Try describing what happens when you try and log in...
Have you restarted anything? Sounds like a possible network issue so worth restarting the router then the Mac. You have restarted the Messages App?
Yep sounds like an issue on the Apple servers holding your iMessage login/activation info, not an EC issue tbh.
Yep sounds like an issue on the Apple servers holding your iMessage login/activation info, not an EC issue tbh.
I was hit with this bug. The only way that I managed to get around it since the update was to erase and setup the Mac as new again. Given all the cruft that I got rid of I can't quite complait but alas...
Don't worry, it's not a reassurance at all. Apple really have been tanking in the software department for the past few releases. I have had constant issues that while minor in nature are annoying due to the frequent occurrence. Have talked to Apple support regarding this issue?Thats not reassuring. I have prided myself for the last 5 years on the fact that I have never had to reload my operating system where with my old Windows computers I felt like I had to do that once a year.
Don't worry, it's not a reassurance at all. Apple really have been tanking in the software department for the past few releases. I have had constant issues that while minor in nature are annoying due to the frequent occurrence. Have talked to Apple support regarding this issue?
Did you try this : create a NEW account.
Now, try to login in Messages.
If it does not work, and if the problem also affects Facetime, iCloud, and App Store, there is NO other way than erasing the Mac and reinstalling the OS from scratch.
I say this because I had the same problem 2 months ago, and after trying to solve the problem myself, i called Apple assistance, spent 1 hour with a senior advisor, using screen sharing to delete some files in the system's library, to no avail.
We came to the conclusion that erasing and reinstalling was the only way to go.
That said, I must say that I used this issue to run some tests :
First, I updated my clone.
Then, I reinstalled the OS without erasing the disc : problem not solved
Then, I erased the disc, installed the OS, used Setup assistant to import ALL : problem not solved
Then, I erased the disc again, installed the OS, used Setup assistant to import all EXCEPTED system settings.
Problem solved : i could login in Messages, FaceTime, iCloud and App Store as usual.
IMO, you need to create a new account and test in that new account.
If it works in the new account, then the problem is in YOUR account (exactly in your account's Library) only.
If you have the same issue in the new account, then the problem is in the system and you will need to reinstall the OS from scratch.