp basic concepts of repeatability and knowing your facts? When you take a look at the article that started all of this, then you can comment. Until then, I'm done feeding you troll bait.

Further CR themselves have made a follow up where they say:

So again, it's an overblown non-issue that was clickbait which worked for CR. While you were busy yelling about apple sheep, you failed to realize that you were becoming a CR sheep! hehe :D

And once again, I'm done speaking to someone who uses "non-issue". Just because it's not an issue to you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Get a grip.


hehe yep. you can't blame CR, they wanted their hits and they got it (and roped in a few people into screaming the world is ending too!) but it was pretty obvious from the get go that this was a non-issue to everyone but the haters :D

I still contend that the not charging thing is an issue, that Apple should try to fix if possible, but the heat thing was laughable from the start!

Oh, and here the real cult argument comes out. The "haters". Because unless you drink the kool-aid and don't find anything wrong with it, you're a hater. :rolleyes:


My data? You're the one making the claims that the new ipad can't do the things Apple markets it to do, the burden of proof is on you. You're the one saying these problems are real world. I'm saying they're not. My data is the lack of evidence that supports your data. In other words, the millions of ipads out there that aren't turning them selves off because the battery died while plugged in.

I have several million examples. What do you have?

Thinking for yourself might sound good and well, but what good is it when you're always wrong? Like I said, think harder. Or better yet, just stop posting because you're just sounding ridiculous now.

Yes, YOUR data to back up YOUR claims. And first, show me where I said it "can't" do it? I never said that. I said that by doing it, it presents with a problem, to include overheating and not charging. But nowhere did I ever say id couldn't do it. So back to my point of "reading what you want to".

And no, you don't have millions of data points. A data point does not exist simply because no one has found it yet. You'd know this if you had an inkling of ability to do scientific research and logical thought.

I have direct proof that iPads heat up, and direct proof that they don't charge while on the charger, being used.

You have... people that haven't posted about the problem yet, so you don't know if there is a problem, if they haven't noticed it, or if they just don't use the thing for more than e-mail? FAIL.


What's funny is that the haters are having less and less to grasp at these days. Apple is now the most valuable U.S. company, makes the best tablet, makes the best phone, makes the best laptops, makes the best hardware and software. Yup, the haters have to jump on any crumbs they can find.

Obviously only the kool-aid drinkers are now on this thread, so I'm done with them.

I'm sure any replies to my last couple of posts will go unanswered and be the basis for you "winning" the argument.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2011
FAIL. You clearly didn't read anything, nor understand how science works. Why are you commenting when you can't even grasp basic concepts of repeatability and knowing your facts? When you take a look at the article that started all of this, then you can comment. Until then, I'm done feeding you troll bait.

And once again, I'm done speaking to someone who uses "non-issue". Just because it's not an issue to you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Get a grip.


Oh, and here the real cult argument comes out. The "haters". Because unless you drink the kool-aid and don't find anything wrong with it, you're a hater. :rolleyes:


Yes, YOUR data to back up YOUR claims. And first, show me where I said it "can't" do it? I never said that. I said that by doing it, it presents with a problem, to include overheating and not charging. But nowhere did I ever say id couldn't do it. So back to my point of "reading what you want to".

And no, you don't have millions of data points. A data point does not exist simply because no one has found it yet. You'd know this if you had an inkling of ability to do scientific research and logical thought.

I have direct proof that iPads heat up, and direct proof that they don't charge while on the charger, being used.

You have... people that haven't posted about the problem yet, so you don't know if there is a problem, if they haven't noticed it, or if they just don't use the thing for more than e-mail? FAIL.


Obviously only the kool-aid drinkers are now on this thread, so I'm done with them.

I'm sure any replies to my last couple of posts will go unanswered and be the basis for you "winning" the argument.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Yeah that's what I said several posts above... Millions of them out there and you STILL can't prove it's a real world issue. Real world means it exists and people experience it and issue means it actually causes a problem

Furhtermore, there's a difference between overheating and running warmer. This just proves your ignorance and thus is not surprising you think a there's an issue despite millions of examples to the contrary. So please don't pretend you're some kind of research god when you lack the ability to differentiate between such elementary concepts.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 19, 2010
Who cares? They're not meant to be used on their chargers anyways. Charge them every night if you're a heavy user, and you'll be fine. Just like the iPhone in 95% of cases. If you're really draining the thing out in a day, then plug it in for part of the day, and it won't drain out all the way by the end of the day.


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2012
There is no perfect thing in the world. All we need to do is nothing but waiting for the solution.


macrumors 68030
Jan 19, 2006
I think Consumer Reports must use Blonds to do their testing.
Blonds always manage to find ways of making technology go wrong in ways that can't be duplicated in non-blond hands.


Yeah. Like letting your iPhone 4 rest against the palm of your hand while you're holding it up to your ear. Ha! Stupid blondes! Don't you know there's a super sensitive antenna like RIGHT THERE?

And the iPad 3 doesn't get that hot. It's just...ow. Sorry. Just felt my sperm count drop. Should've know better than to put my new iPad on my lap.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2008
Here is the problem I'm having. Even when my iPad is plugged into the effing wall, using the effing charger that came with effing thing the battery still drains.Weird but whatever. Now, here is what really pissed me off. My iPad shut down on in order to recharge. So even with the damn unit plugged in, I still can't use my iPad until it has charged up to a certain percent.
That is full blown BS!


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2002
Here is the problem I'm having. Even when my iPad is plugged into the effing wall, using the effing charger that came with effing thing the battery still drains.Weird but whatever. Now, here is what really pissed me off. My iPad shut down on in order to recharge. So even with the damn unit plugged in, I still can't use my iPad until it has charged up to a certain percent.
That is full blown BS!

I had a similar problem, as you can see from my posts earlier in this thread. Wasn't quite as bad – I was just charging very slowly.

For me, the resolution was fully cycling the battery a couple of times, and turning the brightness down a little bit from 100%. My problem went away.

As for not being able to use the iPad until it has charged up to a certain percent – that's completely normal, and iPhones work the same way. The device has to preserve a certain amount of charge in order to do housekeeping when the battery is very low.


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
It's threads like this that prove the majority of whiners here aren't geeks or nerds, they are either Apple apologists or anti-Apple apologists.

Actual geeks and nerds would understand how electricity works (and Lipo batteries), at least enough to discuss it rationally.

Obviously, that isn't the case with the anti-Apple crowd in this thread. Just throw logic and science out the window, and what do we have left?

"Apple is bad!" :rolleyes:x1billion


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2010
Yeah that's what I said several posts above... Millions of them out there and you STILL can't prove it's a real world issue. Real world means it exists and people experience it and issue means it actually causes a problem

Furhtermore, there's a difference between overheating and running warmer. This just proves your ignorance and thus is not surprising you think a there's an issue despite millions of examples to the contrary. So please don't pretend you're some kind of research god when you lack the ability to differentiate between such elementary concepts.

First of all, stop with the attitude. It gets you no where in life.

Second, you still can't prove it's not a real-world issue. People have reported it, so it obviously is an issue.

Finally, I should have never said overheating. I should have said running hot. It does not mean I can't differentiate between the two.

Since you want to continue to have personal insults, I will be done speaking with you. It's very apparent you're someone who still needs more life experience in dealing with people who think differently than you do. Learn some respect, or, as you stated, just stop posting. It only makes you look bad.


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2010
It's threads like this that prove the majority of whiners here aren't geeks or nerds, they are either Apple apologists or anti-Apple apologists.

Actual geeks and nerds would understand how electricity works (and Lipo batteries), at least enough to discuss it rationally.

Obviously, that isn't the case with the anti-Apple crowd in this thread. Just throw logic and science out the window, and what do we have left?

"Apple is bad!" :rolleyes:x1billion

So now we know which camp you live in. Thanks for letting us know.


macrumors regular
Apr 26, 2005
It's threads like this that prove the majority of whiners here aren't geeks or nerds, they are either Apple apologists or anti-Apple apologists.

Actual geeks and nerds would understand how electricity works (and Lipo batteries), at least enough to discuss it rationally.

Obviously, that isn't the case with the anti-Apple crowd in this thread. Just throw logic and science out the window, and what do we have left?

"Apple is bad!" :rolleyes:x1billion

lol... This is why I liked it better when Apple wasn't so popular... only people that "get it" bought them... They raise the bar so high that people expect perfection and gratification of every want they have..... reality no much of a player here.... I'm in manufacturing and am amazed at the physical quality of apple products.... I'm also in software, and that's not so perfect, but still better than anybody else....


macrumors 603
Dec 14, 2007
lol... This is why I liked it better when Apple wasn't so popular... only people that "get it" bought them... They raise the bar so high that people expect perfection and gratification of every want they have..... reality no much of a player here.... I'm in manufacturing and am amazed at the physical quality of apple products.... I'm also in software, and that's not so perfect, but still better than anybody else....

The hobbyist industry for apple is dead. Apple is mainstream. When hard earned dollars are spent on expensive electronics is not unreasonable for consumers to expect things work right. Perfection is part of the equation.


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2010
The hobbyist industry for apple is dead. Apple is mainstream. When hard earned dollars are spent on expensive electronics is not unreasonable for consumers to expect things work right. Perfection is part of the equation.

I don't even really expect perfection. But I do expect the simple things to work right.

Why is it that the speakerphone for the iPhone 4 is unusable? The lack of loudness is unacceptable.

How about for Mail? Why is there no way to have the app resync to the server to download a mail message? I cannot tell you how many times I have received the message that the message has not been downloaded from the server. Yet the preview has text...???

I also expect the company to look into issues that are reported to them, and not simply sweep them under the rug and then let their hardcore fans defend them. Things like "you're holding it wrong" are completely inexcusable. And then to have your cult-like following viciously defend you... it's really kind of a poor response.

When I buy an Apple product, I try to make absolutely sure it has features I cannot find anywhere else - because I hate dealing with Apple that much. Sadly, the build quality for their devices is so far superior feeling, even if sometimes technologically they are well behind the curve.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
Why is it that the speakerphone for the iPhone 4 is unusable? The lack of loudness is unacceptable.

If you have a question about the behavior of the volume, I would ask it -- as a question -- in the appropriate forum here. You may need some "out of the box" thinking to understand why the volume was limited. Maybe Apple limits the volume to have a worst-case number for the energy consumption when playing the speaker nonstop during the entire charge cycle. Or maybe it's something else equally improbable. If you're curious, ask the question in the appropriate forum.

"Unacceptable" has an exact meaning. If the speaker volume is truly unacceptable, then perhaps you should buy a different phone. Perhaps you mean "highly annoying".

How about for Mail? Why is there no way to have the app resync to the server to download a mail message? I cannot tell you how many times I have received the message that the message has not been downloaded from the server. Yet the preview has text...???

Sounds like a good question to ask -- in the appropriate forum.

I also expect the company to look into issues that are reported to them, and not simply sweep them under the rug and then let their hardcore fans defend them. Things like "you're holding it wrong" are completely inexcusable. And then to have your cult-like following viciously defend you... it's really kind of a poor response.

Actually, Apple provided free bumpers to anyone who wanted them, and I believe they offered full refunds to anyone who found the antenna performance unacceptable.

I don't know the antecedent to "your" above. Apple doesn't have anything to do about how people converse about their products in forums.

When I buy an Apple product, I try to make absolutely sure it has features I cannot find anywhere else - because I hate dealing with Apple that much. Sadly, the build quality for their devices is so far superior feeling, even if sometimes technologically they are well behind the curve.

If there are deficiencies, Apple will address them. Odds are low we'll ever see another antenna problem. The Flashback malware took a big hit this week, but I'm confident Apple has added infrastructure to promptly turn around future security updates from Oracle. Every single company deals with these problems. AFAICT, it's confirmation that third-party plugins are bad news for web browsers.

What has impressed me the most with Apple is their ability to predict shifts in the market. Apple's iOS app store has been a tremendous boom to developers everywhere. This article is fascinating commentary on the viability of the iOS app store -- far ahead of the curve of Android. This article has another cut on the problems with apps on Android. AFAICT, Apple's "walled garden" with the iOS App Store is hitting right in the sweet spot -- for Apple, the developers, and the customers.


macrumors 603
Dec 14, 2007
Speaker volume has always been an issue (until the 4S). This was caused by Apple's failure to engineer properly and then to address it. Even when users were complaining LOUDLY about it and even when competition was getting it right. Why did it take so long?

Apple did not offer up cases for the IP4 right was an up hill battle to get Apple to pay attention. Apple did have the nerve to tell consumers they were holding their phones wrong? Seriously? By the time they were willing to offer a patch, the 14 day return period had long since passed. BTW...did they ever admit there was an issue?

How long have we been hearing about WIFI issues on Apple platforms? OSX Lion was a big problem and still is. Now the ipad 3? To their credit, they confirmed an issue very quickly. But we'll be waiting for a fix for a while.

So perhaps its better to say if there are issues "Apple might address them" and it they do..."you will likely be waiting a while".


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
I feel your pain.

Everytime I read a story like this, and then 5 minutes later read a comment by some clueless dolt that Apple/Mac/iLife "just works" I realize how skilled the Apple marketing machine is.

Speaker volume has always been an issue (until the 4S). This was caused by Apple's failure to engineer properly and then to address it. Even when users were complaining LOUDLY about it and even when competition was getting it right. Why did it take so long?

Apple did not offer up cases for the IP4 right was an up hill battle to get Apple to pay attention. Apple did have the nerve to tell consumers they were holding their phones wrong? Seriously? By the time they were willing to offer a patch, the 14 day return period had long since passed. BTW...did they ever admit there was an issue?

How long have we been hearing about WIFI issues on Apple platforms? OSX Lion was a big problem and still is. Now the ipad 3? To their credit, they confirmed an issue very quickly. But we'll be waiting for a fix for a while.

So perhaps its better to say if there are issues "Apple might address them" and it they do..."you will likely be waiting a while".


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
Apple did not offer up cases for the IP4 right was an up hill battle to get Apple to pay attention. Apple did have the nerve to tell consumers they were holding their phones wrong? Seriously?

The iPhone 4 was released on June 24, 2010. Free cases were offered for customers on July 16. (MR article here). There were some large logistical efforts in those initiatives; they announced the program 22 days after product release. That's pretty darn fast.

By the time they were willing to offer a patch, the 14 day return period had long since passed. BTW...did they ever admit there was an issue?

Actually, Apple expanded the return period to 30 days -- well within the boundaries of anyone who bought the product on June 24th. See the details in the July 16 announcement (link above).

So perhaps its better to say if there are issues "Apple might address them" and it they do..."you will likely be waiting a while".

Here's a suggestion: if you're worried about glitches in new product releases, then avoid buying products in the first month or so after their release. This rule of thumb is something that the geeks have known forever; the rule applies to products from all companies. If you want to be on the bleeding edge of tech, expect to get bitten every now and then.

Everytime I read a story like this, and then 5 minutes later read a comment by some clueless dolt that Apple/Mac/iLife "just works" I realize how skilled the Apple marketing machine is.

Where is this happening? :confused:

@Tarzanman, my point is different: if people really have an irreconcilable problem with how some product works, then don't buy it, return it, or sell it. What I see time and time again is people complaining loudly about the behavior of some product but continuing to use it. That really doesn't make any sense.
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macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2010
If you have a question about the behavior of the volume, I would ask it -- as a question -- in the appropriate forum here. You may need some "out of the box" thinking to understand why the volume was limited. Maybe Apple limits the volume to have a worst-case number for the energy consumption when playing the speaker nonstop during the entire charge cycle. Or maybe it's something else equally improbable. If you're curious, ask the question in the appropriate forum.

Just showing that you can't drop the last thread that was blocked because of you...

I DID ask it in a question. That's why I have a Why... followed by a ?.

"Unacceptable" has an exact meaning. If the speaker volume is truly unacceptable, then perhaps you should buy a different phone. Perhaps you mean "highly annoying".

It's not highly annoying to me. It's unacceptable to me. That's why I don't use it, and can't use it. So stop trying to interpret what I say, like you always seem to do.

Sounds like a good question to ask -- in the appropriate forum.

I did. It pertained to this discussion, so I put it in there. Have you ever heard of rhetorical questions? For someone who thinks they're so damn smart, you certainly don't seem to have the grasp of this. Plus I wasn't even TALKING to you. So why butt in? Or do you just HAVE to have the last word and think you're so ingenious for twisting words and nitpicking on the exact semantics? Stop acting like an admin because you aren't.

Actually, Apple provided free bumpers to anyone who wanted them, and I believe they offered full refunds to anyone who found the antenna performance unacceptable.

So it's okay that something as massive as antenna design flaws are patched with free bumpers, that, by the way, took a lot of commotion to get out of Apple? If that's your definition of good customer service, then save other replies to me because I'm done talking to you with that kind of reasoning.

I don't know the antecedent to "your" above. Apple doesn't have anything to do about how people converse about their products in forums.

Then your reading comprehension is failing you. I was very clear with what I wrote. Apple does nothing but feed their following, and then let their following defend them, as you do in these forums. It's a blind loyalty, one that Samsung successfully reflected in their Galaxy Note commercials. It was like how Bill Gates stated he didn't get the "Mac vs. PC" commercials that Apple wrote. The whole world sees it but those who choose to ignore it.

If there are deficiencies, Apple will address them. Odds are low we'll ever see another antenna problem. The Flashback malware took a big hit this week, but I'm confident Apple has added infrastructure to promptly turn around future security updates from Oracle. Every single company deals with these problems. AFAICT, it's confirmation that third-party plugins are bad news for web browsers.

Like they addressed the antenna in the iPhone 4? Like they addressed the speakerphone in the 4? How about addressing the heat in the new iPad?

They don't address anything. They just say "oh well, that's how it works, too bad." Or they say "you're holding it wrong." Funny how you don't even comment on that last one, like it never happened. That's the Apple attitude, though.

What has impressed me the most with Apple is their ability to predict shifts in the market. Apple's iOS app store has been a tremendous boom to developers everywhere. This article is fascinating commentary on the viability of the iOS app store -- far ahead of the curve of Android. This article has another cut on the problems with apps on Android. AFAICT, Apple's "walled garden" with the iOS App Store is hitting right in the sweet spot -- for Apple, the developers, and the customers.

Well if you like being told how to think, which comes across clearly in your posts... then go ahead. Enjoy. But at the very least don't lie to yourself in the mirror and pretend you aren't falling for the Apple PR.

@Tarzanman, my point is different: if people really have an irreconcilable problem with how some product works, then don't buy it, return it, or sell it. What I see time and time again is people complaining loudly about the behavior of some product but continuing to use it. That really doesn't make any sense.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face"?
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macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
I DID ask it in a question. That's why I have a Why... followed by a ?.

The suggestion is to ask the question in an appropriate forum. If you have a question about why the iPhone speaker behaves a particular way, ask it in the iPhone forum.

I did. It pertained to this discussion, so I put it in there. Have you ever heard of rhetorical questions?

I don't know if it's a rhetorical question. Your problem description was rather vague; perhaps there's a Mail configuration option that will address the issue you are experiencing. The iPhone Tips, Help, and Troubleshooting forum would be a good place to see if someone knows more than you about this problem.

So it's okay that something as massive as antenna design flaws is patched with free bumpers, that, by the way, took a lot of commotion to get out of Apple?

Yes. Apple offered either free bumpers or a full refund for undamaged phones. One of those solutions should have worked fine for users having reception problems.

Then you don't have reading comprehension yet, and I suggest taking some more classes in order to beef that skill up. It's useful in the real world. I was very clear with what I wrote.

And then to have your cult-like following viciously defend you... it's really kind of a poor response implies that Apple is somehow responsible for discussions in forums that happen about their products. That really doesn't make any sense.

If there are deficiencies, Apple will address them. Odds are low we'll ever see another antenna problem. The Flashback malware took a big hit this week, but I'm confident Apple has added infrastructure to promptly turn around future security updates from Oracle. Every single company deals with these problems. AFAICT, it's confirmation that third-party plugins are bad news for web browsers.

Like the addressed the antenna in the iPhone 4? Like they addressed the speakerphone in the 4? How about addressing the heat in the new iPad?

I fully expect that antenna and speakerphone behavior in future Apple products will be at least as good or better as they are in the current products.

If you bought a new iPad and the heat is a problem for you, contact Apple. All of the media sources I pay attention to agree this is NOT a problem.

They don't address anything. They just say "oh well, that's how it works, too bad."Or they say "you're holding it wrong." Funny how you don't even comment on that last one, like it never happened.

They were offering a workaround to the problem -- something users could use immediately. They offered a more substantial workaround within 3 weeks, and they also permitted users to return undamaged iPhone 4 models at no cost.

That's the Apple attitude, though.

Yet the iPhone 4 was a runaway success. Anyone who found the problems unacceptable could have returned their phones for no charge. Only a negligible percentage did that. Do you see the disconnect?

We all wish that Apple had caught those problems in the engineering of the product. Apple wishes they had caught those problems. I am highly confident that processes have been put into place to ensure it will never happen again.

What has impressed me the most with Apple is their ability to predict shifts in the market. Apple's iOS app store has been a tremendous boom to developers everywhere. This article is fascinating commentary on the viability of the iOS app store -- far ahead of the curve of Android. This article has another cut on the problems with apps on Android. AFAICT, Apple's "walled garden" with the iOS App Store is hitting right in the sweet spot -- for Apple, the developers, and the customers.

Well if you like being told how to think

It's about what the media is saying, and what Apple's competitors are doing. Sideloading on the RIM was a FAIL; they are dropping sideloading from their next OS. The App Store will be the only way to put apps on RIM machines. Win8 Metro Mode will require that apps are released through MS's App Store. The Android app store is characterized as a "Chaotic Cesspool"; the ease of rooting Android devices helps make software piracy rampant on those machines.

The App Store has served Apple and end users incredibly well. It's done pretty darn good for software companies, too. There are a few problems to be worked out: allowing companies to have upgrade pricing to existing customers for a major release is a hole in the current implementation of Apple's App Stores. But the fundamental structure and implementation is a winner.

which comes across clearly in your posts... then go ahead. Enjoy. But at the very least don't lie to yourself in the mirror and pretend you aren't falling for the Apple PR.

Is it your claim that all mobile vendors are going the App Store route because of Apple PR? Really? :confused:
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