Well, its just about a year ago that I came in here thinking a PowerMac G5 was really rare and a collectors item. Since then, a lot has changed. I have gotten to know a lot of members, some of which have become great friends of mine. I've blown up my knowledge of computers, Macs, PPC, and Apple to much more vast than it was a year ago. Finally, I've begun collecting Macs and computers in general. Over the course of a year, I've acquired besides the Dual 2.3GHz PowerMac G5...
(in order)
1. Power Macintosh 6100/66
2. eMac G4 (700MHz)
3. iBook G4 12in. (1.33GHz)
4. Macintosh 512ke
5. PowerMac G4 MDD (Dual 1.25GHz FW800)
6. PowerBook G3 Wallstreet II/PDQ ()
7. Macintosh Performa 6360
8. Power Macintosh 8500
9. Power Macintosh 7300
10. eMac G4 (1.25GHz)
11. MacBook (Early 08 >> Early 09)
12. Mac Mini G4 (1.25GHz)
13. PowerBook G4 12in (1.5GHz)
14. PowerBook G4 15in (1.25Ghz)
15. PowerBook G4 17in (1GHz)
16. PowerBook G4 17in (1.33GHz)
17. MacBook (Late 07 >> Early 08 >> Early 09*)
*Early 09 upgrade may not happen for awhile... Just got the machine today!
Besides those Macs, I also had my Late 2011 13in MBP and my G5. I also got a few PCs as well over the year;
(in order)
1. Dell OptiPlex 360
2. Dell Latitude E6410
3. Dell OptiPlex 380
4. Dell Dimension 4100
5. IBM ThinkPad T43
Besides those PCs, I also had my HP Pavilion 500-c60, Dell Dimension XPS T500, Dell Latitude LM, and Dell Dimension 4700.
Overall, its been a great year, and if I told myself a year ago that I would have 28 computers a year later, I would have laughed. Who knows what this year ahead holds, but hopefully its going to be a good one.
Thanks to this awesome community! Couldn't have gotten here without you guys and gals.
Special shoutout/thanks to: @bunnspecial, @Altemose, @128keaton, @LightBulbFun, @eyoungren, @iModFrenzy, @MacCubed, @tevion5, @keremtezcan, @comda, @CYB3RBYTE, @gavinstubbs09, and @Surrat. You guys have become such great friends of mine and have assisted me on countless occasions and I really appreciate it!
PS: you can read about my antics and lack of knowledge in my first ever thread here about getting my G5 and other free macs: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/getting-free-apple-products.1806749/ . Interestingly enough, @eyoungren was the first to have responded to me, lol.
(in order)
1. Power Macintosh 6100/66
2. eMac G4 (700MHz)
3. iBook G4 12in. (1.33GHz)
4. Macintosh 512ke
5. PowerMac G4 MDD (Dual 1.25GHz FW800)
6. PowerBook G3 Wallstreet II/PDQ ()
7. Macintosh Performa 6360
8. Power Macintosh 8500
9. Power Macintosh 7300
10. eMac G4 (1.25GHz)
11. MacBook (Early 08 >> Early 09)
12. Mac Mini G4 (1.25GHz)
13. PowerBook G4 12in (1.5GHz)
14. PowerBook G4 15in (1.25Ghz)
15. PowerBook G4 17in (1GHz)
16. PowerBook G4 17in (1.33GHz)
17. MacBook (Late 07 >> Early 08 >> Early 09*)
*Early 09 upgrade may not happen for awhile... Just got the machine today!
Besides those Macs, I also had my Late 2011 13in MBP and my G5. I also got a few PCs as well over the year;
(in order)
1. Dell OptiPlex 360
2. Dell Latitude E6410
3. Dell OptiPlex 380
4. Dell Dimension 4100
5. IBM ThinkPad T43
Besides those PCs, I also had my HP Pavilion 500-c60, Dell Dimension XPS T500, Dell Latitude LM, and Dell Dimension 4700.
Overall, its been a great year, and if I told myself a year ago that I would have 28 computers a year later, I would have laughed. Who knows what this year ahead holds, but hopefully its going to be a good one.
Thanks to this awesome community! Couldn't have gotten here without you guys and gals.
Special shoutout/thanks to: @bunnspecial, @Altemose, @128keaton, @LightBulbFun, @eyoungren, @iModFrenzy, @MacCubed, @tevion5, @keremtezcan, @comda, @CYB3RBYTE, @gavinstubbs09, and @Surrat. You guys have become such great friends of mine and have assisted me on countless occasions and I really appreciate it!
PS: you can read about my antics and lack of knowledge in my first ever thread here about getting my G5 and other free macs: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/getting-free-apple-products.1806749/ . Interestingly enough, @eyoungren was the first to have responded to me, lol.