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macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2009
1) I'm 29.
2) I have a girlfriend.
3) I own a BMW M3.
4) I switched to Apple 4 years ago and haven't regretted it once.
5) THIS gentleman prefers brunettes.
6) I'm ambi-dexterous.
7) I hate people who put up a race when driving when I'm rushing off to work actually. :rolleyes:
8) I have a tendency to eat tissue bit by bit.
9) I met with a serious accident once. I crashed my old car into the back of a semi-trailer.
10) I'm an American Chinese. ( I live in Singapore )
11) I have a Les Paul.
12) I have 2 master degrees - Maths and Biology.
13) I have had a total of 23 crushes, both for people and people for me.
14) I plan to have 2 kids in future.
15) I love poached eggs.
16) I'll love to hold a "Macrumors Singapore Tour".. I could bring you guys around Singapore.. Separate thread for that later..
17) I am an avid photographer.
18) I hate smoke from smokers.
19) My favourite cartoon show is Tom & Jerry.
20) Macrumors is the best Mac site I've ever been to.


Jan 18, 2005
5. I have trichotillomania.

I thought I'd look this up (bored at work :cool:) and wow. Yea so I have that too, I never knew there was a name associated with it. It's not bad though, I just pull out facial hair bits when watching TV or whatever... Whenever my hands aren't doing anything it seems!
Cheers for that!

Used to pull out eyelashes when I was a kid too. Never enough to leave visible bald patches though.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
20 more random things about me

I've previously posted 40 random things.

41. A photo featuring me has appeared in a well-known U.S. magazine.

42. 'Q' is my favorite letter. I don't have a second-favorite letter.

43. I used Mac software to design the tile pattern in our kitchen but I used Windows software to find the optimal layout for our kitchen flooring.

44. I've held (not just touched) a mars rock.

45. I tend to volunteer too much. I'm webmaster of several organizations' websites, including .com, .org, and .edu sites.

46. I'm can resist candy and most snack foods but I have a weakness for large-size Fritos. Keep them away or give me the whole bag!

47. I once talked my girlfriend's college statistics professor into raising her grade by pointing out that he made miscalculations while determining cut-off points on the class curve.

48. I'm terrible at opening audio CD cases. Maybe that's why I switched to buying music online.

49. The countries I'd most like to visit again are Norway and Japan.

50. The most amazing man-made work I've even seen is the Sangusangen-do Buddhist temple in Kyoto.

51. I felt quite honored when I won a service award whose only previous recipient was a U.S. congressperson. I wasn't as thrilled when I won a free chimney sweeping in a drawing, since I don't have a chimney.

52. I've performed in front of strangers as a magician and a puppeteer. When I sing it's usually to embarrass my family.

53. I fold my T-shirts in a very cool way but I have trouble tying my shoes.

54. I like movies and TV shows with time-travel themes.

55. I've been to a Star Trek convention but I didn't wear a costume, unless you count regular earthling clothes as a costume.

56. I've donated blood over 50 times and I regularly encourage others who are eligible to donate blood. Care to try it? According to my calculations I've donated about 810 billion platelets so far, but who's counting?

57. Speaking of billions, I've saved billions of dollars by never buying coffee at Starbucks or an extended warranty at Best Buy.

58. My toothbrushes are always yellow.

59. I've never broken a bone despite wild stunts like skiing on one ski, hiking on an active volcano, getting lost in a forest, and moderating an Internet forum.

60. I beat my wife up every morning and MacRumors is one of the reasons.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Hey Q, can you really use MR as an excuse for spousal abuse, regardless of the time of day?
I guess it is rather abusive that I get up early to check on MacRumors while letting everyone else sleep later, when I could be making everyone a fancy breakfast in bed instead. I hope you don't find out that there's a reward for turning me in to the authorities.


macrumors 68000
Nov 8, 2009
1. im a male
2. my ethnic backround is from Colombia
3. movie fanatic
4. fetish for PALE skin girls
5. im a bodybuilder
6. used to be a personal trainer
7. my fav food is chinese
8. fetish with female feet
9. i like hairy vaginas ;)
10. im a sharp dresser
11. good dancer
12. i can cook anything
13. electronic music is my favorite
14. im a party animal
15. girls love me
16. i like asian girls
17. i really hate cops
18. i have 4 tattoos and 3 piercings
19. 90% of my songs on my itunes is illegal
20. love to go shopping


macrumors newbie
Oct 15, 2009
1. I dance like I'm white
2. Cops hate me no matter where I go, not even sure why
3. I have a programming degree
4. Love coffee
5. My Jeep has a Hemi
6. Boondock Saints is my favorite movie
7. I'm a Patriots fan
8. Love to cook
9. Grill out whenever I can
10. I can bench almost twice my body weight
11. I used to be a boxer
12. LOVE driving in deep snow or mud
13. I do all my own Jeep maintenance and repairs
14. I am building an iPhone app
15. For fun I write programs
16. I need new tires
17. I am white
18. Been to Europe
19. Want to back overseas
20. I was an 11M


macrumors 601
Jun 13, 2007
60. I beat my wife up every morning and MacRumors is one of the reasons.

One of the most un-expected and funniest things I've seen you write Q!

Might as well add a few more for good measure

21. I found the point of twitter and am now an avid user, it's definitely one of those closed community things, you're either completely in, or completely out.

22. As much as it's now dented, worn and warping in places, I still love my non-unibody MBP, and I refuse to upgrade to a unibody until I absolutely have to.

23. I once fell off my trampoline and hit the back of my head badly, I still have a large lump there, my parents don't know :p

24. I would give anything to live in the 60's

25. I honestly wish 2012 would come true, then we'd all have a fresh start.

26. I've now had writers block (musically) for about 4 months now, I think I've exhausted my creative capacity, I have over 40 tracks waiting to be finished and no idea what to do with them...

27. If I found just one person that would want to work with me on music I'd be happy, and it would probably fix 26 :p

28. My aim is still become more than just average at anything that I do, I've yet to succeed, sadly. Although if the work at my youtube page is to be believed, I'm improving at film making. (Haat Films)

29. When I walk in a crowded place I always walk faster, something about being around so many people just bugs me.

30. I wish there was a life compass to give you a sense of direction, I'd buy one in a heartbeat :p


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Oooooh, I'll play!!!

1. I have naturally curly hair and I absolutely love it.
2. I've been the same height (5'5") since I was 10.
3. I have an unnatural appreciation for all things British.
4. Both of my dogs are rescues, and they are both full blooded Westies.
5. I've driven across the entire United States (Well, Philadelphia to Los Angeles)
6. I do not brush my teeth regularly because I don't have to (nope, no bad breath, no cavities).
7. My grandfather was born in the room he slept in until the day he died, and that same room was mine until I moved out of my parent's house (it is my youngest brother's room now).
8. I have a tendency to discover good shows long after they have started and then hold marathons to catch up.
9. I absolutely LOVE cars.
10. My step-dad and I used to be a two-person racing team, he drove and I was his pit crew.
11. I have disassembled and reassembled a motor.
12. I have an office supply fetish.
13. In a little more than a week's time I will be marrying the only guy I have ever kissed, seriously dated and slept with.
14. I am caffeine intolerant (i.e. allergic to caffeine).
15. I think chest hair is sexy.
16. I shave my arms.
17. I harbor a deep hatred of people who can't chew with their mouth closed.
18. Haggen Dazs Putter Pecan ice cream is my biggest food weakness.
19. I'm a Ford person.
20. I can whinny like a horse (very convincingly).


macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2008
Sussex, UK
I've never managed to complete one of these before but here goes...

1. I'm 18.
2. I've lived in Worthing for that many years.
3. But now I live in Hastings for uni as of two months ago.
4. I DJ whenever I have the chance to. Even when it is a meer gathering for a chant and not a party.
5. I cannot listen to music without counting to 4 in my head repeatedly.
6. Music in 3/4 annoys me...
7. I have ADD.
8. I cannot live in a house where my bedroom is tidy, I find it much harder to find things.
9. I'm bisexual.
10. I'm still somewhat more attracted to girls...
11. I switched to mac 363 days ago.
12. I don't drive or have my own car due to lazyness.
13. I enjoy traveling on public transport.
14. I'm a vegetarian.
15. It is my personal goal to own the 7" and 12" of every song that I collect. (not phisically).
16. I prefer to large square pillows to rectangular ones.
17. I'm a Wado-Ryu black belt.
18. I'm addicted to supermarket shopping.
19. I have a dictaphone memory for music.
20. I regress to being like a 9 year old at Christmas.


Jan 2, 2009
The Evildrome Boozerama
Well, then...

  1. I originally majored in journalism in college.
  2. I have very "retro" music tastes -- still love the Stones, the Beatles, etc.
  3. I've been married for thirteen years to the same woman.
  4. My first computer was a Commodore 64. I still occasionally miss it.
  5. I didn't learn to drive until I was 20.
  6. I have temped at, among other places, a candy factory and a funeral home.
  7. I enjoy books about media history e.g. The Late Shift (re: the Letterman-Leno Tonight Show conflict)
  8. I have almost no mechanical aptitude whatsoever.
  9. I write Willow/Tara fanfic, including a novel-length uber-fic based in the Trek universe.
  10. I work as administrative and technical support in a small law office.
  11. I wear glasses for nearsightedness.
  12. I passed the initial Jeopardy! test but didn't get picked as a contestant.
  13. I was a founding member of a West Coast Dr. Who convention that recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary.
  14. My first Mac was a Macintosh Classic.
  15. I love salty, crunchy foods. Bugles are my biggest weakness
  16. For an overweight, straight white guy, I'm considered a decent dancer.
  17. I call pocket-T's 'Uncle Bob shirts' after a family member who wore them exclusively all his life.
  18. My hair, though very curly, is also thin and fine.
  19. I don't watch sports, except occasionally the SuperBowl and the Olympics.
  20. MacRumors is becoming my new obsession.


macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2008
Heck I'll give it a shot:

1. I'm tall for my class. 6' 1" and 15 yrs old
2. I'm a freshman at a school in Nowhereville, Missouri. South of St Louis
3. I used to own an iPhone but switched to Android an love it.
4. I'm left handed.
5. I shoot a basketball left handed, but I dribble right handed.
6. I love my Hackintosh.
7. I can lick my elbow in several assorted ways.
8. I love photography.
9. I have an amazing girlfriend.
10. I need a job to support my spending habits.
11. I spend more than I have on expensive things (see #10)
12. I am probably spoiled by many standards, but I don't care.
13. I have the best group of friends I could ever ask for, even if they do get on my nerves at times
14. I have blue eyes and dark hair
15. I have a freakishly large underbite that I will have corrected surgically around when I turn 18
16. I love tinkering with electronic devices in my spare time
17. I love basketball
18. I want to buy a DSLR but I can't afford it (see #'s 10-11)
19. I also want a new phone, that I also can't afford.
20. I tend to avoid homework at all costs, even though I am striving to maintain my current 11.0 GPA and the head of my class.


macrumors 65816
Dec 26, 2008
1. I am only 14.
2. I love screamo and heavy metal music.
3. I have never done drugs.
4. I like to do model vehicles. But can't get into it much.
5. My family owns a Mexican restaurants.
6. I am half Mexican.
7. I can not speak spanish.
8. I eat about 4 different things from restaurant.
9. I can not spell restaurant for the life of me.
10. I know how to spend money unwisely.
11. I am really shy.
12. I am always sarcastic
13. I can be very immature.
14. I always change my mind.
15. I am always wanting bigger and better things.
16. I like to collect knives
17. A few years back I absolutely loved Garfield. I currently have 24 book(3 are triple packs)
18. I can read a book several times and always forget what happens.
19. I love puzzles.
20. I am lazy


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
Love this thread.... I'll hit out a few more.

21. I'm at university
22. I love university!
23. I drink far too much (see 1. and 2.)
24. The fire alarm in the flat next door is currently going off - I smell no smoke...plenty of time to keep doing this.
25. I'm known for taking things far too literally.
26. But I'm also known for being very sarcastic.
27. I spend far too much time on MR (browsing and posting).
28. I fell off a phone box the other day.
29. I like to buy trainers.
20. I really want a Siberian Husky.
31. I'm fascinated by the heart - in a physiological manner.
32. The alarm in the flat next door has stopped going off - phew!
33. I like to run and play football (soccer).
34. I have a disturbingly large collection of different coloured tights.
35. 90s nights are the best!
36. I've been interviewed live on TV - (not just a random news interview on the street).
37. I love it when I have to wear a suit!
38. I spend way too much time on facebook.
39. I can't dance for ****!
40. I like jaffa cakes.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Chandler, AZ/Chicago, IL
1. I'm 21
2. My first mac was the first MacBook made(2006), which I still have but never use.(Currently have a iMac 24 inch.)
3. I am a licensed pilot, that was two lessons away from becoming a commercial and instrument rated pilot but had to stop.(See 4.)
4. I have Bi-Polar disorder
5. I also have ADD and anxiety issues.
6. I'm addicted to trying different cell phones, even if it means paying the early termination fee.
7. I live in Arizona and dislike it at times, especially summer!!!
8. I will move back to St. Louis, Mo someday
9. My iPhone at times takes over my life.
10. I had to drop out of college(see 4.) but will be going back in August!
11. I'm very into digital photography but need some lessons, I plan on taking a course in August!
12. I LOVE technology
13. I'm online reading the news, blogs, social networking, using iTunes, etc waaay to much.
14. I work at Starbucks and love it...Most of the time
15. I LOVE fast cars(Mercedes AMG's, BMW M's, etc.).
16. I have two dogs that are beyond spoiled and are a major part of my life.
17. I have very few friends that have stuck with me during the hard times of my life.
18. I spend/waste/charge waaay more money than I make
19. I love driving, it clears my head.
20. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with my life.


macrumors regular
Mar 22, 2010
Houston, TX
when I was born, I was diabetic, but now I'm not. :confused:

I am the opposite. (1) I was born not diabetic, but now I am.
I will see if I can get remotely near 20:
(2) I have a sixth sense. Blood sugar. See (1)
(3) My eyesight is beginning to fail me
(4) I have beat LittleBigPlanet on every console you can buy it for
(5) I read way too fast
(7) My thyroid is bigger than most people's
(8) I love reptiles
(9) I have terrible insomnia
(10) I love to draw, but suck at it
That is all I can think of at the moment. Sorry.


macrumors member
Nov 21, 2008
1. I'm 24.
2. I drive an Infiniti G37s
3. I'm an aerospace engineer.
4. I had/have no desire to learn to fly and don't really know that much about airplanes.
5. I cannot do an homework before the night before ever.
6. #5 is making my master's degree very difficult
7. I grew up on a mountain, but love big cities. I will move to one in the next year or so.
8. I'm incredibly skinny (6'2'' 145lbs).
9. I suck at spelling.
10. Generally hate smoking, but smoke like a chimney when I drink.
11. Just got a t2i and I am still learning how to use it.
12. I travel way too much for work.
13. I have no desire to work on cars. Even simple things like oil changes, I'd much rather pay someone.
14. I loathe doing the dishes.
15. I eat all meals at home with plastic utensils as I hate metal in my mouth.
16. I HATE southern accents.
17. My GF is Cambodian.
18. I eat hotter foods than my GF and most of her family. To their disbelief...
19. I have never seen Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or The Matrix.
20. Sidney Crosby is my least favorite human on Earth.
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