I just registed and saw the picture attached. Is it IPOD CLASSIC or IPOD VIDEO? Got a red circled cross on my pity Ipod Classic too and I wanna change the HDD into some faster model, that is, CF or SDD. The CF cards is good but its max capacity I can pay is 32G

the SSD is a very good selection for a original MBA 128G SSD is about $300 in my country, but from what I consulted from Kingspec Tech Support Team, it is not possible to replace the MK1634GAL with Kingspec - or any other 1.8" CE ssd - 'cos the Ipod Classic can not provide sufficient power

so if you got a SSD-inside Ipod Classic it'll be a great news to me

and now I wonder how could I do it myself, that is, more picture&guidance needed. Maybe a tutorial?

Thanks anyway.
PS:Sorry about my poor English