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macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
Apple has no exclusivity in using the name Newsstand but it doesn't change the fact that Google is copying this feature. And this also doesn't mean that Apple has not copied Google's features before. Peace.


macrumors newbie
Jun 29, 2007
Vancouver, BC
But seriously, what else are you going to call an app that simulates a newsstand?
  • Coffee Table
  • Bathroom reader
  • Living room floor


Let's see, in under 90 seconds...

News Central
News Source
News Center
News Review
News Gatherer
News Point
News OneStop
News CatchAll
News Spread
News ForMe
News Match
Subscription Central
Subscription Source
Subscription Center
Subscription Review
Subscription Gatherer
Subscription Point
Subscription OneStop
Subscription CatchAll
Subscription Spread
Subscription ForMe
Subscription Match
Magazine Central
Magazine Source
Magazine Center
Magazine Review
Magazine Gatherer
Magazine Point
Magazine OneStop
Magazine CatchAll
Magazine Spread
Magazine ForMe
Magazine Match
Feed Central
Feed Source
Feed Center
Feed Review
Feed Gatherer
Feed Point
Feed OneStop
Feed CatchAll
Feed Spread
Feed ForMe
Feed Match


Because. Eyeballs for Ads. That's all they really care about. They can claim to be doing the world a good service, but at the end of it, it's pure self-serving greed.

And on that note, Apple should give away their next iPad to everyone. They claim to be making products for people to enjoy, but at the end of it, it's pure self-serving greed.


OOOMMAAAGGGAAWWDDD! They're making money off software people use! The bastards!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2008
What a filthy, horrible company Google is. I hope they don't release it on iOS, we don't need that copied crap here. Call me a fan boy, but this is just blatant.

wow dude.. you need to grow up if this sort of thing bothers you this much.

This is simply incorrect. Just in the 2000's alone, Palm beat them.


Google Maps
Apple Maps




Sorry, here you go: (also, according to merriam-webster, the first known use of the word "newsstand" is 1866).

apple has already sued that poor guy out of business


macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2012
I have a serious question for everyone who calls Google "evil":

For me an "evil" company is a company whose policy blatantly violates labor rules (Walmart), a company that discriminates against people of color, women, and LGBT members (Chick fil' A), a company with well-known complaints of workplace abuse (many famous NY/LA high-end restaurants). I'd also add to this list the companies/banks that engaged in shady financial dealings that contributed to the global economic crisis in 2007/2008 (J.P. Morgan Chase).

Google, AFAIK, is not guilty of ANY of the above. They are simply a tough, cut-throat software company determined to make their products ubiquitous in mobile and computing devices. I don't see how any of this is "evil." Seriously.
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macrumors 603
Oct 28, 2007
If anything, Apple should ditch the name Newsstand. It's an obvious skeuomorphism.

Anyways, why did Apple use it? Because the masses already associate it with a place you go to get news and tabloids, not an app.


Google, AFAIK, is not guilty of ANY of the above. They are simply a tough, cut-throat software company determined to make their products ubiquitous in mobile and computing devices. I don't see how any of this is "evil." Seriously.

They have done some pretty shady things in the past, and they do occasionally got a little too above and beyond to make damn sure everyone sees those ads everyone loves griping about around here so much...

...but you're right, I wouldn't call them evil. At most, they're occasional bastards. Something every Fortune 50 company currently operating is guilty of.


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2010
Anything Google just creeps me out. I don't use gmail and recently started searching with duckduckgo. I don't even like having to reply to friends' gmail figuring Google archives, mines and sells the data. Though I've frequented Google News just posting this made me realize I need an alternative. Reluctantly I will try Bing News figuring even if Microsoft's behavior is the same that Google is better at being evil.


Anything Google just creeps me out. I don't use gmail and recently started searching with duckduckgo. I don't even like having to reply to friends' gmail figuring Google archives, mines and sells the data. Though I've frequented Google News just posting this made me realize I need an alternative. Reluctantly I will try Bing News figuring even if Microsoft's behavior is the same that Google is better at being evil.

Like Bing? Try out Windows Live services! One account grants you access to all of Microsoft's cloud platforms, from Live Mail, to Office 365! Set yours up today!

...and there you go. I just explained to you exactly how Google searches through your emails. It's not looking at the body of text and advertising to you based on the subject of your email, it's just looking for words you've typed without even attempting to understand anything else.

Is it creepy? A little bit, yeah. Is it harmless? Pretty much. You could send an email about wanting to blow up the US with all your guns, and the only thing you'd have to worry about is seeing advertisement for cheap ammo from Wal-Mart pop up in Google on occasion.


macrumors newbie
Jun 20, 2013
Anything Google just creeps me out. I don't use gmail and recently started searching with duckduckgo. I don't even like having to reply to friends' gmail figuring Google archives, mines and sells the data. Though I've frequented Google News just posting this made me realize I need an alternative. Reluctantly I will try Bing News figuring even if Microsoft's behavior is the same that Google is better at being evil.

lol - you do realize google has already analyzed and cached your post here, can correlate your username with other things. resistance is futile. :p


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2010
North Yorkshire
Apple doesn't create software for Android. Why must Google create software for iOS?

Because Apple invite outside agencies to produce apps for their app store, if they didn't, it would be a pretty crap app store. No?

I have had iPhones and think they are superb, I don't at the moment but would not even consider buying another one if the YouTube, Maps and Gmail apps were not available as would happen if your wishes were observed.
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Mar 21, 2011
Google's actually using the term 'Newstand' ??

prepare for a lawsuit....

I honesty reckon now companies know what they are doing .. the have to, no one can be THAT dumb... I mean not even checking first ?

They actually want a lawsuit, because it makes the news .....


macrumors 603
Jul 27, 2009
Premià de Mar
2011 Apple Newsstand
2013 Google Newsstand


2011 January NOOK Newsstand application

2011 Apple Newsstand

2013 Google Newsstand



Correct. I didn't mean to imply that Apple had a trademark on the term "Newsstand." I was sloppy in my post but by "trademark," I was making reference to trade dress which is protected in the same way trademarks are. If Apple has a mobile app for electronic delivery of periodicals, it's hard to see how it's not infringement of trade dress laws for a competitor to introduce an app for the same purpose with the same name.

Are you saying that Apple is infringing on B&N IP?


Jul 25, 2009
This thread is a great example of why this site annoys me at times. A competitor releases a product and it is automatically bad because it wasn't made by the overlords that are Apple. Grow up. Both companies make great products. To ignore that fact just makes those individual posters look like ignorant pricks. Now, excuse me while I get back to fiddling with my Nexus 5 after hitting 'submit reply' here on my MacBook Pro.


macrumors regular
Jan 15, 2013
Awesome!! I loved google play magazine on android and since I'm going to give iOS 7 a try with an iphone 5 and an iPad mini, this, along with google's play music also just being released for iOS is a huge plus! This is really great because now users not totally immersed in one ecosystem can have subscriptions which work between devices!
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