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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 20, 2011
First before anyone says "you can already do that with your iPhone/iPT this is contingent by the fact i simply don't want to be tied down to my iphone (or any phone) for the rest of my natural life.

Also, before some snide remarks about why i should do it myself.
I have no technical knowledge about these things.
I just hope my conceptions and tip help get the ball rolling.

I'm also hoping we could all throw down on this. I myself am ready to pony up 12$ right now. I know that isn't much at all to start (thats not even lint). I like most of you are a poor college student. But i will keep the tally going right up to the 2015/16 WDC events. (Whichever comes first)

**There are thousands of jailbreak users if everyone pledged only 1$ we could have a total in the 50,000$ range by spring of next year.**

You don't even necessarily need to own a nano to contribute now. This is like deep space 1 in reverse. We fund now and get the hardware later.

I'm committed to this idea and will only add funds going further as I can.

I hope some of you will join me.

Here are 12 reasons why i think its crucial we have a iPod Nano 7th gen jailbreak.
Feel free to add your own below.

- Ability to use the nano as a bluetooth headset.
Or more to the point (Ability to use the nano as a voice gateway.)

- Take text notes.
The included voice memo engine is great but not practical when you don't want to disturb loved ones in close proximity or want to take sensitive personal notes.

- RDS data stream harnessing
Text+ data for weather and EMA's could be funneled into weather or other apps. All without any data charges.

Keep in mind RDS2.0 is also coming out soon and will offer 2 additional EMA stations with even more info. It will be backwards compatible with RDS1

- Auto turn on and flash screen for important emergency alerts.
A simple polling of the FM radio could be setup to turn on every 2-3 hours to check for emergency alerts and if it detects one the screen could flash and the radio can be set to stay on.

- Auto turn off when accelerometer stops.
The nano has a accelerometer in it. This could be tied into music output and stop the music and other things if it stops detecting movement. Saving battery life. Reverse could also be done for when movement starts back up again.

This can be done with dead reckoning GPS using FM Station call signs and a pre-loaded database of station channels. In conjunction with the accelerometer and the signal strength of station address s'.
Similar methods of location services are used on the N900.

NOTE: Even stationary bluetooth devices could be used as POI's for environment teardown like in household appliances or at the gym.

- Further accessibility for blind and hard of hearing people.
More options can lead to better support for everything from new fonts to screen flashing or louder speaker volume.

- Themes
Not just themes but opening up a entirely new market for themers to strut their stuff.

- 3RD party SDK's
A brand new era of mobilesubstrate could be made for the nano. Bringing in a new market similar to cydia.

- Security
Passcodes could be setup for personal sections like media and explicit content.

- Theft deterrent
Full device security as well as self destruction of filesystems could be setup if the nano detects a unauthorized machine.

- New cydia market!
A brand new market of apps and tweaks could be made just for the nano opening a brand new era of commerce revitalizing the jailbreak community as well.
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It's a good idea in theory - but the reason that people don't jb a nano is because it's so less useful than a jailbroken iPhone in my opinion because of the smaller screen.

More importantly to your point, I think you would have a seriously hard time raising money because over 90% of the downloads of paid tweaks are pirated because people don't want to pony up a dollar or two. (That is a statistic from jailbreakcon based on Springtomize 3).
It's a good idea in theory - but the reason that people don't jb a nano is because it's so less useful than a jailbroken iPhone in my opinion because of the smaller screen.

More importantly to your point, I think you would have a seriously hard time raising money because over 90% of the downloads of paid tweaks are pirated because people don't want to pony up a dollar or two. (That is a statistic from jailbreakcon based on Springtomize 3).

Are you stating that every time I purchase a 99c tweak there are nine other individuals that steal it?

That seems off to me.
Are you stating that every time I purchase a 99c tweak there are nine other individuals that steal it?

That seems off to me.

That number seems a tiny bit off to me as well. And its also my belief that the piracy dark nets are changing. I think fewer and fewer people are pirating tweaks in only simply because of "?naggy?" drm and new malware that has been found in piracy repositories. (unflod) No one wants to risk their passwords getting stolen.

I do appreciate the input from the both of you though. Looks like you guys have both been members a while now. Its refreshing to get opinions of senior members here. Thank you so much!

And thank you for your input its so greatly appreciated.
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Are you stating that every time I purchase a 99c tweak there are nine other individuals that steal it?

That seems off to me.

The statistic for Sprintomize is true - Over 90% of the people running it pirated it. I was there in person at jailbreakcon when Filippo Biga talked about it. I have a picture of the slide, see below ^^. I was too far away from the screen to get the numbers in full resolution. But if I can make it out right, 8% purchased it and 92% pirated it. The 2 pieces of the pie stand out really well still: red = pirate, blue = purchase.

That is what I am basing off my claim that I don't think people would pay $ for a nano jailbreak if they won't even buy one of the most useful springboard customizing tweaks there is.

My statistic is not based on every tweak - just Springtomize 3. Which is a pretty damn useful one that lots of people use - probably more people use it than the 99c tweaks.

That number seems a tiny bit off to me as well. And its also my belief that the piracy dark nets are changing. I think fewer and fewer people are pirating tweaks in only simply because of "?naggy?" drm and new malware that has been found in piracy repositories. (unflod) No one wants to risk their passwords getting stolen.

I do appreciate the input from the both of you though. Looks like you guys have both been members a while now. Its refreshing to get opinions of senior members here. Thank you so much!

And thank you for your input its so greatly appreciated.

No problem. I don't mean to shoot down the idea. I just don't think it will happen with crowdfunding because of this. It still could happen.


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Thanks for the additional information.
That stat is both amazing and sad at the same time.

No problem. And I 100% agree.

To add to your point: When my friends look and see my customized homescreen/lockscreen on my phone and then ask how I did it. I respond that it's jailbroken.

A lot of the times, the next thing they say is... Isn't that how you get free apps?

Bringing it back on topic: This is why I believe that crowdfunding a jailbreak, not even an iOS Iphone one, but a nano one, isn't a possibility.

By the way, I used to live in the next town over from Encinitas once upon a time :D
The statistic for Sprintomize is true - Over 90% of the people running it pirated it. I was there in person at jailbreakcon when Filippo Biga talked about it. I have a picture of the slide, see below ^^. I was too far away from the screen to get the numbers in full resolution. But if I can make it out right, 8% purchased it and 92% pirated it. The 2 pieces of the pie stand out really well still: red = pirate, blue = purchase.

That is what I am basing off my claim that I don't think people would pay $ for a nano jailbreak if they won't even buy one of the most useful springboard customizing tweaks there is.

My statistic is not based on every tweak - just Springtomize 3. Which is a pretty damn useful one that lots of people use - probably more people use it than the 99c tweaks.

No problem. I don't mean to shoot down the idea. I just don't think it will happen with crowdfunding because of this. It still could happen.

LOL! i thought you had an actual amount of installs. percentages don't really tell you anything. this could have simply meant 100+ people used the app and 90+ people pirated it. Usually for trial purposes.
Obviously my example is a raw one :) but you get the idea.

I would have agreed with you on this point if there was an actual amount(like something in the 10s' of thousands) but since no amount is given its hard really to make heads or tails of those figures.
LOL! i thought you had an actual amount of installs. percentages don't really tell you anything. this could have simply meant 100+ people used the app and 90+ people pirated it. Usually for trial purposes.
Obviously my example is a raw one :) but you get the idea.

I would have agreed with you on this point if there was an actual amount(like something in the 10s' of thousands) but since no amount is given its hard really to make heads or tails of those figures.

Springtomize 3 is a pretty popular jailbreak tweak so I'm sure there are thousands of installs at the very least
Nano jailbreak will never happen.

It's simply far too narrow of an attack surface to properly exploit. It doesn't use things like mobilebackup2 which other iDevices use - this is a HUGE attack area.

It simply won't happen. Nano's don't even run on iOS.
Nano's don't even run on iOS.

Why exactly does this need to be a negative thing ? No one knew what iOS was until the first iPhone and iPod touches where released. Just like no one really knows much about nano s' OS but now that they are released nothing stops us from poking at them and doing bad things to them :p
Next year Apple probably won't even be selling the Nano.

I REALLY REALLY doubt that. And if they dont have the nano they will have a iWatch or major update to the nano lineup. Those new silicon-anode Li-Ion batteries are probably looking tasty to apple.
We are talking an extra 2-3 days of battery life with those easily on the nano.
We had a jailbreak on the original nano. I only got a 6th gen in the battery swap swindle as I like to regard it.
Why exactly does this need to be a negative thing ? No one knew what iOS was until the first iPhone and iPod touches where released. Just like no one really knows much about nano s' OS but now that they are released nothing stops us from poking at them and doing bad things to them :p

It's a negative because they're different operating systems, so literally nothing that applies to iOS necessarily translates to Nano OS.
Don't forget how limited the iPod Nano firmware is. It isn't iOS or anything near iOS. It is nothing more than the boring old standard iPod firmware that has been redesigned to be used with a touch interface. On top of all of that, it is heavily encrypted and lacks potential exploit vectors due to its simplicity.
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Even though I have an iPod nano, I would not support a jailbreak. It's totally limited in what you can do and it wouldn't add much more functionality. If you really want more functionality, get an iPod touch and jailbreak that for free.
Not trying to hijack this thread, but I would pay to support an atv 3 jailbreak much before an iPod nano one, my iPod nano is great for a music while running device, but that's about it:p I mean even if you could get internet from a mobile device, why wouldn't you just use the mobile device?
Not trying to hijack this thread, but I would pay to support an atv 3 jailbreak much before an iPod nano one, my iPod nano is great for a music while running device, but that's about it:p I mean even if you could get internet from a mobile device, why wouldn't you just use the mobile device?

This is what i think exactly. Its simple. Keep it that way.
An apple tv jailbreak would be much more useful.
Not trying to hijack this thread, but I would pay to support an atv 3 jailbreak much before an iPod nano one, my iPod nano is great for a music while running device, but that's about it:p I mean even if you could get internet from a mobile device, why wouldn't you just use the mobile device?

You bastard! How dare you hijack my thread!

;) :p

LOL! i thought you had an actual amount of installs. percentages don't really tell you anything. this could have simply meant 100+ people used the app and 90+ people pirated it. Usually for trial purposes.
Obviously my example is a raw one :) but you get the idea.

I would have agreed with you on this point if there was an actual amount(like something in the 10s' of thousands) but since no amount is given its hard really to make heads or tails of those figures.

I think what you don't understand out of this is that 100's of 1000's of people use springtomize 3. ^^More than 10's of 1000s
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