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macrumors member
Nov 21, 2008
"You didn't really call me, honey. See?"

About the only reason I can think up.

I would sure like to be able to delete the telemarketers and creditor's numbers from my list, so that only people I care about are displayed...
User Defined Reply To Addresses

The only feature I want:

- User-defined Reply-To address in Mail, especially for MobileMe accounts.

I am not sure if I understand your concern correctly, but if you mean different email addresses which your mail get's send from the same account, this is working very fine for me!

I have a mail-server with 3 or 4 domains pointing to the same imap destination, the thing is, in preferences just enter all your emails you want to send your stuff from, comma-separated, and that's it.

The sync take's care to put them as well on your iphone, you will have a scroller thingy to choose your sending email address from.

in you can than even assign different signatures to these addresses ....

it's, tough, not really obvios ...


macrumors 6502a
Dec 21, 2008
If you are talking about iCal, you can dial a number directly from the note field. I just tried it.

Again, doesn't go with my workflow. In my work environment, 95% of dialing information for conference calls is located in the location line. I don't see why this wouldn't be enabled since you are correct that you can do it from the notes. Again, this is more me fitting my needs to what apple has provided instead of apple suiting my needs. I would venture to say that some BB switchers feel the same pain i do.


macrumors member
Jan 9, 2007
Is Safari snappier™?

Also, if you want landscape rotation toggle, you just have to jailbreak your phone and install SBSettings and its "Auto-rotation inhibitor" plugin... you get the toggle in SBSettings :)


SBSettings is a sheet that appears by sliding the finger on the status bar, and it's a wonderful thing.

In the screenshot you can see some toggles I have... I think SBSettings is the only useful reason I jailbreak my phone...

Chris Welch

macrumors 6502
May 28, 2007
New York
There are so many features that iPhone users are crying out loud for:

Bluetooth syncing, a bluetooth external keyboard, ability to attach files to any email, ability to turn off landscape mode, multitasking, Flash, List view and categories for the home page, better implementation of multiple mailboxes, auto suggest that only accepts with a click, sync todo lists, ability to customize the lock screen, ability to flag emails, list docs as well as apps, no limit on number of apps, faster backup syncing, removable battery, removable media, front facing camera, print via wifi, wake up alarm, call recording, snooze calender reminders, mark all emails read, scroll bar or up down arrows for those tired of swiping swiping swiping.

And what do we get?

"phone vibrates when rearranging Home screen icons!"

Who thinks this stuff up?

Really? You think people are that desperate for all of those features, eh? In case you didn't realize, as of 3.0 there is no limit for number of apps on the phone. You can search in Spotlight for those that exceed the home pages. And being able to turn landscape mode off? Why would you be holding your phone sideways if you don't want landscape mode engaged?

And you're making this update out to be less significant than it is. Bluetooth control over voice functions is pretty huge. Speed increases are always welcome. They're solidifying the 3.0 OS, which is what people should expect from a .1 release.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 2, 2006
Morrisville, NC
I expect we will see this update during Apple's fall iPod event. I also think that will be the day that AT&T announces MMS and Tethering.

One question, is the iPhone 3G technically capable of voice control. That is strictly software and doesn't have any extra hardware to drive it, right?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 21, 2008
I would sure like to be able to delete the telemarketers and creditor's numbers from my list, so that only people I care about are displayed...

exactly. Apparently there is no honest reason to remove unwanted numbers from your call log.


macrumors regular
Dec 21, 2008
I expect we will see this update during Apple's fall iPod event. I also think that will be the day that AT&T announces MMS and Tethering.

One question, is the iPhone 3G technically capable of voice control. That is strictly software and doesn't have any extra hardware to drive it, right?

It's more than capable. But just because you don't have $$$ for the new model, you don't get the feature.


macrumors member
May 26, 2009
what's up with the ability to delete a single call from recent calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Exactly..........I hate it when I call or get a call from a skank and I can't delete it before my girlfriend sees it. If she sees all my recent calls cleared, she knows somethings up! HA!


macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2009
I sure would like the ability to have what the online version of MobileMe has: an automatic list of birthdays of my contacts in Calendar. :)


macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2009
Looks good! I normally only install the SDK versions of the OS on my iPod Touch, but I'm tempted to stick this on my new GS, to check out the video editing APIs.

Since 3.0 I've noticed mail making a bit of a mess with my Exchange inbox over IMAP - duplicate messages and the such like. Is anybody else getting that?

I have the EXACT same thing happening. In fact, I'm fairly sure that even Apple Mail is not removing them from Exchange. The iPhone certainly isn't.


macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2004
San Diego, CA
The only bug Ive found so far

The only bug I've found so far on the 3G S is that it take literally 3 minutes for my Alpine Deck to find the iPhone with the Alpine iPod Controller. It worked instantly under 3.0. (Although the beta's of 3.0 all had problems with it as well - but they fixed them for the GM)


macrumors 68030
Mar 28, 2008
Manchester UK
I have 2 3GS's and 2 3G's in my house. The reception on the 3GS's is awful compared to the 3G.

Also, app icons labelling with the wrong app name.

Does 3.01 go anywhere to resolving this?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2007
It only gets better. I remember when I bought the 1st gen in late June of 07 - an update came after week two or three as well.


macrumors 68020
Mar 11, 2009
Yeah not being able to delete a call is annoying, especially when you have duplicates from the same person.


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2006
2G and push to on, no battery problem solved with this ?

Ever since i installed 3.0 and had push as a setting for new information in settings ,contacts,mail,enz, my 2G becomes realy warm and the battery is drained in a couple of hours with out touching it.

This feels to me like there is something going wrong in the software that makes the processor work non stop, therby draining the battery.

I hope this is solved in 3.1 too, i can't use push the way it is now.
It did work with mobile me in 2.2.1 without any problem and i already miss it now.

Also Wifi reception has gone down at least 30% since 3.0 hope that is getting fixed to.

One thing i learned "again" from this is that iPhone is a computer not just a phone so i won't be going with the x.0 version next time around.
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