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Honestly this is a decision only you can make. You need to do what works best for you. Plus, depending on where you buy your new phone, you should have 14 days to decide if it’s for you or not.
Battery life, added camera, and size is really about it. They’re both very capable phones. Wait until they’re in stores and go and check them out, that’s what I would do.
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The main criticism of the 12 mini was battery life... it's significantly better this year (of course all the other models have significant increases there) - but the main thing is folks found it insufficient for all-day use. Personally I rarely have issues w/ battery on my 12 mini, but I'm not a heavy user.
What is more important, size or having the best features? If size is your number 1 priority (wanting a small phone) the mini is the way to go. Every time I use a 12/12 pro it is significantly larger than the mini.
The main criticism of the 12 mini was battery life... it's significantly better this year (of course all the other models have significant increases there) - but the main thing is folks found it insufficient for all-day use. Personally I rarely have issues w/ battery on my 12 mini, but I'm not a heavy user.

Very much agree with this statement. I have just sucked it up and got the mag safe battery in the event I am out and feel like I may run out.
The pro phones are not fun for me to pocket and I don’t enjoy holding them for use for any length of time. I value my Pro for the camera and sometimes the larger display, (though honestly my Samsung phone is more enjoyable for media consumption because it’s lighter and the display is just more pleasing to my eye).

My mini easily gets me through the day. But what about the guts of the pro exactly appeals to you? If it’s the cameras, I think the smaller Pro size is a decent compromise between size and features. You can try that one first and if it’s not to your liking, downsizing is likely to suit you well.

I miss the super duper fancy camera on my 12 Pro Max a bit less than I thought I would when I’m out and about with my 12 mini. Though that might change now that the Pros have a 3x zoom lens. And the macro feature.
If there was a Pro Mini, this wouldn’t even be a discussion!

As of right now, I’m leaning towards the 13 Mini. The form factor is always going to benefit me, but I’m not so sure about the tele lens, LIDAR, and additional battery life.

FWIW, the 12 Mini lasts my wife 5-6 hours of screen time before it goes flat, though her typical use is 2-3 hours. I often use mine 4-5 hours.
Same dilemma here. The promotion display is what has me leaning to the 13 pro. But love my mini. Usually gets me through a full day.
So I downgraded from the 12 proM to the 12 mini and I must say that I love the mini due to the light weight and better fit for in pocket but I miss the battery life of the 12 proM. I am very confused if I am going to get the 13 Pro/max or just the 13 mini. I believe I am leaning to the 13 pro for the pro Motion and better battery as I just feel the mini battery does not help with my lifestyle.
Let me help guys. I had a 12 mini, which I loved and still love, but 120hz + telephoto and camera improvements + huge battery improvement closed the deal for me and I pre-pre-ordered a 12 Pro 256gb. I know 208 grams will hit my pockets hard, but those cameras and the battery life will balance it.
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So I downgraded from the 12 proM to the 12 mini and I must say that I love the mini due to the light weight and better fit for in pocket but I miss the battery life of the 12 proM. I am very confused if I am going to get the 13 Pro/max or just the 13 mini. I believe I am leaning to the 13 pro for the pro Motion and better battery as I just feel the mini battery does not help with my lifestyle.

It's quoted as being 1.5 hours better on average over the 12 mini. Are the battery issues for you so severe that this wouldn't sway your decision?

For me, I enjoy the form factor and weight too much, having come from an iPhone 11. I'm just undecided on whether or not to upgrade - if this is for sure the last mini, it probably would make sense... there are more 5g bands, the battery, etc, would make for a phone that would last at least another year or more longer.
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I regret getting the 12 mini. My 11pro battery was significantly better and Im usually below 50% by 2:00 so I end up having to charge during the day and at night. I love the size but I cant wait to get rid of the mini and get the 13pro so I dont have to charge during the day.
Same here but I felt it’s time for a change to the 13PM. If my missus can handle the weight (sans the handbag help), my pockets can probably do it too.

haven’t tried the 6.7 to properly weight the pros and cons vs the 5.4. Need a proper go and then will decide if I want a smaller or bigger 14 lineup.

if this is indeed the final mini out, probably I will sell the 13PM 9 mths down and then use some of the cash to get a discounted 13 mini for keeps if I don’t like the 14 lineup.
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Normally, I've always gone for the more feature packed phone. The larger battery, screen, and ProMotion of the Pro models specifically appeal to me.

However, I've been eager to downsize my XS Max for 2 years now, and I don't think the 6.1" Pro would be much of a change in experience/size for me. I'm so ready to have an ergonomic full-screen phone after having years of big phones that I'm deciding that the smaller form factor is more important to me than the extra features. The 13 Mini also removed a lot of the shortcomings that the 12 Mini had, which makes me feel safer making this decision.
Those are 2 completely different phones aimed at 2 completely different users. If you're a heavy user, somebody who uses their phone for more than just calling and texting, you're probably going to have issues with the Mini battery.
It's quoted as being 1.5 hours better on average over the 12 mini. Are the battery issues for you so severe that this wouldn't sway your decision?

For me, I enjoy the form factor and weight too much, having come from an iPhone 11. I'm just undecided on whether or not to upgrade - if this is for sure the last mini, it probably would make sense... there are more 5g bands, the battery, etc, would make for a phone that would last at least another year or more longer.
I just don’t feel it would be enough. I am home most of the day it just I hate charging my phone. As soon as it god on the charger I need it.
I’m stuck as well

Since being on the Apple leasing program I’ve had:
iPhone 8 - iPhone XS -> 11 Pro -> 12 Pro

And I just hate hate hate the heaviness of the 12 Pro already and I would really love a smaller phone.

The only thing that’s holding me back is the cameras, but I think I’m willing to let go of one of the lenses for a smaller footprint.
Thanks everyone. Apparently I was drunk when I wrote that post cuz holy spelling mistakes batman. Anyway I'll be coming from the 8 and I have very very small hands. I am also a very heavy user, but, is the camera stuff going to benefit that much so that it will balance out the size? They really should have had a mini pro.
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Thanks everyone. Apparently I was drunk when I wrote that post cuz holy spelling mistakes batman. Anyway I'll be coming from the 8 and I have very very small hands. I am also a very heavy user, but, is the camera stuff going to benefit that much so that it will balance out the size? They really should have had a mini pro.
I'm a heavy user, but nevertheless most of the newer phones were just too big for my preference (even as someone with large hands).

The mini is the perfect iPhone. All the portability and one-handed use of your current phone, with the screen size of the 8 Plus. As for the cameras, the 13 mini actually has the cameras of last year's 12 Pro, so it's not really a compromise unless you feel a compelling need for the telephoto lens that outweighs everything else.
Normally, I've always gone for the more feature packed phone. The larger battery, screen, and ProMotion of the Pro models specifically appeal to me.

However, I've been eager to downsize my XS Max for 2 years now, and I don't think the 6.1" Pro would be much of a change in experience/size for me. I'm so ready to have an ergonomic full-screen phone after having years of big phones that I'm deciding that the smaller form factor is more important to me than the extra features. The 13 Mini also removed a lot of the shortcomings that the 12 Mini had, which makes me feel safer making this decision.

I sounded so sure of myself when I said this yesterday, but I’m second-guessing myself. I’m still leaning towards the Mini, but the ProMotion, longer battery life, and design of the 13 Pro is still tempting me.

I’m going to go to the Apple Store after work today and test out the 12 mini and 12 Pro again. If I still can’t make a decision, I’m either going to hold off on pre-ordering altogether and wait for reviews and the models to be in the Apple Store, or I’m just going to buy one, test it for 2 weeks and see if I want to keep it or return it and buy the other.
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