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macrumors 65816
May 8, 2010
London, England
....because it's criticizing an Apple product. They are just ridiculous, only speak to people over 60, have no business reviewing cell phones, are a joke. Apple can't be wrong. Apple is right. I love Apple and no one should criticize Apple. It's just wrong. How dare they.

How dare they!



macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2008
The Netherlands
I'm loving the reactions of the fanboys. They simply won't accept the fact that the external antenna was a mistake until Saint Steve will admit it himself. The epitome of blind devotion. :D

WigWag Workshop

macrumors 6502
I do not have this issue - I guess I am lucky, my coverage and speed are also good. I will admit though, losing data when a call comes in is no fun, wish there was a way for the call to be forwarded strait to VM, so it would not interrupt my connection.

New Apple Guy,



macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2011
This isnt an issue

Consumer Reports has been a dieing company for some time now. The only time anyone hears about them at all is when it involved "iPhone", "antenna" and a phone carrier. It's all publicity.

Apple has already addressed this. We need to stop enabling the media about a problem that does not even exists!

Here is my proof that the iPhone 4 antenna issue isn't an issue;


Dec 24, 2009
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Bull ****, can't they stop making a big deal out of a "problem" that they wouldn't notice if ppl didn't make a big deal about it b4

Artful Dodger

macrumors 68020
In other words, CR writers were thinking this:

"How can we make headlines again?"
Totally agree

This and only this. I laugh heartily at people who quote CR as if they're a source of information.
I viewed them quite well at one time, not anymore, too many problems with crappy reviews from them.

Slight quibble.

Formerly influential. CR has made a joke of itself over the last year.
For me, two years. I bought a LCD TV that rated high, been through 3, going on 4 Sony units in 2 years. Glad for the warranty service. A dryer that they praised, going on my 3rd in 9 months. A few smaller items so that's my track record with them.

This is nothing more than a headline grab by consumer reports. They garnered a lot of publicity bashing the iPhone 4, as did Gizmodo.
Both are garbage in my mind. I don't mind giving a fair report, hell I welcome it, but I made the switch and I'm glad I did.

Consumer Reports just lost what was left of their credibility.
Same as above ^^^

And yet, when CR writes anything about the iPhone or Apple, they sure seem to have influence over pissing people off...

So I would say they have influence. And are certainly relevant enough to be quoted by other media and in other mediums.

You don't like what they have to say or don't agree with them - that's fine. But that doesn't make them any less credible or well read.

Most of the audience who visits this site are not the demographic that visit CR anyway.
True about who visits where. Yet as above, I highly question what they print or report on anymore. I get irritated when they are repeatedly off on many products and just looking around the net at other sites reviews, sometimes it's not even close with the information. When you slam someone or the product they have when you are that large, it's easy to be heard. Try getting the same things done when you are just starting out, good luck getting a review read by a huge audience and just because of that doesn't mean either sides word is golden. Example, I'm published, but just because my work has been in a few countries such as Canada and in the UK I could legally claim the "Internationally" title and seem better written than just saying, Canada and the UK. Like I said above I used them before as a guideline but now folks put huge weight on reviews this is the outcome…

Been using my Verizon iPhone since February 7th, and I've not had one dropped call, even when holding the phone like this. :confused:

I've traveled all around New England and have failed to replicate the poor signal issue that everyone tried to make a big deal of.
Same here. I have used mine next to a few friends on AT&T and I haven't had one problem with mine. I go in the mountains at times and still no problems yet weather depending they have had a small issue. The trade off is where are you living and where do you travel. I think everyone expects perfection from a phone that costs $300 and up yet the tech. is still growing to aid these phones.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
Apple has already addressed this. We need to stop enabling the media about a problem that does not even exists!

No no no! A free and open media is a valuable tool in keeping big companies in check and making them accountable. These sort of issues should always be reported on. It will act as a sort of boot up Apple's backside to make sure they fix the issue in the iPhone 5.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2007
secret mountain retreat
Apple can't be wrong. Apple is right. I love Apple and no one should criticize Apple. It's just wrong. How dare they.

I think you've come to the wrong place if that's how you feel there are 100's if not 1000's of people who with no valid reason spend each and every day hating on Apple.

As for CR...well they couldn't exactly admit that last year they got it so wrong and that any 'fault' could be easily remedied.

After nearly 9 months of daily use my iPhone4 is still not only the best phone I've ever had, but pretty much the best electronics device I've ever owned. With any problems being far more attributable to the highly mountainous country I live in and the patchy coverage of the carrier.

Though there are some that would have you believe that all the many millions of satisfied Apple customers are somehow mentally delusional..


Feb 17, 2009
Consumer Reports has been a dieing company for some time now. The only time anyone hears about them at all is when it involved "iPhone", "antenna" and a phone carrier. It's all publicity.

Apple has already addressed this. We need to stop enabling the media about a problem that does not even exists!

Here is my proof that the iPhone 4 antenna issue isn't an issue;

CR is probably like the "Wizard of oz"

Once you look behind the scenes you'll probably see two 85 year old geezers with their grandchildren.

The grandchildren bring them products tell them what they have heard about the product and then the geezers try to understand them.

If it's a brand they remember from their youth (GE, Hamilton Beach, Sears, John Deere, Att etc.) they give it a good review.

If it is a company that was not around in their time its all greek to them.


Would be interesting to really know the percentage of all iphone users that really have this issue.

With millions sold, probably 0.0000009 %


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2010
And there you have it

This folks, is why Jony I've will NEVER become CEO. He is sloppy and one-dimensional.

Magical! :p


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
CR is probably like the "Wizard of oz"

Once you look behind the scenes you'll probably see two 85 year old geezers with their grandchildren.

The grandchildren bring them products tell them what they have heard about the product and then the geezers try to understand them.

If it's a brand they remember from their youth (GE, Hamilton Beach, Sears, John Deere, Att etc.) they give it a good review.

If it is a company that was not around in their time its all greek to them.


Would be interesting to really know the percentage of all iphone users that really have this issue.

With millions sold, probably 0.0000009 %
I'm one of them :(. I love my iPhone, but I don't love that a single spot on the device can totally kill my signal at home and at work. It takes such a long time for the iPhone to regain signal too when it happens!


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2006
Sure, but the knee-jerk reactions to negative reviews of Apple products around here are what's laughable.

I own a Verizon iPhone, I like it, I haven't experienced any problems. I also have owned Apple products since 1983 and am a very loyal customer. I don't, though, automatically assume the illegitimacy of an organization that doesn't recommend an Apple product because of an acknowledged flaw.

I think you've come to the wrong place if that's how you feel there are 100's if not 1000's of people who with no valid reason spend each and every day hating on Apple.

As for CR...well they couldn't exactly admit that last year they got it so wrong and that any 'fault' could be easily remedied.

After nearly 9 months of daily use my iPhone4 is still not only the best phone I've ever had, but pretty much the best electronics device I've ever owned. With any problems being far more attributable to the highly mountainous country I live in and the patchy coverage of the carrier.

Though there are some that would have you believe that all the many millions of satisfied Apple customers are somehow mentally delusional..


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2009
Seattle, WA
It's interesting how a once notorious issue is no longer of concern.

Let's face it, making phone calls is a mere subset feature to everything else the iPhone offers. Making phone calls probably takes up 2% of the daily activity iPhone's undergo.

The thing is, the CR evaluated it as a "phone" and thus the judgment. The whole thing is a bit silly as the issue can be resolved in such simple way. And yes, if you were to compare an iPhone based on what it really is, which is the most advanced handheld computing and communicating device, it would be pretty much in a category of its own. I do like CR, but their call here is a bit questionable.


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2011
Why doesn't consumer reports do a real world test and record when each phone loses reception and how often they drop calls in fringe areas instead of this lab testing
Simple, no other company makes wild claims like Apple does.

Apple is so full of themselves it's just hilarious.

They are quick to make statements so bizarre the product can't possibly live up to such drivel.

This thread alone is so damn funny.

It's the Apple Comedy Shop!

Too bad the fanboys are too offended to enjoy it


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2011
You guys would crucify Jesus if he gave the iphone a bad review. Seriously some of you people need professional help.


Oct 24, 2002
Dear Consumer Reports,

Thank you for the concern, but apparently no one cares anymore. More than half my friends have iPhone 4's and none have complained about the antenna.



macrumors regular
Mar 8, 2010
Simple, no other company makes wild claims like Apple does.

Apple is so full of themselves it's just hilarious.

They are quick to make statements so bizarre the product can't possibly live up to such drivel.

This thread alone is so damn funny.

It's the Apple Comedy Shop!

Too bad the fanboys are too offended to enjoy it

Too bad you didn't give any examples. Virtually everyone would agree (that actually has and uses an iPhone on a daily basis) would agree this is a non issue. Peoples phone kept working after that last consumer report, and will continue to do so. Consumer reports in the comedy shop this time.


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2011
Houston, Tx
Totally agree

I viewed them quite well at one time, not anymore, too many problems with crappy reviews from them.

For me, two years. I bought a LCD TV that rated high, been through 3, going on 4 Sony units in 2 years. Glad for the warranty service. A dryer that they praised, going on my 3rd in 9 months. A few smaller items so that's my track record with them.

Both are garbage in my mind. I don't mind giving a fair report, hell I welcome it, but I made the switch and I'm glad I did.

Same as above ^^^

True about who visits where. Yet as above, I highly question what they print or report on anymore. I get irritated when they are repeatedly off on many products and just looking around the net at other sites reviews, sometimes it's not even close with the information. When you slam someone or the product they have when you are that large, it's easy to be heard. Try getting the same things done when you are just starting out, good luck getting a review read by a huge audience and just because of that doesn't mean either sides word is golden. Example, I'm published, but just because my work has been in a few countries such as Canada and in the UK I could legally claim the "Internationally" title and seem better written than just saying, Canada and the UK. Like I said above I used them before as a guideline but now folks put huge weight on reviews this is the outcome…

Same here. I have used mine next to a few friends on AT&T and I haven't had one problem with mine. I go in the mountains at times and still no problems yet weather depending they have had a small issue. The trade off is where are you living and where do you travel. I think everyone expects perfection from a phone that costs $300 and up yet the tech. is still growing to aid these phones.

I agree with all you said. I drive a 2006 Dodge 2500 4x4, and I'm sure it's rated badly, as all American 4x4s were before I bought mine, yet this has been one of the best, trouble free vehicles I have owned. Just replaced the front brake pads at 125000 miles.

A while back, I needed to buy a blender and started with their recommended list. I was about to buy from Amazon, until I started reading the user reviews there, they were fairly bad for the model I was looking at. Went back to the CR site, and the few user reviews they had were along the same lines, bad. This has happened several times on the products they recommend, so now I just take it with a grain of salt. It's a good place to start, maybe, but to me user reviews are much more useful.

CR reports that the V iPhone has the same issue, yet Cnet says that unless you hold it in an awkward, not normal death-grip, then there is no issue. So Who to believe? I believe the folks I know that say they have no issue. To the others that do, get a case.

Are there any people that still have an antenna problem even with a case?


macrumors member
Jun 11, 2007
I'm one of them :(. I love my iPhone, but I don't love that a single spot on the device can totally kill my signal at home and at work. It takes such a long time for the iPhone to regain signal too when it happens!
I'm with you!

Finally got an iPhone for my wife (I don't use a phone enough to warrant the cost) and about 2 out of every 3 calls drop. Really annoying when she has to call back several times just to get through a conversation.

But we got a case and so far so good! Hopefully that'll fix it, but I gotta disagree with the fanboys here and say in some pretty typical situations, this can be an outrageous problem.

It's a bad design, period. Thankfully it looks like a case is an easy fix, but Consumer Reports is right - it's still a bad design.
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