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Original poster
Jul 23, 2010
I've bought a MBP 13" 2020 less than a month ago. I was in a hurry because my coworker spilled water on my old 2013 MBP. So I had to buy a new one. Last months, because of the pandemic and other stuff, I did not check Apple news at all, so didn't know about the imminent release about even new MBP in 2020 with ARM chip. Well, now I have a shiny MBP 13" 2020, paid more than 1.5K euro already obsolete and out of the market. Any chance Apple will exchange my MBP?
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Welcome to the world of technology.
Unfortunately there is always something new and shiny around the corner.
Don't worry too much about it, your machine is not obsolete, just replaced by another model.
Hi Thoradin, my fear is that i will lose support in few years. I still have a 2010 MBP fully working and a 2011 MBA. These machines are 10 years old running the latest MacOS. What will be the situation for intel macs in the next... not ten.. but let's say 6 years at least? They will be able to run the latest OS?
Hi Thoradin, my fear is that i will lose support in few years. I still have a 2010 MBP fully working and a 2011 MBA. These machines are 10 years old running the latest MacOS. What will be the situation for intel macs in the next... not ten.. but let's say 6 years at least? They will be able to run the latest OS?
I don’t think the OS updates will be a problem.
Apple seems to be on a 7-8 year schedule for machines with OS upgrades and 2 years past that for security updates. I can’t imagine they will change this on the current intel machines.
Why would they, you are out of the 14 Day return widow. Unles you were hiding under a rock, the switch away from Intel has been known about for months.

Citing the pandemic as not checking Apple news is a joke, it's been all over other news outlets as well.
Your new MacBook isn't obsolete. There's still nearly 2 years until all of Apple's Macs are transitioned, meaning support for your Mac will continue for quite a while.

Unless you only use Apple software, you're probably better positioned with the Mac you have compared to the M1-based MacBook. Simply because it's going to take a while for software devs to re-write their apps and there will be issues along the way. Hopefully not many, but it happens even with the best transition plans.

If Apple will let you exchange, then that'll be awesome and worries are gone for you.

I feel kind of bad for people in your position. I want to "blame" you for not looking at the news when you went to buy your replacement, but all things considered, 2020 or not, people are people and don't always go about making decisions the same way as others. Mistakes make us human. This one isn't a big deal. Either you exchange or you happily work with the MacBook you have. Either way, you're good to go.
I've bought a MBP 13" 2020 less than a month ago. I was in a hurry because my coworker spilled water on my old 2013 MBP. So I had to buy a new one. Last months, because of the pandemic and other stuff, I did not check Apple news at all, so didn't know about the imminent release about even new MBP in 2020 with ARM chip. Well, now I have a shiny MBP 13" 2020, paid more than 1.5K euro already obsolete and out of the market. Any chance Apple will exchange my MBP?
So they should have waited a few years to launch these so your purchase doesn't feel obsolete?

Your machine is by no means worse than it was a month ago when you bought it and needed it.
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I just didn't know the release date. I'm not complaining anything. I have my own life I don't follow Apple moves day by day.
I just didn't know the release date. I'm not complaining anything. I have my own life I don't follow Apple moves day by day.

I'm in the same boat as you, but I bought the 13inch 16gb/512gb version in Summer 2020, when they launched. I was was last night looking to create an advert to try and sell for at least £1,300 based on warranty, condition I think this will be achievable.

But I have so many questions around the M1 chip, I also run Parallels for Windows 10. There is also no major redesign. So actually, I'm going to keep it and not move to M1 just yet.

If you think about it, your Mac is going to be fine for the next 3 years at the minimum.
I'm in the same boat as you, but I bought the 13inch 16gb/512gb version in Summer 2020, when they launched. I was was last night looking to create an advert to try and sell for at least £1,300 based on warranty, condition I think this will be achievable.

But I have so many questions around the M1 chip, I also run Parallels for Windows 10. There is also no major redesign. So actually, I'm going to keep it and not move to M1 just yet.

If you think about it, your Mac is going to be fine for the next 3 years at the minimum.
If you need Windows capability then sticking with what you have is definitely your best option.
First of all, Apple still sells - and probably will be selling - many intel Macs right now and for the next year/two years. Which means that they will have to provide support for a decent amount of time. Nobody here will tell you for how long, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. There might be some features missing on intel Macs vs ARM, but that's to be expected.

Plus - intel Macs still have some benefits: it's a tried and tested platform with better compatibility and bootcamp.

From my perspective (mid-2018, MacBook Pro 13 owner) -- be happy with your purchase and don't worry that much about it ;)
As for OS support - here's my breakdown.
Last Intel Mac is sold as new in 2022 (following the 2 year timeline for full transition)
Last Intel Mac sold as refurbished in 2023. These are eligible for AC+ for 3 years
Apple SHOULD provide full OS support through the life of AC+ on the last eligible Mac sold, which puts OS support out to 2026 at a minimum.
I just didn't know the release date. I'm not complaining anything. I have my own life I don't follow Apple moves day by day.
Nobody really knew the release date until a week ago. And even with their event announcement, no one actually knew which computers they were going to release first.

I bought an intel Mac (16"mbp) in sept knowing full well it might be updated to ARM in possibly October. Intel Macs in my option are better right now as work machines. The apple chip laptops need to be ironed out. Plus it's likely in the spring those 13" mbp released yesterday will be updated with an all new re-design form factors and new screen technology, along with updated, faster chips that have more of the bugs worked out. So you might as well wait for that!

The only thing I'd say you're really missing out on is longer batter life.
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Also note that it was only the entry-level 13" MBP that was updated, the two TB3 port model, but they are noted as USB 4 ports rather than USB 3. The one with four TB3 ports is still Intel.
I think you're being a overly dramatic. Your new MacBook Pro is not obsolete as it will still work just fine for years for your computing needs.

If anything the new M1 has more limitations for example eGPU is not supported and it will take a while to get full support from the M1 chip. I never buy first generation of any new technologies adopted and I would wait 2 years to hop onto the M1.
I've bought a MBP 13" 2020 less than a month ago. I was in a hurry because my coworker spilled water on my old 2013 MBP. So I had to buy a new one. Last months, because of the pandemic and other stuff, I did not check Apple news at all, so didn't know about the imminent release about even new MBP in 2020 with ARM chip. Well, now I have a shiny MBP 13" 2020, paid more than 1.5K euro already obsolete and out of the market. Any chance Apple will exchange my MBP?
Depends what model 13-inch MBP you have. They are still selling the higher-end 13-inch Intel models. You have to look to see what they are testing/comparing the M1 model to for this faster claims. The M1 is NOT meant to replace the Pro level chip yet, it's meant for the everyday consumer. On the bottom of the product page for the MBP 13, they are testing/comparing to the 2.0ghz quad-core i7 CPU and the Intel Iris GPU.
So if you have the higher-end MBP 13 that starts at $1799, the M1 chip is not gonna be the game changer for you yet and that's why their still selling that model of Intel.
If you need Windows capability then sticking with what you have is definitely your best option.

Will Parallels and Windows 10 still work with M1? If not, will this stop working forever? Will cause me major issues being a consultant and means I would need to carry 2 machines around...:(
Will Parallels and Windows 10 still work with M1? If not, will this stop working forever? Will cause me major issues being a consultant and means I would need to carry 2 machines around...:(
I'm curious to know this as well. I don't have a need for Windows as most of my work as a developer is on the company's VM so remote desktop through Citrix is all I need.
I've bought a MBP 13" 2020 less than a month ago. I was in a hurry because my coworker spilled water on my old 2013 MBP. So I had to buy a new one. Last months, because of the pandemic and other stuff, I did not check Apple news at all, so didn't know about the imminent release about even new MBP in 2020 with ARM chip. Well, now I have a shiny MBP 13" 2020, paid more than 1.5K euro already obsolete and out of the market. Any chance Apple will exchange my MBP?
Look at how long your last MacBook Pro lasted. Expect ur 2020 model to last just as long If not longer
A 2020 Intel MacBook Pro is not "obsolete".
It still does everything it did 3 days ago.

Just continue to use it.
I reckon you'll get at least 5-6 years, or more.
By then, the ARM MacBooks ought to be perfected and you can replace it if you wish.

I have a 2015 MacBook Pro.
Still runs great and I'm happy being "left behind" with an old OS (El Capitan) that still runs fast and smoothly. No plans to replace it for years.
Sounds like you got unlucky. I doubt you will get a refund/option to trade-in from Apple, but I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy your Intel MBP for a few more years.

Some of us are even still using their PowerPC in 2020!
Sounds like you got unlucky. I doubt you will get a refund/option to trade-in from Apple, but I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy your Intel MBP for a few more years.

Some of us are even still using their PowerPC in 2020!
I still have my G4 iMac swivel model but its been used as a nice ornament or paper weight lately. Lol.
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