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Apr 23, 2009
No Samsung phone looks even remotely stylish compared to the iPhones today.
I completely disagree. I can't stand the way Samsung does business but the S7 edge looks a lot better than the 6S IMO.
These phone just keep getting uglier and uglier each year.

If it were up to me, I'd consider firing Jony.
Jony isn't designing the iPhone anymore. He has moved on to bigger projects.
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macrumors 68000
Nov 20, 2010
No, quite the opposite. Everyone criticized the camera bump at the start. They haven't accepted it and continue to criticize it.

I didn't criticize the bump at the start, I've accepted it and don't criticize it at all. I, like many people have no issue at all with the bump. Many millions of people buy phones with a camera bump and have no issue with it. Your personal obsession does not translate to "everyone" :)
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macrumors 68030
Jan 15, 2016
I completely disagree. I can't stand the way Samsung does business but the S7 edge looks a lot better than the 6S IMO.
Jony isn't designing the iPhone anymore. He has moved on to bigger projects.
I disagree. I was playing with a Samsung earlier today and it's not a clever phone. Metal covered by glass? What's the point. Added weight? Couldn't decide on a material to use? Strange curved lines... just because. And the operating system. Oh boy, what a doozy. S7 android = The Wild West. Brand new phone. Scrolling ain't entirely smooth. Some transitions were choppy. Lacking refinement of iPhone. Plus what amazed me was with all the addition screen space, some of it is occupied by ads. Samsung devices make little sense. This is why I criticise Apple when they drop the ball. No one wants Apple becoming a Samsung.
I didn't criticize the bump at the start, I've accepted it and don't criticize it at all. I, like many people have no issue at all with the bump. Many millions of people buy phones with a camera bump and have no issue with it. Your personal obsession does not translate to "everyone" :)
True my obsession is shared by few. However I criticize it because it's a backwards step. Don't accept poor design.
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Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
If this is real, I can see why people would upgrade, however, my Camera on my iPhone 6S is pretty freaking awesome. I don't plan to upgrade as of now. I don't think I will upgrade when it comes out but that is just me. We will see when it comes time for the keynote in the fall.

You will upgrade if the camera is a big deal to you. On the regular 7, the lens is larger and Apple never goes backward image quality wise. Dual lens on the higher model is supposed to be damn near DSLR quality.


macrumors 65816
Aug 17, 2008
It's going to have to be a really incredible camera, and I'm not sure how Apple will market it to set it apart from the 6 & 6s which has been heavily marketed for its amazing photo quality for the last two years. They can of course keep going with the "shot on iPhone 7", but how are they going to demonstrate the superiority on a billboard? Seems to me it will all just flow together, leaving the cops tomes thinking, 'my 6s has a great camera' what else does this weird-looking phone do?'. And I'm afraid the answer is shaping up as not much else ... And it may have lost the headphone jack as well ...
Doubt that. In the end, people will recognize better quality on a device with a feature they use heavily, probably every day.


Oct 12, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
It's going to have to be a really incredible camera, and I'm not sure how Apple will market it to set it apart from the 6 & 6s which has been heavily marketed for its amazing photo quality for the last two years. They can of course keep going with the "shot on iPhone 7", but how are they going to demonstrate the superiority on a billboard? Seems to me it will all just flow together, leaving the cops tomes thinking, 'my 6s has a great camera' what else does this weird-looking phone do?'. And I'm afraid the answer is shaping up as not much else ... And it may have lost the headphone jack as well ...

iOS 10 brings the ability to edit RAW format images. Part of this is also adding the ability to shoot in RAW format on the iPhone. I fully expect shooting in RAW to be a part of the new camera module in the 7 only. That alone would seperate its quality apart from the 6/6s. (Shooting in RAW has the potential to eliminate all that aggressive noise reduction currently applied to the JPEG's the iPhone shoots now.)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 8, 2011
iCloud Servers
Well then why not leave a bump for the headphone socket they seem intent on removing?
Apples new iphone7 looks like it will be exactly the same as the iphone 6s, which was exactly the same as the 6 (so much so it had to come up with 'its the same but completely different' marketing crapola), and the iphone 6 itself was playing catchup to the android midrange market of 2013 with its laughable 'retina' hd screen, its HUGE BEZELS, and advanced (for 2010) iOS software, which now has been well overtaken by android in my opinion (the OS, not the Apps).
Apple has superior apps due to being best on the market first, and still riding that wave.
While I love apples Macbook Pros (and waiting for them to eventually update the fecker as I cannot bring myself to buy 3 yr old processors for almost 3000 bucks), they seemed to have all but abandoned the computing sector to focus on the 'I upgrade my $500 phone every year' brigade.
I feel Apple has run out of ideas for their mobile range years ago.
The Iphone 4s was way ahead of the game back in 2010. Since then they ran out of ideas - No innovation since.
And as for the headphone socket removal - madness.
What next - we dont want the camera bump so we are taking away the camera??

iOS got better apps because...Mac! Sorry, macOS!

Before 2007 there're so many great apps for Mac, they were imported to iOS. Android is a different story.

Tim might not like it but I still buy iPhones because of the Ecosystem which is centered around my Mac. The day Apple screw that up I will move to Linux & Android & save tons of money.
[doublepost=1466891416][/doublepost]I don't mind the camera bump if the camera is really really awesome! And I use bluetooth headphones already, I don't care about the 3.5 port. What I can't live with though is the bezels, please Apple, make the iPhone Plus shorter by making the bezel smaller, at least the one above the screen.


macrumors member
Aug 1, 2013
So, what I'm getting is that every odd numbered release (,5,7) will be but a slight bump up, much like a second "S.5" release

When it's an even numbered release (4,6) there will be a much more obvious diff in the look of the device.


macrumors 68040
Feb 11, 2012
Florida, USA
These are some of the ugliest phones I've ever seen.
You should wait until Apple has an actual redesign before saying that. From all reports these look very similar to the iPhone 6 and 6s.

If you're complaining about the removal of antenna stripes that everyone called ugly two years ago, it really seems capricious (hate for hate's sake). If you always thought the iPhone 6 was ugly, your comment is stale.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2011
You will upgrade if the camera is a big deal to you. On the regular 7, the lens is larger and Apple never goes backward image quality wise. Dual lens on the higher model is supposed to be damn near DSLR quality.

Regardless if the camera quality gets better. The Camera is already great on the iPhone 6S. Some users will want to upgrade because of the camera, but I am not one of them. I am looking forward to the 2017 iPhone...that seems like it is going to be the bigger deal. And I'm sure the Camera on the 2017 iPhone will be just as great if not better than the iPhone 7.


macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2010
Almost Rock Solid
I cannot be the only one thinking Apple is screwing around with us. Every leak is different from the other. :rolleyes:

Three phones. Two phones. Headphone jack, no headphone jack...

That's how you find out who is leaking images.
1. Give a different fake component to each suspected leaker.
2. Wait for part photos to leak.
3. Bust the guilty parties (or cut off the leaky component suppliers.)
I bet $100 Apple negates iPhone 7 branding for these phones.

Me too. But not for real money.
These are some of the ugliest phones I've ever seen.

Just think how fantastic the 2017 "all-glass" iPhone will look next year.
In the meantime, this year's iPhone will sell no matter how bad the camera bump looks.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2009
Expect RAW capture along with new editing tools using the new Core Image RAW processing APIs.

As a photographer, that's huge and enough for me to upgrade.

Why would you shoot with your phone if you were a photographer? That's straight-up embarrassing...


macrumors 68040
Oct 11, 2012
Undisclosed location
There's no risk of getting a phone cut. It isn't even close to that thin yet. Those who need extra battery have options.
The phone cut comment is an exaggeration. No need to take it so literally.
Extra battery options are either the baby bump on the back, or any other battery case that uses a micro USB connection instead of lightning connector.
Those are not really acceptable options at all.


macrumors 6502
Jul 27, 2014
So my iPhone 4 finally "died" after 5.5 years of usage.
Planned to buy the new iPhone this year, but I refuse to own something that is this ugly and poorly designed.
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