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Cheffy Dave

macrumors 68030
Were Apple fans. I love all my Apple products, but I am now done with this company that is trying to sue there way into a monopoly. I will keep what I have, but will not be purchasing anything new from them. I know I will get negative comments since I didn't give Apple praise, and the faithful do not look past the :apple: symbol.

it's called PATENTS, that PROTECT YOUR DESIGNS, when you copy, BLATENTLY, the patents protect you, its why they exist, has nothing to do with Apple suing to become a monopoly. OK so you're done with Apple, goodbye!:rolleyes:


macrumors member
Oct 12, 2009
Rotten apple

Alot of you here see this as a win for apple well laugh it up you see there was a company long go that was on top but fell to its knees ended up being saved by microsoft. now that company is on top again and suing everybody because they are bullys and claim they invented everything i for one will not buy an apple product as ijust sold ihpne 4s ipad 2 64 and my apple tv will not buy another one until all this is sorted out the right way other companies are looking at this and crying foul will this make people go out and buy an apple product only you so-called fanboys no it will not apple didnt invent anthing they stole other peoples ideas and improved on them so laugh it up ifall u see on shelves is apple products where is the choice in that samsung makes windows phones will put thier effort in that and surpass the iphone who will apple sue then microsoft because they are losing apple is nothing but a big cry baby and they will fall like they did before if they continue their practices


macrumors regular
May 14, 2012
I've read this statement before....oh right it was GM complaining when they passed CAFE laws. GM fought it claiming it would hurt consumers and stifle innovation and pass prices onto consumers. What happened? The Japanese companies innovated, made fuel efficient cars, and sold affordable cars to millions of Americans. GM went kicking and screaming and eventually went bankrupt. Now suddenly they are making cheap fuel efficient cars and are doing well. What's the lesson, companies that claim something will stifle innovation, raise prices, etc. don't want to change, they just want to keep doing what they have been doing. Innovate or die Samsung. Go make your own OS. See how hard it is to do.

Your last 3 sentences just make you look stupid. Samsung uses Google's OS they don't make their own. They make a launcher that skins Google Android. Just thought I'd let you know before you make yourself look even stupider.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
To anyone who thinks this is a good verdict, PLEASE see this video:

This is a loss for consumers. We will have fewer options, less competition. Screw Tim Cook.

How exactly do you have fewer options? And how is forcing companies to come up their own stuff stifling innovation? If anything this'll probably bring more innovation as companies spend less time mimicking Apple's stuff. No Kia and Microsoft of showing that there are other ways of making a smartphone that doesn't look like an iPhone.


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.

I'll tell ya. The next few months are going to be something.

New iPhone, iPad mini, completely redesigned iPod Nano with Wi-Fi.

Apple's victory over evil.

Google's soon to arrive License Deal for Android from Apple (yes, Tim will not try to kill it. Too much $ in it).

With the climax being Q1 results sending APPL Market Cap to 1 Trillion.

It's, well, "Magical". :apple:
Last edited:

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
What's clear is not much has changed on this board. And that was to be expected. No matter what the outcome - it doesn't really change perspective. And the general customer won't care a bit either.

The fact that a jury of 9 people came to a consensus and decided that Samsung willfully infringred on Apple patents apparently is lost on you. You seem to like to ignore that fact. But of course as long as you think the jury was wrong in their decision is all that matters, right? Your posts clearly indicate your disdane for Apple and this post you made continues to show that.

I am increasing my kleenex budget and can add you the list of people to get a box.

Don't let the door hit on on the way to another website where I am sure you will find some people that are Anti-Apple like minded like you.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
The fact that a jury of 9 people came to a consensus and decided that Samsung willfully infringred on Apple patents apparently is lost on you. You seem to like to ignore that fact. But of course as long as you think the jury was wrong in their decision is all that matters, right? Your posts clearly indicate your disdane for Apple and this post you made continues to show that.

I am increasing my kleenex budget and can add you the list of people to get a box.

Don't let the door hit on on the way to another website where I am sure you will find some people that are Anti-Apple like minded like you.

All there has to be is one person in the room that will not budge on voting for apple and everyone in the room will eventually vote their way. Its also pretty well proven that the general public has apple on a pedestal and thinks they can do no wrong.

Mark Booth

macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
Alot of you here see this as a win for apple well laugh it up you see there was a company long go that was on top but fell to its knees ended up being saved by microsoft. now that company is on top again and suing everybody because they are bullys and claim they invented everything i for one will not buy an apple product as ijust sold ihpne 4s ipad 2 64 and my apple tv will not buy another one until all this is sorted out the right way other companies are looking at this and crying foul will this make people go out and buy an apple product only you so-called fanboys no it will not apple didnt invent anthing they stole other peoples ideas and improved on them so laugh it up ifall u see on shelves is apple products where is the choice in that samsung makes windows phones will put thier effort in that and surpass the iphone who will apple sue then microsoft because they are losing apple is nothing but a big cry baby and they will fall like they did before if they continue their practices

Since it's obviously a waste of time to debate with you, you can have these (I won't be needing them):


You can have a couple of capital letters too. No charge!


Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
How exactly do you have fewer options? And how is forcing companies to come up their own stuff stifling innovation? If anything this'll probably bring more innovation as companies spend less time mimicking Apple's stuff.

I have been wondering about this. People keep saying "less choices for consumers" but have no evidence to back up that claim. Sounds a lot like Anti-Apple sentiment.

Forcing a company to stand on their own and produce a truly unique product is good for the consumer. Apple, Microsoft and Sony are three companies that prove that it can be done.


macrumors 68040
Apr 28, 2004
How exactly do you have fewer options? And how is forcing companies to come up their own stuff stifling innovation? If anything this'll probably bring more innovation as companies spend less time mimicking Apple's stuff. No Kia and Microsoft of showing that there are other ways of making a smartphone that doesn't look like an iPhone.

Apple is attempting to sue people for having rounded edges on their tablets. Screw them. This results in fewer options.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
All there has to be is one person in the room that will not budge on voting for apple and everyone in the room will eventually vote their way. Its also pretty well proven that the general public has apple on a pedestal and thinks they can do no wrong.

What are you trying to say, that the jury was rigged? Or you don't have any faith in the trial by jury system? 9 people weighed the evidence and came to the same conclusion.

It is also well proven that Apple is one the most scurtinzed companies out there. Remember Antenna-gate, battery-gate, Foxcom-gate, etc. When other companies had the same issue none of them made the front page for the same issues like Apple does.


macrumors 68040
Apr 28, 2004
Forcing a company to stand on their own and produce a truly unique product is good for the consumer. Apple, Microsoft and Sony are three companies that prove that it can be done.

What if Apple were forced to not use the GUI (Invented by XEROX)

No macs.

What Diamond Rio patented its Mp3 player?

No iPod.

Apple barely invented any of the technology in the hardware products it sells.

Screw Apple. They steal technologies (and the iPhone NAME, by the way), then they get annoyed when people steal their stolen technologies and make them aesthetically similar.


US patent law was devised by a junkie smoking crack.



macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
The fact that a jury of 9 people came to a consensus and decided that Samsung willfully infringred on Apple patents apparently is lost on you. You seem to like to ignore that fact. But of course as long as you think the jury was wrong in their decision is all that matters, right? Your posts clearly indicate your disdane for Apple and this post you made continues to show that.

I am increasing my kleenex budget and can add you the list of people to get a box.

Don't let the door hit on on the way to another website where I am sure you will find some people that are Anti-Apple like minded like you.

Oh boo hoo, Taz. Nothing is lost on me at all. What in my post that you QUOTED signifies that. Are you saying that the back and forth on these threads is all that different than what was being said during the trial? No. They aren't. Same threads. Same arguments. Same pictures. Same debunking. Same FUDs from the same players.

I don't have any disdain for Apple. I buy my tech based on my needs and that's it. There's no emotional connection to me. Maybe there is for you. But let's not project, shall we? Most if not all of my posts aren't anti-Apple. They are correcting the mass amounts of BS that permeates these threads as if they are truths. If I have any disdain - it's towards the behavior that some people engage in either on purpose or from ignorance.

And I have no idea why you would think I need to find another website to go to. You do know this isn't an Apple FAN board, right? It's an Apple discussion forum for people that either have Apple products, want to know more about Apple products and oh yeah - people who are generally interested in technology.

If people that don't conform to the views you possess or how you think they should post - that's your problem. And I'm happy to buy a box of kleenex for you.

Have a great day...

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
What if Apple were forced to not use the GUI (Invented by XEROX)

Apple paid Xerox before Xerox would allow Apple in their lab: In other words, Apple made a deal with Xerox to use their technology.

What Diamond Rio patented its Mp3 player?

Rio was free to patent their technology and chose not to. Who's fault is that.

They steal technologies (and the iPhone NAME, by the way), then they get annoyed when people steal their stolen technologies and make them aesthetically similar.

Cisco sued Apple and then settled with them on the use of the iPhone name where they both could use the name:,-cisco-settle-iphone-trademark-lawsuit/2100-1041_3-6161233.html


macrumors regular
May 21, 2012
And they will !

That's why Apple is spreading its risk to other manufacturers too. At the same time, other companies will also become wary of Samsung. LG, the Japanese, and the Taiwanese should be happy to step up their game.

Yes. But they will be forced to pay license fees to Apple for their future products too, unless they workaround the patents. At which point, they might as well also workaround MS's patents -- if they can.

This time round, Apple only highlighted a few patents. I'm sure there are more. So it's probably better for Samsung to pay up.

EDIT: btw, Apple design their own CPUs. Samsung only manufacture them.

The CPU's are designed in the UK by ARM


macrumors 68040
Apr 28, 2004
Apple paid Xerox before Xerox would allow Apple in their lab: In other words, Apple made a deal with Xerox to use their technology.

Rio was free to patent their technology and chose not to. Who's fault is that.

Cisco sued Apple and then settled with them on the use of the iPhone name where they both could use the name:,-cisco-settle-iphone-trademark-lawsuit/2100-1041_3-6161233.html

This is how I interpret your post "I am not going to argue that Apple totally copied those companies and it would've been devastating for consumers if those companies had defended their inventions, instead I'm basically going to say 'LOOK, APPLE WON THEREFORE EVERYTHING IS OKAY, NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG'"

The fact is: patent suits like this limit competition and stifle innovation. Apple being a company that innovates and rarely invents is an example of what happens when companies are allowed to use other companies intellectual property.

My argument is: Apple copies EVERYBODY and uses EVERYONE ELSE'S inventions. They make a better product in the end, but them suing is just hypocritical sour grapes over nothing in a competition they are clearly winning.


macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2012
Are you really this uninformed about an issue you're bloviating about?

"It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners."

"Competitors will have to go back to the drawing board, and give their designers more creative license," Carani says. "They'll have to create something very different as far as the visual experience, and that choice could be a great benefit for consumers."

This is like i said. This decision breeds innovation. how could it not? Samsung will be forced to come up with new ideas, instead of looking at the iPhone and say "yeah do that".
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