Pre 11.1 behavior:
A reminder that becomes overdue stays in the "Scheduled" tab at the top of the list, no matter what day the reminder was set to. This way, if I could not accomplish a task, it was at the top of the list the next day.
11.1 behavior:
Overdue reminders don't appear on the "Scheduled" tab. Instead they go to the "Reminders" tab. Worse yet, they get pushed to the BOTTOM of the list! I have so many reminders, that seeing this overdue reminder is not easy!
Another thing is I always look at the "Scheduled" tab because it separates the reminders by day, for a clearer understanding of my week. It's much easier to see the things I couldn't do previously, and the things to come! Apple, why did you "fix" something that wasn't broken?!
Anyone else notice this, have a fix, or know if they are going to revert to the old behavior on the next update?
A reminder that becomes overdue stays in the "Scheduled" tab at the top of the list, no matter what day the reminder was set to. This way, if I could not accomplish a task, it was at the top of the list the next day.
11.1 behavior:
Overdue reminders don't appear on the "Scheduled" tab. Instead they go to the "Reminders" tab. Worse yet, they get pushed to the BOTTOM of the list! I have so many reminders, that seeing this overdue reminder is not easy!
Another thing is I always look at the "Scheduled" tab because it separates the reminders by day, for a clearer understanding of my week. It's much easier to see the things I couldn't do previously, and the things to come! Apple, why did you "fix" something that wasn't broken?!
Anyone else notice this, have a fix, or know if they are going to revert to the old behavior on the next update?