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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2005
I am considering the 12.9 for notetaking. Im not a student, but the purpose would be to take notes on pdf files.

1. Weight - it just seems heavy, though i like the size. Is it unwiedly in a mobile situation? I dont even know if a slim cover would help

2. Writing is hard


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
Why would you want to write if you think it's hard? Maybe get a type cover, but than it wouldn't be totally necessary getting the bigger iPad (it can still be nice of course).

It's heavier than other iPads, it's probably most comfortable laying it flat on the table or upright/at an angle with a case. Holding it in one hand and writing with Pencil is not comfortable IMO.
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macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2017
Note taking isn't hard but it would be worth getting the larger size IMO, personally i find no use for the iPad at a smaller size but that could change if I went to 12.9 inch and iOS 11


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
If I had an easy commute, I'd cart this new 12.9" with me no problem; because a seat is never guaranteed and overcrowding common, these are the only reasons why I would not take this 12.9" out and about. It may not be one hand friendly, but everything else is fantastic.

Writing is a breeze and a joy in notes. Typing on the ASK in bed right now and am surprised at how fluid and easy it is. No matter which size iPP you buy, the latency between the Pencil and the display is fantastic now. No lag.

I 100% get the need for a smaller screen and one hand usage. I'd be all over a Mini Pro. Seeing both new iPPs side by side, I immediately gravitated toward the 12.9". YMMV though.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2005
As far as writing, my hand quickly fatigued with note taking, compared to pen and paper. I dont know why that is the case. but my hand definitely hurt


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2012
The 12.9 is heavy and unwieldy, it really is only usable in a tabletop setting, so you might as well just use a laptop and have 100x the functionality
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Jul 12, 2016
The 12.9 is heavy and unwieldy, it really is only usable in a tabletop setting, so you might as well just use a laptop and have 100x the functionality

I would agree primarily. I think for comfortability and the best setting, the 12.9 is best stationed on a desktop. And thats really how Apple markets it as well.
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macrumors regular
Sep 28, 2016
New York
I have both 12.9 and 10.5.

Are you going to be taking notes on a desk or holding the iPad while you are on a couch or bed?

If you gonna be working 90% on a desk, then go for a 12.9. The bigger screen is good.

10.5 is in my mind the best size if you need both productivity and portability


macrumors member
Oct 23, 2013
I have both 12.9 and 10.5.

Are you going to be taking notes on a desk or holding the iPad while you are on a couch or bed?

If you gonna be working 90% on a desk, then go for a 12.9. The bigger screen is good.

10.5 is in my mind the best size if you need both productivity and portability

If you could have only one iPad, which would you keep?
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2005
I have both 12.9 and 10.5.

Are you going to be taking notes on a desk or holding the iPad while you are on a couch or bed?

If you gonna be working 90% on a desk, then go for a 12.9. The bigger screen is good.

10.5 is in my mind the best size if you need both productivity and portability
It would be at a conference table.


macrumors regular
Sep 28, 2016
New York
The 12.9 is heavy and unwieldy, it really is only usable in a tabletop setting, so you might as well just use a laptop and have 100x the functionality

I agree that 12.9 has impaired portability, actually the 12in rMB is much more portable.

On the ther hand, I will disagree with the 100x functionality, that applies to some fields only.

iPad has 1000x the functionality in many other fields

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
The 12.9 is heavy and unwieldy, it really is only usable in a tabletop setting, so you might as well just use a laptop and have 100x the functionality

It might be easier on a table but it's perfectly fine on your lap on the sofa or using in bed

Is it as easy as the 10.5? No bur it's manageable


Jun 7, 2017
I usually use 12.9 in my hands for watching movies/TV shows while laying in bed for over a year and have to say there is no problem at all. I like to hold it instead of using smart keyboard or whatever as stand.


May 8, 2011
Los Angeles
Holding 12.9 iPP with one hand and pencil on other hand is very difficult because it is little heavy to hold iPP longer than 10 mintues. BUT you could write it on the table/desk/on your lap.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 14, 2017
I love my IPP 12.9. As a teacher I use it to plan lessons. Writing on a IIP 12.9 is so much fun. I love the size because it's the same as an A4 paper what is very important for me. I never type with keyboard, i always write with apple pencil. I love handwriting and Evernote/GoodNote is a perfect partner for me. Using two apps at the same time is very comfortable with the IPP 12.9. On the left side i search with safari/reading pdf books and on the left side i can easy take notes (with pencil). I think the 10.5 is great but for me the size of the IPP 12.9 is so important. Watching movies or reading a books was never a problem for me.

If you love handwriting with apple pencil take IPP 12.9!
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