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macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hm, OK, have to wait then.... BUT

what is even more frustrating is the continued lack of effort from Apple to make more content available internationally.

On the 5th year running, we still have No Movies, No TV Shows available for rent/purchase here in Europe. Afraid the same things happens to Books...

The black market is supplying a few iPad, but at 2x the price...

Looking like at trip to the Apple store in Hamburg in late may/early june, then...


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2010
And you keep using a PC with software that copies Apple's, and you keep using a music/video player that copies Apple's, and you keep using a smart phone that copies Apple's.

And while you are off in the corner laughing at us, we'll be getting the next thing you'll eventually buy a copy of.

It was actually your Messiah who bragged about them (Apple Computer, at the time) copying others was the most sincerest form of flattery and they sought to do it.

"We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas."
- Steve Jobs

From a comment from leoc at

Typical Apple fail: iPad-for-business includes antiquated VGA out when it's 2010 and everyone's using HDMI out. lol

Oh, but "there's an adaptor for that". lol

Let me know when you get an OLED screen, wirelessly syncing, a flash for your camera or an... FM tuner....... I hear 2020 is just around the corner! ;-D


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2007
Oh man, another month?! I don't think we'll make it over here in Japan. You'll see people hunched over in front of the Apple store, dead from anticipation. Myself included.


macrumors member
Jan 27, 2010
The naked truth.


"Screw you, Apple."

Just because someone agrees with you, it doesn't make what they say true. Just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn't make them an idiot or a sucker or a fanboy. Ad homs against people who disagree with you weaken your arguments and make you sound like you haven't thought your opinions through very well.

Take cmaier for example; I sometimes disagree with him, sometimes agree with him and sometimes have insufficient experience or knowledge to form an opinion either way. Whether I agree or disagree with him, I always ask myself why and try and incorporate that into a coherent opinion.

Equally, I don't always agree with Apple's decisions. I agree with their pushing of multitouch/direct manipulation. I disagree with their verb-centric application-oriented UI (goes against what I have found in my PhD) and prefer Windows Phone 7's hub model (although I even think that is looking at it in an inelegant fashion). I also prefer the services model of Android as a model, although I can't comment on whether iPhone OS 4.0's multitasking model is better in practice without trying it.

With regards to this announcement, I am willing to take it at face value unless further evidence to the contrary emerges. It does however seem, right now, the most plausible explanation; their sales model wasn't accurate enough or their maximum capacity was too low with too short a lead-in time. They mis-stepped, whether or not it was avoidable. I do not however think this is likely to be a significant problem for them in the long-term.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2008
I thought the iPad was a flop? I thought no one would want it and it would go the way of Apple TV v.1? What's happening people? Oh Apple came, saw, conquered? Well, wasn't that predictable. Expect a million sold after 3G launch day.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2007
what is even more frustrating is the continued lack of effort from Apple to make more content available internationally.

On the 5th year running, we still have No Movies, No TV Shows available for rent/purchase here in Europe. Afraid the same things happens to Books...

This is not Apple's fault. Blame content providers in Europe (and here in Japan as well), who have much a less sophisticated rights management environment than the US, and are not willing to make content available online.


macrumors 68000
Feb 4, 2010
Let me know when you get an OLED screen, wirelessly syncing, a flash for your camera or an... FM tuner....... I hear 2020 is just around the corner! ;-D

Nice to see you implicitly acknowledge you use copies of Apple tech.

I don't want an OLED screen. .me already wirelessly syncs. My camera has a flash. As for FM tuner? Dude, it's the 21st-century!


macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2010

I really shouldn't be surprised that Apple have delayed, they have reversed their 'dont tell' strategy and having adopted a 'tell them everything' approach, they've shot themselves in the foot... perhaps a delivery date of May should have always been set, and now they face a barrage of comments like mine from very dissapointed clients...:mad:


macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2010
what is even more frustrating is the continued lack of effort from Apple to make more content available internationally.

On the 5th year running, we still have No Movies, No TV Shows available for rent/purchase here in Europe. Afraid the same things happens to Books...

The black market is supplying a few iPad, but at 2x the price...

Looking like at trip to the Apple store in Hamburg in late may/early june, then...

Is there a possibility of a connection between the black market and the new european schedule? An open question to open minds.


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2010
This is not Apple's fault. Blame content providers in Europe (and here in Japan as well), who have much a less sophisticated rights management environment than the US, and are not willing to make content available online.

Then let's hold Apple accountable where it counts. Total control and greed, hence still having to use iTunes to buy your HD media to fill their silk-lined pockets by still denying -- hey, let's call it what it really is: Punishing -- users a Blu-ray on their MacBook Pro.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 16, 2008
NW London.
Kinda pissed that I'll have to wait longer to finally chop in my laptop against an iPad, but if there is a possibility that Apple are capitalising on supply problems to fix the wifi issue, it's totally a worthwhile wait.

It would have been nice to pick up an iPad the same day as our American buddies, but sometimes the tortoise beats the hare. ;)


macrumors member
Jan 30, 2008
Sometimes I wonder... Just don't understand how Canada is subjective to this international **** sometimes, I don't see the difficulty in firing them up here to us.


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2010
Nice to see you implicitly acknowledge you use copies of Apple tech.

I don't want an OLED screen. .me already wirelessly syncs. My camera has a flash. As for FM tuner? Dude, it's the 21st-century!

The 21st Century. How soon into the start of that was copy-and-paste and multitasking firt introduced on the iPhone?

Yeah. I could knock down your guys' strawmen's arguments all day. Hey, very few people inside (this,) the bubble will tell you what you need to hear. That's why CNet and ArsTech will give you the REAL scoops (the pros and cons) and not AppleInsider and, the stealth Apple shill. Might as well rename that obvious kickbacks-taking site "Wired-4-Apple". The fact that they publish an online article saying "Why you NEED a tablet" and only mention the iPad as the only viable option out there says you you're only tightening the blinders on the horse with that poorly-written hack site.

My point being-- you guys think "OH, [x], [y] and [z], we don't REALLY need that!" when the competition already does and once "Saint" Steve throws you guys a bone by getting around to doing it, you kiss his.... uh, feet, and don't want it thrown it in your face, it only took you BLANK number of years.

Quite a world you guys live in. ;)


macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2010
PC's are not crap. You're just biased.

Biased by years of struggling against Microcrap. Oh, and I tried Windows 7, works better than Vista but hey - Mac OS is just way better.

About the black market, here's an idea: Steve himself sells Pads on eBay and makes a good profit. Here's why he re-scheduled the european launch.


macrumors 603
Aug 22, 2007
I'm not buying the claims of "it's so popular we can't keep up".

I personally think they're having manufacturing problems but no company ever really wants to admit that, so it's often said that the product is just too popular!

Why is it this forum always has to choose the negative route? Your theory just has to call Apple a liar and that it just couldn't be true that they have sold a lot (which is true) and are in short supply. It doesn't always have to mean there are problems and at this point what difference does it make whether it's due to problems or short supply, they are still delaying orders outside the U.S so your point is moot.


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2010
Like I said: This is just 1 figure, a very small piece of the puzzle.

It's like saying "One out of one dentists chews Trident! :D"

When you guys have all the most productive countries of the world using the iPad like how the Nintend Wii sold like hotcakes, then I'll say: "Good job, Apple. You guys got a hit on your hand (as limited as it is)" (like a Nintendo DS can only do so much or a Amazon Kindle can only do so much)

BTW, speaking of Kindle. With all this iPad buzz, I can understand how their front page touts the #1 status of best ebook reader []. But I guess this is the part where you guys dismiss that like L*T*D's cockamamie "they flood the markets with cheap crap" spin. Oh, snap! I forget where I am. One-way street.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
Mostly I do it to be pretentious.

Actually though - I communicate with people via email a lot and through different accounts from different computers. The signature lets them know I'm "out of the office" or it may also indicate why my email may be terse.

Sent From My Work Computer ( hope my boss doesn't see )

It has more to do with, please disregard my spelling errors, I'm not on my computer. But the spell check is nice in OS4


macrumors 603
Aug 22, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Then I hope the International release is of iPads which have the wifi issues resolved.
Or, the competitors, Google, HP, Microsoft Courier release their tablets internationally before Apple and take a huge chunk of what should have been Apple's market.
Pissed off!

I had to chuckle at this post. Ah Brucey, remember, Apple is one of the last to the market with a Tablet and has been the only company with a product causing this much of a stir and selling out. No other Tablet has excited anyone. If those companies couldn't sell a Tablet before Apple then Apple is in the "Not to Worry" category in terms of losing business. :D
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