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macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2003
Izmir, Turkey
Exactly my thoughts..


Dual Core = iPhone 4 is fast enough, only geeks & developers care about stuff like this.

1gig Ram = iPhone 4 is fast enough, only geeks & developers care about stuff like this.

iVoice= Fail, will NEVER recognise my Scottish accent and only cretins talk to phones anyway. Same as Facetime, use once, never use again. Actually if I see someone talking to their iPhone I will give them a solid headbutt.

Multi network compatability = I have travelled to over 30 countries with my iPhone and never had an issue, only affects Americans, I don't even know what CDMA or Verizon is tbh and don't care.

8mp Camera = Unless they change the sensor or lens then who cares, Megapixels mean nothing relating to quality!

Ultimately if this is all we are getting then its a MAJOR FAIL and nothing to get excited about. 16 months for nothing, gee thanks Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2007
Just because there is an iPhone 4s does not mean there is not an iPhone 5 too!

We will see tomorrow if Apple is that good at keeping the iPhone 5 a secret!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2011
If the iPhone 5 turns out to just be the iPhone 4 with a newer CPU and the kinks straightened out, I might as well stick with my 3GS for another year.

I didn't get the iPhone 4 because of the horrible form-factor and the antenna problems at release.

The Gadget Show took the iPhone 4 out with the iPhone 3GS and asked people in the street what they liked and although people liked the screen of the 4, the majority said they preferred the 3GS shape. I'm with them.

The iPhone 5 as rumoured, had the hand-comfortable shape in a slimmer form-factor with beefier CPU.

I'm just concerned that parts and design issues have delayed the iPhone 5 and this 4S is a stop-gap which we'll be told is "IT" when it isn't, and the iPhone 5 will then appear early next year.

I totally agree with you that the 3gs looks better. Never liked the look of the iphone 4. Apple tends to hit homers on their first hit. The original was near perfect already. The redesigned 4 is too different, and lost the charm of the original. Just like the ipod classic in its day. Why mess with perfection.


macrumors regular
Jul 27, 2010
iOS5 >

A5 chip >

iPhone 5

Anything else is ludicrous to believe.

Check your brain before you actually believe there will not be an iPhone 5 this year.


Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; nl-nl) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

MrExige said:
I can't speak German but is this not just suggesting which devices an iPhone 4 bumper fits?

Its a posting for an iPhone 4 bumper and its suggesting it also fits a 4S.

An iPhone 5 would have a different bumper....

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macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2003
Then why the 4 month delay?

If all we get is a slightly updated iPhone 4, I really do not understand why Apple could not have released it in June, as they used to with iPhones.

They had to postpone the release by 4 months for what? A CPU they already managed to put in an iPad? More memory?
A camera that was delayed due to an earthquake in Japan? Should that be the one holdup?!?

Is Apple really in such a production crunch that they could not have released that iPhone 4S in June?
Seems odd...


macrumors 603
Oct 28, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

I suppose we should get ready for the onslaught of people trying to convince others (really themselves) that the iPhone 4S is not just a speed bump over the iPhone 4.


Jan 26, 2010
iVoice= Fail, will NEVER recognise my Scottish accent and only cretins talk to phones anyway. Same as Facetime, use once, never use again. Actually if I see someone talking to their iPhone I will give them a solid headbutt.

Fairly sure you talk to you phone all the please you=head=wall... of you go now.

the voice command works for me all the time... but I learnt a long time ago that a clean and clear voice gets you a lot further in this world so happily relaxed my stupid thick scottish accent.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2011
If all we get is a slightly updated iPhone 4, I really do not understand why Apple could not have released it in June, as they used to with iPhones.

They had to postpone the release by 4 months for what? A CPU they already managed to put in an iPad? More memory?
A camera that was delayed due to an earthquake in Japan? Should that be the one holdup?!?

Is Apple really in such a production crunch that they could not have released that iPhone 4S in June?
Seems odd...

So they can integrate ios 5 with the new hardware, and show off what the new phone can do.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2010
Samsung has some crazy display tech coming soon

If you haven't checked out their CES 2011 display videos, I would recommend them. They have flexible displays that are paper thin, translucent display tech...lots of really cool tech that will surely allow for a completely new type of experience.

Samsung claims this will all be available in consumer devices next year. If that's true, or if Apple thinks it's a real possibility, they may be targeting a far more radical change in design. Perhaps work on THAT device would make a simple bump in screen size more of a non-issue. Why would they waste their time on tech they know will be put to shame in 6 months?

Just speculating.


macrumors newbie
Jul 29, 2009
hold on, if it is just as likely that this is a placeholder too, why do you give this more credence than the placeholders that say iphone 5? They are all just feeding off of each other's leaks/rumors now. If it's agreed that no one knows, then all these leaks are equally useless, albeit fun to read about.


So they can integrate ios 5 with the new hardware, and show off what the new phone can do.

yup, and to give the white 4 and verizon models more shelf life perhaps


macrumors regular
May 8, 2008
Geeeeeezzzz People...

In just over 24 hours life will be normal again...

Breath, chill, relax - listen to some soothing music...

Life too Short to get heated up. If you really care about it so much buy a Samsung today :p


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2011
iOS5 >

A5 chip >

iPhone 5

Anything else is ludicrous to believe.

Check your brain before you actually believe there will not be an iPhone 5 this year.
After giving half-a-dozen concrete proofs that iPhone 4S is the only flagship iPhone going to be announced tomorrow, you people still whine about iPhone 5. Let me put it this way : Apple iPhone 5 exists in Narnia.:mad:


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

I've been saying the same: tear drop = iPod touch.
New iPhone = new guts, same body. Which, as a current 3GS user, I find disappointing. Not going down the same S-path again. Been there. Done that.


macrumors regular
Jul 27, 2010
The iPhone5 won't simply have a different bumper ... it won't have a bumper option at all, since Apple will have dispensed with the back glass.

in fact, the new iPhone 5 will only have a front ... no back at all, therefore nothing to protect. Revolutionary, in terms of dimensions. ;)


macrumors regular
Jul 11, 2010
So those who are saying the iPhone 4S is a fail as it has nothing new what are you looking for?

So far the only thing I have really heard is a bigger screen but IMO your not going to get much more of a usabel screen than it already has. I don't want a big phone and so the screen could only gain a few mm which is not IMO going to make the difference.

The fact is the mobile market as a whole is a bit stale hardware wise and there is not much out there that is special any more. Gone are the days when you can introduce new bits of hardware etc each release.

El Capitano

macrumors member
Jan 6, 2004
The "1" on the invite refers to there being just one product in Apple's phone-factor line.

No iPod Touch. No iPod Classic. Just an iPhone 4, in fast (4S) and affordable (4) ranges. That's it.

Just a theory ;)

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
Did it occur to you that some of the "form over function" people are the ones complaining and not the ones who are "haters" according to you ?

Um, did it occur to you that I was being "tongue n cheek"? I guess not. Sorry I ruffled your feathers. I don't remember calling you out personally, so I wonder where your own emotions evidenced in your last post came from. Interesting sociological experiment. At the end of the day it's a phone. When I see some of the hand wringing, soap boxing, entitlement & faux out rage at Apple waiting so long to release another phone, yes, I'm amused.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 11, 2008
oh no... this makes me worry that 'iphone 5' will be 'iphone 4S' ... just better specs and no major redesign :(

"Oh no, I'm worried that the new iphone will only be a new iphone".

Fixed that for you. Seriously, get a grip.

I suppose we should get ready for the onslaught of people trying to convince others (really themselves) that the iPhone 4S is not just a speed bump over the iPhone 4.

You say that as if that's a bad thing. "Speed bump" or not, the new phone will still be one of the, if not the best phones available. It seems absurd to be all butthurt because this year, Apple might not give you something they never actually promised to give you this year anyway.
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macrumors member
Jan 2, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I just figured out something and it so obvious now. The people who are getting these are probably migrating from the 3gs. So the wow factor is the retina display. Its just not new and exciting for the people who already has the iphone 4.

Apple will not redesign because they don't need to. The people upgrading are getting something much better than their old phones. A redesign would have meant that a large segment of people would have missed out on the iphone 4's design.

I'm a 3GS user and I was looking to upgrade to the next iPhone when it came out. I can tell you that the iPhone 4S does NOT entice me. The 3GS isn't as fast, it isn't brand spanking new, but it would be a lot smarter to wait for something more than a 4S. It seems as if Apple are throwing us the leftovers and not really caring. The "average joe" would look at the iPhone 4S and think "it's just an iPhone 4 right?" Even I look at the 4S and still think that because after all the spec bump in the 4S will have almost no effect.


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
Um, did it occur to you that I was being "tongue n cheek"? I guess not. Sorry I ruffled your feathers. I don't remember calling you out personally, so I wonder where your own emotions evidenced in your last post came from. Hmm. At the end of the day it's a phone. When I see some of the hand wringing, soap boxing, entitlement & faux out rage at Apple waiting so long to release another phone, yes, I'm amused.

I'm just tired of the constant "if you don't agree with Apple you're a hater" and "if you agree with Apple you're a fanboy" mentality that is prevalent around here. Your post, even "tongue in cheek" doesn't help the situation.

Be amused all you want, Apple is not perfect and some whining is to be expected. If you don't like it and it "amuses" you, keep it to yourself or ignore those posters. Don't call them haters. If they "hated" Apple, obviously they wouldn't be pissed because Apple is not delivering a product.


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2003
So they can integrate ios 5 with the new hardware, and show off what the new phone can do.

What new hardware features will the rumored 4S have that would not have made sense to use with iOS 4 (on the new hardware)?

Since iOS4 works on the iPad 2 surely the iPhone 4S could have as easily run on iOS 4 too - and later gotten the upgrade to iOS 5.
Not the first time that new iOS versions had features that only work on the very latest hardware.


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)
New iPhone = new guts, same body. Which, as a current 3GS user, I find disappointing. Not going down the same S-path again. Been there. Done that.

Same here, queued for iPhone 1 loved it.

Felt stiffed on the 3GS, due to ****ing hating the 3G case...100% preferred the originals case, felt better looked better, didn't crack at the back. I grew to love it because it was actually pretty speedy.

didn't get the 4, was glad i didn't get the 4 due to the antenna thing, and if anyone says 'it doesn't really exist', we just ordered a set for work and they all get horrendously crap signal and drop out all the time where the 3GS' didn't.

If there's no change in design, i'm 100% sticking it out with the 3GS till next year. I don't NEED iOS 5.
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