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macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2007
Denton, TX

Northern Shoveler


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

Beautiful and mysterious... You may say the location is familiar, but it's not familiar to me. Anyway, just because a place is well-photographed, that's no reason to miss the opportunity. I love going back to the same places - different light, different seasons - 'cos the experience is never the same twice. Do you have a version of this pic with a bit more room at the top... less tightly cropped?

Nice... and well-exposed (lots of 'whites' in there)...

Love the pose... and the catchlight in the eye (it's something like a UK 'redpoll'). Maybe crop out distracting grey shape, bottom left?

Watching Man U v Man C this afternoon, on my slow, rural broadband. The pic kept sticking so I took a few shots...



macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Beautiful and mysterious... You may say the location is familiar, but it's not familiar to me. Anyway, just because a place is well-photographed, that's no reason to miss the opportunity. I love going back to the same places - different light, different seasons - 'cos the experience is never the same twice. Do you have a version of this pic with a bit more room at the top... less tightly cropped?

Many thanks for your thoughts, Doylem. Yes, I do have more room to include at the top (lots of it, actually). I struggled with the placement of that top edge. If I move it up, the strong line between the rock and water gets pretty close to the center of the image, and I felt as though the image was starting to 'come apart' at the middle with that arrangement. Including a lot more of everything to avoid that middle line made the 'doorway' of light smaller in the frame, so its nice detail inside was getting lost. Tough one. I'll sit on it for a while and return to it with fresh eyes someday; maybe I'll see that a strong center line works alright after all.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2008
We went for a small hike yesterday so that my wife could break in her new hiking shoes before the real trails next weekend. There is a small waterfall along the trail so I figured it would be a good opportunity to practice a little on long exposures.

For this one, I used my circular polarizer to get down to 6". It was generally overcast, but a little sun did sneak in above the falls and a there was a little too much at the very top left corner of the falls itself. The only thing I wish I had done differently would be to use a little fill flash to brighten up the rock faces on either side of the falls. This particular waterfall is only about an hour drive and easy 1 mile hike, so I will definitely be back to try again.



macrumors 68000
Mar 26, 2008
I don't think I've shared this one yet... This is the only sunset I was able to get while in Destin. I was also without my tripod, as I had left it in a vehicle I did not have access to get it like I thought I was going to be able to do. I learned not to do that again.



macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
night shooting..

Found this spot with an overhead bridge.The only light available was a streetlight. I put on my rubber boots some good socks and waded into the river.. at -16C :) ...

This is the result of an 25sec exposure at f5 and at 12mm I think.

Came out ok, me thinks...


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