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macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Today, sitting at Colados (coffee shop) in Avondale, AZ I pulled the fastest speed test I have ever done on any LTE device I have ever owned since September 2012.

No, it's not 50+ down and certainly much less than 100 down, but when you stop and consider that the best Sprint was offering for me in my area was an inconsistant 5 down, this is quite speedy.

Sprint's great here in Phoenix, just not in any of the places I happen to be.

My only remaining regret has been not sucking it up earlier and leaving Sprint sooner.

2017-03-18 18.57.12.png

Oh…and yeah @Applejuiced! Now I am bragging! :D
Like you, I should have left Sprint sooner than I did. Better late than never.

Glad you are happy with your provider.
Yeah, Sprint's not bad here. It's just swiss cheese and the places I am happen to be in the holes.

Had we stuck with them we'd only just NOW be getting Band 26 rolled out. Sprint had to sue Arizona Public Service and get a court injunction to start rolling it out. Forget Band 41.
T-Mobile is definitely the fastest-growing and most-improved in recent years of the four.

I wonder if the rumors about Sprint being bought by T-Mobile are true, and if so, what benefits would T-Mobile customers see?
T-Mobile is definitely the fastest-growing and most-improved in recent years of the four.

I wonder if the rumors about Sprint being bought by T-Mobile are true, and if so, what benefits would T-Mobile customers see?
Sprint definitely is looking for T-Mobile to be the majority shareholder. That has been established. If the deal were to go through, I think it would benefit T-Mobile users greatly, with more coverage, provided T-Mobile is willing to spend money Sprint wasn't on upgrades.
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T-Mobile is definitely the fastest-growing and most-improved in recent years of the four.

I wonder if the rumors about Sprint being bought by T-Mobile are true, and if so, what benefits would T-Mobile customers see?
Sprint definitely is looking for T-Mobile to be the majority shareholder. That has been established. If the deal were to go through, I think it would benefit T-Mobile users greatly, with more coverage, provided T-Mobile is willing to spend money Sprint wasn't on upgrades.
Rumors of a deal have at the very least turned from a merger of equals to T-Mobile as the majority. I don't see it any more though. Things have changed in the last 2+ years. Even DT recognizes that.

Personally, I see a merger with Sprint and some other company. Either that or Masayoshi Son will have to give DT a lot more.

I'm not so certain a deal bodes well for T-Mob customers though. Perhaps that's just my 16 years of Sprint cutomer experience.
Today, sitting at Colados (coffee shop) in Avondale, AZ I pulled the fastest speed test I have ever done on any LTE device I have ever owned since September 2012.

No, it's not 50+ down and certainly much less than 100 down, but when you stop and consider that the best Sprint was offering for me in my area was an inconsistant 5 down, this is quite speedy.

Sprint's great here in Phoenix, just not in any of the places I happen to be.

My only remaining regret has been not sucking it up earlier and leaving Sprint sooner.

View attachment 692729

Oh…and yeah @Applejuiced! Now I am bragging! :D

That's some sweet speeds bro.
I like it a lot:)
T-Mobile is definitely the fastest-growing and most-improved in recent years of the four.

I wonder if the rumors about Sprint being bought by T-Mobile are true, and if so, what benefits would T-Mobile customers see?

Personally I would rather not see any wireless mergers.
We have a huge country both geographically and in population so 4 major carriers is not much. 3 major carriers is even worst and it could create monopolies and stifle competition.
I rather see more major networks and not less.
that's right, I don't want to see any mergers. We all have TMO to thank for the recent unlimited plans offerings. The consumer gains when companies try to continuously win over customers. Better with 4 major carriers

Fortunately for me 3 of the 4 work great in my area. Both Vz and TMO are very, very fast. Vz just has the edge with calling, but not by much. Att a bit slower than both, but excellent calling.
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I'm also very happy I left Sprint after enduring their torturous service for over 20 years. Switching to Verizon last November was the best thing I ever did and I totally regret not doing it sooner. Even with all the hassles I had getting my Sprint 7+ to work on Verizon it was still worth it, especially now with Unlimited Data:)
Pretty damn good for a Sprint iPhone 5 on T-Mobile 4G only!

This is why I like T-Mobile! Even 4G is fast!

2017-04-15 19.05.06.png
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I have to agree 110%. I always pass my old Sprint store on my way home from work. When passing I always think of the years I went and stood in line on iPhone release day for no reason. I say no reason because I could always go at noon and still get the phone because no one was going to Sprint on launch day to get them lol.

That's all beside the point ... Switching to T-Mobile was something I should had done way before I actually did. For some reason I continued to stay with Sprint.
That's all beside the point ... Switching to T-Mobile was something I should had done way before I actually did. For some reason I continued to stay with Sprint.
Yeah, part of my problem was always the financial hit I saw. Having to get new phones, etc. I should have taken the hit anyway, even with flip phones if I had to. The plan I ended up with costs the same as when I was with Sprint and I have four more lines than I did on Sprint - two of which are free.

I think what used to be the lower price and the fact that I was grandfathered with an ED1500 plan had a lot to do with it. Which is funny because I'm grandfathered on Simple Choice with T-Mob now. :D

Oh yeah. I pass a tower on the way to work everyday. It's an AT&T tower (I set the legal in our newspaper for the city variance on it), but that tower marks the point where I always lost Sprint signal when streaming music. So, much like you passing the store I am reminded. :)
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I remember all of your posts back then about how unhappy you were with them. Can't believe it's been that long since you switched!

My fiancé is on Sprint and I can't seem to convince her to come over to Big Red with me. She seems content with her slow speeds and her YouTube/pandora dropping out in the same areas around our place.
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I remember all of your posts back then about how unhappy you were with them. Can't believe it's been that long since you switched!

My fiancé is on Sprint and I can't seem to convince her to come over to Big Red with me. She seems content with her slow speeds and her YouTube/pandora dropping out in the same areas around our place.
Sometimes it's just inertia. For every person out there that switches freely between carriers there are a handful that resist change. I know a guy on Sprint on another forum who almost every day has to call Sprint because of problems - yet for him, his phones still work even though he can't do what he does very fast.

Hopefully you can convince fiancé.

Congrats on getting married by the way!

November 8 will mark 20 years for my wife and I.
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Sometimes it's just inertia. For every person out there that switches freely between carriers there are a handful that resist change. I know a guy on Sprint on another forum who almost every day has to call Sprint because of problems - yet for him, his phones still work even though he can't do what he does very fast.

Hopefully you can convince fiancé.

Congrats on getting married by the way!

November 8 will mark 20 years for my wife and I.
Wow! That's impressive! I wouldn't have guessed you were much older than me based on the few photos I've seen.

I'm all about change. I've tried every major carrier and always ended up back with AT&T. Then they started messing with my plan and raising prices so I took the opportunity to get on Verizon for less than I would have been paying AT&T.

Surprisingly, where I spend most of my time AT&T had the advantage and I miss the coverage I had with them. When I get off my beaten path is when Verizon shines. Seems kind of ass-backwards but the differences aren't extreme enough to warrant crawling back to AT&T.
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Wow! That's impressive! I wouldn't have guessed you were much older than me based on the few photos I've seen.

I'm all about change. I've tried every major carrier and always ended up back with AT&T. Then they started messing with my plan and raising prices so I took the opportunity to get on Verizon for less than I would have been paying AT&T.

Surprisingly, where I spend most of my time AT&T had the advantage and I miss the coverage I had with them. When I get off my beaten path is when Verizon shines. Seems kind of ass-backwards but the differences aren't extreme enough to warrant crawling back to AT&T.
I'm 46 (born, September 1970). Got married when I was 27 to the woman I met while working at UPS. First kid was October 2003, second kid was June 2008. My wife is 5 years older than I am. :)

I hate change, I don't like it, but as a graphic designer I accept it. Sometimes that's not been in my best interest. It certainly wasn't in waiting so long to leave Sprint. But now that I've made that leap I see it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be.

The kicker is that Sprint is actually very good in a lot of places in Phoenix. My problem is that most of those places are not places I am at very frequently! It's the inverse with T-Mobile. It's great everywhere I go.
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