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Aug 28, 2014
5 tabs is nothing. Try 10 and have other apps open in the background. Then see how 1GB holds up. If the next question is "why would you have all of that going at the same time?" , my question right back would be it's a premium smartphone that is advertised as being "the best" by Tim Cook and it should be able to do that in 2014.

Also, 1GB becomes less and less effective at handling operations as time goes on. Thus making the lifespan of this phone less than it should be

There is no legitimate argument against having 2GB of memory in iPhones and iPads these days. Battery life impact is negligible and it is strictly and solely a cost savings and thus profit increasing move to still use 1GB. Same goes for still keeping the 16GB iPhone but then jumping up to a 64 and then saying its a "deal" for consumers bc it's the same price as what the 32GB used to be. Right....

You need to stop using 10 tabs. Okay, you need to start using a laptop instead is probably the real answer. You're SERIOUSLY complaining you can't use a phone as a desktop/laptop computer????? Also, iOS is made so background apps aren't hogging resources, so it shouldn't matter how many apps you have open. This isn't android where you need to quit apps every time you want to stop using them. Stop saying there is NO REASON for more ram, there is a reason you just choose not to understand that Apple is here to make a profit.

When you get your phone tomorrow, please report back to me how many apps you have open, and how many tabs in safari you are able to use without reloading.


macrumors 6502
Dec 12, 2011


macrumors 68000
Jul 30, 2011
Apple makes it their priority to make products that delight customers. Making major profits is a byproduct of making products that delight customers.

incorrect. a company exists to make a profit. Apple does a better job of being a customer-oriented company and balancing out the variables that go into being a business, better than most companies. however their primary goal is to make a profit.

without profits, Apple cannot do what it does.

Soni Sanjay

macrumors 6502
Dec 25, 2013
You need to stop using 10 tabs. Okay, you need to start using a laptop instead is probably the real answer. You're SERIOUSLY complaining you can't use a phone as a desktop/laptop computer????? Also, iOS is made so background apps aren't hogging resources, so it shouldn't matter how many apps you have open. This isn't android where you need to quit apps every time you want to stop using them. Stop saying there is NO REASON for more ram, there is a reason you just choose not to understand that Apple is here to make a profit.

I am having issues, Safari crashing and reloading tabs, and I have only 2 or 3 tabs opened.


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2003
Sydney, Australia
5 tabs is nothing. Try 10 and have other apps open in the background. Then see how 1GB holds up. If the next question is "why would you have all of that going at the same time?" , my question right back would be it's a premium smartphone that is advertised as being "the best" by Tim Cook and it should be able to do that in 2014.

Also, 1GB becomes less and less effective at handling operations as time goes on. Thus making the lifespan of this phone less than it should be

There is no legitimate argument against having 2GB of memory in iPhones and iPads these days. Battery life impact is negligible and it is strictly and solely a cost savings and thus profit increasing move to still use 1GB. Same goes for still keeping the 16GB iPhone but then jumping up to a 64 and then saying its a "deal" for consumers bc it's the same price as what the 32GB used to be. Right....
Why do people obsess about the number of tabs before reloading on a phone? Personally on my iPhone 5 with iOS7, I've never had an issue, I have plenty of tabs open, and don't care if some of the tabs need reloading; being able to have at least 2 or 3 not reload is useful for copying info across to a text box, which I do, but mostly on my iPad as a phone is not great for a lot of typing. I've never had an issue on either iPhone or iPad, I haven;t tested it extensively, but know I can switch between at least 4 tabs without reloading (never had a need to try any more); it would depend on the content of each page, how resource-intensive it is.
What I care about is performance, and smooth switching to other apps. I don't game much, and mostly simple time waster games which don't require much.

What I would care about is the RAM in the upcoming iPads, they are much more suited for productivity apps (to be fair the 6+ is like a mini-tablet, so should perhaps have more), and in particular certain apps like Procreate which I use, and I'm sure many games could use more.

So here's hoping for a tic-toc iPhone/iPad cycle again, though the iPad announcements are too close for them to have another revision ready, unless they were developed concurrently.


Aug 28, 2014
incorrect. a company exists to make a profit. Apple does a better job of being a customer-oriented company and balancing out the variables that go into being a business, better than most companies. however their primary goal is to make a profit.

without profits, Apple cannot do what it does.



macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2014
Stop making it an us vs them argument. I didn't bring up android at all. Apple increasing memory to 2GB for all iOS devices has nothing to do with what an android has, rather it has everything to do with increasing multitasking performance for iOS devices

Why do you find it acceptable to be forced to decide between a premium priced iPhone with inferior memory capacity and android?

You want me to say it, Android's a god damn dog even with 3G of memory.

Do these people also sell premium phone. Hell yes they do.
Android high end phones are NOT better with browsing than IOS despite having all that supposed goodie memory!

Man, that's a load off my back ;-).

You could argue that they should go beyond what Android offers, and yes I could even agree about that.

But, stop whining about Apple to giving your 2G because it somehow cripples your phone when other high end phones are slow as crud even with sometimes just one tab open.

That probably explains why IOS users browse much much more than Android users, the experience is not "horrible" as you describe it...


Mar 8, 2009
You are glad? Glad that your new expensive top of the line smartphone will become obsolete not due to the processor but rather solely due to the fact that Apple put profits ahead of increasing memory to 2GB?

There is absolutely no legitimate argument for keeping 1GB, not even battery life impact.

I don't think they did it for margins at all. Why would apple even consider a sapphire display if margins are their number one priority. This is solely so the iPhone 6s can have a kick ass feature that the iphone 6 will not be able to run.

Every iphone has had more or less the same form factor(I consider the 3.5" and 4" versions more or less the same) until the 6 and 6 Plus. As apple said the 6 and 6 Plus will provoke the "mother of all upgrades". They will need to innovate next year and introduce the world to multi tasking!


macrumors 68000
Jul 30, 2011
You need to stop using 10 tabs. Okay, you need to start using a laptop instead is probably the real answer. You're SERIOUSLY complaining you can't use a phone as a desktop/laptop computer????? Also, iOS is made so background apps aren't hogging resources, so it shouldn't matter how many apps you have open. This isn't android where you need to quit apps every time you want to stop using them. Stop saying there is NO REASON for more ram, there is a reason you just choose not to understand that Apple is here to make a profit.

When you get your phone tomorrow, please report back to me how many apps you have open, and how many tabs in safari you are able to use without reloading.

1) instead of focusing on the root causes for inferior performance (either short term or long term) that stems from 1GB of memory , you are blaming the end user and what he/she is using a phone that is capable of even much more. using 1GB of memory is actually a travesty even on the A6, let alone also the more powerful A7 and the brand new A8. it's a waste of what these great chips and these great smartphones could truly do

2) did you fail to read what i have said over and over again, that the use of 1GB of memory was solely due to maximizing profits and nothing else. i called out people who blindly defend Apple's decision and cite profits as the real reason

3) i did not purchase the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. i am using an iPhone 5. not that it matters, in fact it's irrelevant in this discussion


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2010
It's been confirmed multiple times that it's 1GB.

A user reported he had 5 Safari pages open without any refreshing so the RAM may not be as big a deal as some make it to be.

But people want 8000 tabs opened without any t fresh.


macrumors 68000
Jul 30, 2011
I don't think they did it for margins at all. Why would apple even consider a sapphire display if margins are their number one priority. This is solely so the iPhone 6s can have a kick ass feature that the iphone 6 will not be able to run.

Every iphone has had more or less the same form factor(I consider the 3.5" and 4" versions more or less the same) until the 6 and 6 Plus. As apple said the 6 and 6 Plus will provoke the "mother of all upgrades". They will need to innovate next year and introduce the world to multi tasking!

one word - marketing.

pretend that you are an average joe-shmoe and you watch two advertisements. the first one is for a phone with 2GB of memory. the second one is advertised with a sapphire display panel and all of the benefits associated with that type of display. which one would you think is a better phone? pretend that you don't know what "GB" even stands for or how to quantify that measure of data storage. but heck, even someone clueless about GB would think that sapphire is superior


macrumors regular
Jul 12, 2011
Do you all honestly believe that a company that spends as much on R&D as Apple, that is as heavily scrutinized as Apple, and that has over $100B sitting in the bank like Apple, would seriously choose to nickel and dime their customers and hamstring their flagship device for a relatively small amount of money that is an extra GB of RAM? I mean that just defies all logic or reason, clearly they have their reasons and clearly they've thought about it, and came to the conclusion 1 GB was right for this device at this time. Yes, when they're selling the volume they are even a small amount of money per device amounts to a lot when summed up, but they're smart enough to not be penny wise and pound foolish to put out a substandard product that would result in them losing customers in the long run.


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Apple makes it their priority to make products that delight customers. Making major profits is a byproduct of making products that delight customers.
Somewhat bizarre comment. Steve Jobs certainly obsessed about quality and would't settle for second-best, and he's imbued that into Apple. This is certainly a reason why there are so many hardcore Apple fans, it is generally speaking a brand of quality (despite hiccups) and great design, but above it all, Steve was a businessman. Profit was never a byproduct, but not the only driver. They never sell at a loss, like Amazon or Google might to drive sales of their services. They always keep healthy margins. And thrived as a result in their high-end niche. They are not Dell, and people know it and love them for it.
Making quality products that has high customer satisfaction is a successful business strategy to drive profits, even as the PC market has struggled. Profits were never a byproduct of it, but an integral strategy.


macrumors 68000
Jul 30, 2011
What a BEAST of a size also.


I think they are saving 2gb for the a model next year. Apple innovation seems to be decreasing steadily

i have noticed that too, the innovations have been incremental
even with the Apple Watch - there wasn't any innovation. the most innovative feature that Apple advertised was personalized software settings and a digital crown.

as far as 1GB vs's solely a profit maximization decision that will have finite effects on when all iOS devices with 1GB of memory will become obsolete. Apple is known to ration features like they are pouring from the last cup of water on earth


Aug 28, 2014
1) instead of focusing on the root causes for inferior performance (either short term or long term) that stems from 1GB of memory , you are blaming the end user and what he/she is using a phone that is capable of even much more. using 1GB of memory is actually a travesty even on the A6, let alone also the more powerful A7 and the brand new A8. it's a waste of what these great chips and these great smartphones could truly do

2) did you fail to read what i have said over and over again, that the use of 1GB of memory was solely due to maximizing profits and nothing else. i called out people who blindly defend Apple's decision and cite profits as the real reason

3) i did not purchase the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. i am using an iPhone 5. not that it matters, in fact it's irrelevant in this discussion

1) is the phone even out yet for you to criticize?
2) are you seriously running 10 tabs at a time?
3) go buy an android device and tell me how many tabs you can use smoothly
4) because why not?


macrumors 68000
Jul 30, 2011
Do you all honestly believe that a company that spends as much on R&D as Apple, that is as heavily scrutinized as Apple, and that has over $100B sitting in the bank like Apple, would seriously choose to nickel and dime their customers and hamstring their flagship device for a relatively small amount of money that is an extra GB of RAM? I mean that just defies all logic or reason, clearly they have their reasons and clearly they've thought about it, and came to the conclusion 1 GB was right for this device at this time. Yes, when they're selling the volume they are even a small amount of money per device amounts to a lot when summed up, but they're smart enough to not be penny wise and pound foolish to put out a substandard product that would result in them losing customers in the long run.

to answer all of your questions at once - yes

they've done it before, why do you think it's any different with 1GB of memory? i guarantee that using 1GB of memory was not a decision made by engineers and instead was made by management. in my years of product development, that has always been the case.

now granted, us engineers if given free reign would design the best phone in the universe with an insane battery life, but cost $20,000 lol


Mar 8, 2009
one word - marketing.

pretend that you are an average joe-shmoe and you watch two advertisements. the first one is for a phone with 2GB of memory. the second one is advertised with a sapphire display panel and all of the benefits associated with that type of display. which one would you think is a better phone? pretend that you don't know what "GB" even stands for or how to quantify that measure of data storage. but heck, even someone clueless about GB would think that sapphire is superior

That is 100% correct!!! And next year when the iphone 6s can do something that the iPhone 6 can not, they will not mentions 2GB of Ram. They will just mention the new feature. This new feature and a sapphire display will make the 6S the biggest iPhone launch to date. I don't this people upgrade just for a new display. Judging by benchmarks, the new phones are not much faster at all. The iPhone 6 is more or less an iPhone 5s in a bigger package.


Aug 28, 2014
one word - marketing.

pretend that you are an average joe-shmoe and you watch two advertisements. the first one is for a phone with 2GB of memory. the second one is advertised with a sapphire display panel and all of the benefits associated with that type of display. which one would you think is a better phone? pretend that you don't know what "GB" even stands for or how to quantify that measure of data storage. but heck, even someone clueless about GB would think that sapphire is superior

one word - profits
three words - because we can
three more words - it runs fine
twelve and final words - you don't even have the phone yet so stop criticizing for nothing

breaking news: the next iPhone will run even better and smoother than the current one. Apple following same pattern it has for 8 years with iOS devices. angry macrumors forum members still haven't gotten the point.


macrumors 68000
Jul 30, 2011
1) is the phone even out yet for you to criticize?
2) are you seriously running 10 tabs at a time?
3) go buy an android device and tell me how many tabs you can use smoothly
4) because why not?

1) even if the phone runs great on 1GB of memory out of the box, i already stated in a previous post that 1GB of memory will be this phone's achilles it will be on the 5S as well when it comes to support. again, stop blaming the end user and focus on what the root cause is for any inferior performance related to memory either in the near future or a year or two from now

2) i never run 10 tabs at a time, but i've had tabs refresh with just a few open while doing other things. it all depends on what it is in those tabs and what the other task is that you are doing. it happens less on the iPhone but it happens. the iPad Air is notorious for this

3) again stop with the us vs them argument. i didn't bring up android, why are you? why must every criticism about an Apple product result in a knee-jerk comment about android?

4) ?


one word - profits
three words - because we can
three more words - it runs fine
twelve and final words - you don't even have the phone yet so stop criticizing for nothing

breaking news: the next iPhone will run even better and smoother than the current one. Apple following same pattern it has for 8 years with iOS devices. angry macrumors forum members still haven't gotten the point.

my criticisms are perfectly valid. your defense of Apple's decision to use 1GB is slanted to say the least.

who said i am angry? i am actually enjoying this lively debate with fellow forum members. are you angry?


Aug 28, 2014
my criticisms are perfectly valid. your defense of Apple's decision to use 1GB is slanted to say the least.

who said i am angry? i am actually enjoying this lively debate with fellow forum members. are you angry?

Okay, I didn't mean to specifically call you out as angry that was my mistake. Yes it is a good conversation I am enjoying. Certainly some are angry, but I am not saying you are. In fact, you don't seem angry.


Jul 25, 2007
If this has 1GB of RAM, it's going to be bricked like iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 with 3GS specs and 4x pixels can't run iOS7, like iPhone 4S can't handle iOS8, like iPad 1's 256MB of RAM, like iPad 3 with 4x pixels on iPad 2 specs. iPhone 5 will run iOS11 fine with 1GB and iPhone 6 Plus will lag with less available memory.

Holy, crap. Buy some punctuation or something!
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