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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 24, 2012
San Jose, CA
So after listening the keynote (and being shocked by the sudden 256GB iPad Pro 12.9" option), my initial reaction was extreme annoyance at Apple.

I've calmed down a little, and doing a little research reveals that this is not without precedence. According to wikipedia, Apple launched the iPad 4 in Sep 2012 and revealed a 128GB option in Feb 2013 - essentially the same 4-month timeframe that's now happening with the 12.9" iPad Pro.

It doesn't make it any less annoying though, but for early adopters, it's an unfortunate reality we have to accept. I'd definitely have preferred a 256GB option from the start - I've found some great apps for various RAW photo / 4K video editing on the iPad Pro, and I really could use the extra space.

If you don't absolutely need it, however, I think we should all wait for the 12.9" iPad Pro 2. The current iPad Pro doesn't have the true-tone display or the upgraded camera module that the 9.7" iPad Pro does. It really doesn't seem like a good buy if you already have the 128GB model, and even if you still want it, it's probably better to wait until better deals come along for its high price. What's certain is that the 128GB Cellular 12.9" iPad Pro currently has terrible resale value.
What are you going to do upgrades are a part of the way things are done. If your Ipad Pro doesn't cut it for you memory wise, well just sell it and get the larger one. Sure you'll take a few hundred dollar loss, but hell you'll have what you want and you can stop bitchin!
I really would have liked this option to strart with, I would have loved if Apple would have presented both IPP models on the same day with all storage alternatives. I think I will be selling my Pro and going for the 9.7' and 256GB version, the 12.9' is amazing and I may miss the extra sceen space but with the keyboard and silicone case it gets a little too heavy for me which makes it less portable but also I end up using the iPad more as a "laptop" and less as a tablet because of it's weight.
I'm not quite as pissed anymore, more like miffed... and trying to sell my Pro would lose me more money, and so it isn't worth it. Plus even with a "Pro" device 100GB is alot of space. I'm glad I don't handle too many RAW files. I also have 200GB iCloud, so I think i'm good. As for the 'advanced display" I wonder how much better it is than the 13" one, that uses the same exact technology (iMac 5k display timing controller) They touted the Pro 13" as the most advanced display ever, so until I see reviews or comparisons I'm still thinking that they are basing the accuracy and quality compared to the Air 2. The pro got a 98% or so on the RGB scale didn't it?

So after listening the keynote (and being shocked by the sudden 256GB iPad Pro 12.9" option), my initial reaction was extreme annoyance at Apple.

I've calmed down a little, and doing a little research reveals that this is not without precedence. According to wikipedia, Apple launched the iPad 4 in Sep 2012 and revealed a 128GB option in Feb 2013 - essentially the same 4-month timeframe that's now happening with the 12.9" iPad Pro.

It doesn't make it any less annoying though, but for early adopters, it's an unfortunate reality we have to accept. I'd definitely have preferred a 256GB option from the start - I've found some great apps for various RAW photo / 4K video editing on the iPad Pro, and I really could use the extra space.

If you don't absolutely need it, however, I think we should all wait for the 12.9" iPad Pro 2. The current iPad Pro doesn't have the true-tone display or the upgraded camera module that the 9.7" iPad Pro does. It really doesn't seem like a good buy if you already have the 128GB model, and even if you still want it, it's probably better to wait until better deals come along for its high price. What's certain is that the 128GB Cellular 12.9" iPad Pro currently has terrible resale value.

I don't think it really worth the extra 150$ for the 250GB option. Raw files and 4K videos are done on my 5K iMac, where they belong. On that I have 32GB RAM and 1,25 TB flash and all the pro apps necessary. The iPP is great for previewing and presenting the jpegs on the road. After previewing I only keep some for presenting and delete everything else. There is also nearly no music on the iPP. This is something for the iPhone....

For viewing photos you need a good sRGB display. This is already perfect on the 12.9" iPP. Nobody supports P3 so far....
I think it's mainly due to the fact that the 256GB module wasn't available (at least in quantity or reasonable price) at the release of iPad Pro 12.9" - annoying but I agree that the whole 12.9" is behind the 9.7" in every way other than transfer speeds over the lightning (weird)
OP - you're talking about general everyday progress and upgrades. this was and will always be the case. buy today and it's out of date next week. so a 4 or 5 month gape in this case is huge. but you know all this of course, no harm in being angry i appreciate that :)

as a 1st gen buyer am i pi55hed? certainly not. i knew this would soon be the case with my Pro becoming fast obsolete (so to speak). Should we all wait for gen 2? not really imo. then why not wait for gen 3, or 4 or 5 etc etc etc. gen 2 isnt anything of a milestone.

always buy now what you can afford i say, and be aware it'll definitely be outdated in a month or 3's time without doubt. this goes for everything of course.

personally speaking, i've never used my Pro camera yet and am not interested in another whack of storage space. :p
So after listening the keynote (and being shocked by the sudden 256GB iPad Pro 12.9" option), my initial reaction was extreme annoyance at Apple.

I've calmed down a little, and doing a little research reveals that this is not without precedence. According to wikipedia, Apple launched the iPad 4 in Sep 2012 and revealed a 128GB option in Feb 2013 - essentially the same 4-month timeframe that's now happening with the 12.9" iPad Pro.

It doesn't make it any less annoying though, but for early adopters, it's an unfortunate reality we have to accept. I'd definitely have preferred a 256GB option from the start - I've found some great apps for various RAW photo / 4K video editing on the iPad Pro, and I really could use the extra space.

If you don't absolutely need it, however, I think we should all wait for the 12.9" iPad Pro 2. The current iPad Pro doesn't have the true-tone display or the upgraded camera module that the 9.7" iPad Pro does. It really doesn't seem like a good buy if you already have the 128GB model, and even if you still want it, it's probably better to wait until better deals come along for its high price. What's certain is that the 128GB Cellular 12.9" iPad Pro currently has terrible resale value.
Sorry for the OT. Can you give me the name of the apps you use for raw photo editing? =) I'm looking for options...thank you in advance
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