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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 2, 2007
Los Angeles
Just found a 1300 mah battery replacement for my iPod Mini. I'm curious how much more battery life it adds to the machine... I believe that stock was 400mah and rated for 18 hours of battery life on a Microdrive. Well I've replaced the Microdrive with an 8gb CF card and when I get the new battery I'm wondering how many hours I'd get now.

Has anyone tried out the 1300 mah battery or have a similar set up to what I'm about to have? Tell me about how it's working out for you.
Crap! Got the battery today... but I just snapped the click wheel ribbon... :( Now I gotta order a new one of those. Damn...

charging the battery now on my splayed out and naked iPod mini.
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If I were you I wouldn't test/use those batteries on any device. They don't seem legit and for the 3$ price I'm sure they must be some cheap China crap.
I've bought stuff from eforcity a few times... usually works pretty good. The battery thus far seems to work fine. charged it all the way full in a few hours...

Just plugged it into my stereo to hit play and unplugged it while headphones were plugged in... I have 198 songs on it... gonna see how it does to play through all of that... the previous battery I had lasted a while after I put in the CF card but the battery meter drained REALLY fast.

And I'm not too worried about it... this iPod Mini is already a Frankenstein monster anyway... it's more of a hobby to mod it than using it as my primary mp3 player.
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It's been a little over 6 hours and I'm still at 60% battery life... the battery itself has not gotten hot. The iPod is out of it's case I have no way of controlling it but I have some long radio shows on it and over 150 more tracks to go. Last time I ran the battery down after I put the CF card it ran another 5 hours on 0 power on the battery meter. This is freaking awesome!

Previously after 6 hours the battery was down to 20%!
It's been a little over 6 hours and I'm still at 60% battery life... the battery itself has not gotten hot. The iPod is out of it's case I have no way of controlling it but I have some long radio shows on it and over 150 more tracks to go. Last time I ran the battery down after I put the CF card it ran another 5 hours on 0 power on the battery meter. This is freaking awesome!

Previously after 6 hours the battery was down to 20%!

awesome. i'm ordering one today.
So it's been 17 hours this ipod has been running straight. Still going... another 40 tracks or so before it runs out of music... looks like it'll probably run out of music before the battery dies. This is with headphones plugged in a at least at 65% volume btw.

The Battery meter is at it's very lowest (5%), but still not empty yet, though I suspect that like last time... after the battery meter was empty it still lasted another 5 hours before the player shut down.

Looks like this is 5 bucks well spent... well if I hadn't broken the damn click wheel.
19 hours in... the battery meter is now empty... but it's still playing like a champ. :) I bet I can still eek out another 5+ from here.

At 171 songs out of 194.

I'm going to need to restart the player I think... will have to plug it into a dock to do that since I have no scroll wheel though.
Got about 26 hours... not too shabby... and that's just the first charge... I bet with a few more charges it might get better.
sorry to dig this thread, but how is this battery going?
I am about to buy one for an upcoming ipod mini green =)

Still the same. But it drains even if you don't run the player. Not sure if it is the battery or the iPod itself. But it was like that before I even replaced the battery.
iPod Mini with CF Card

I only got 8 hours out of my battery, I put a 16GB CF, if I went to a 32GB the cost to benefit ratio is gone. I bought a few broken Minis on ebay and at first they didn't seem to work, but I formatted the CF with the Mac OS Extended Journaled and the units are working perfectly. I am going to buy 2 more 16GB CF cards and was thinking about getting some new batteries. The price range is insane $.64 to $25 with a wide range of mAh. Any updated links for batteries?
I only got 8 hours out of my battery, I put a 16GB CF, if I went to a 32GB the cost to benefit ratio is gone. I bought a few broken Minis on ebay and at first they didn't seem to work, but I formatted the CF with the Mac OS Extended Journaled and the units are working perfectly. I am going to buy 2 more 16GB CF cards and was thinking about getting some new batteries. The price range is insane $.64 to $25 with a wide range of mAh. Any updated links for batteries?
I bought mine here.Benched it, 18h.
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Just found a 1300 mah battery replacement for my iPod Mini. I'm curious how much more battery life it adds to the machine... I believe that stock was 400mah and rated for 18 hours of battery life on a Microdrive. Well I've replaced the Microdrive with an 8gb CF card and when I get the new battery I'm wondering how many hours I'd get now.

Has anyone tried out the 1300 mah battery or have a similar set up to what I'm about to have? Tell me about how it's working out for you.

How has the battery held up? I'm looking at buying one to replace the OEM one in my mini.
Still the same. But it drains even if you don't run the player. Not sure if it is the battery or the iPod itself. But it was like that before I even replaced the battery.

The mini takes something like 48 hours of non-use before it turns itself fully off. The sleep mode it does until then still uses a fair bit of power. I recall having to charge my CF modified mini twice a week even if I hardly used it.

Hi, I'm thinking of ordering one of them 1300mAh batteries (only it sounds too good to be true). Any news on how the batteries hold up after a couple of months?
Don't buy just of of thoses batteries!!

I bought one 1300 mAh battery on ebay at only few euros... After 6 hours of use on my ipod mini (CF 32GB), the battery went completely drained and never charged again. I'm sure it's like all those cheap Chinese products : you'd better to buy severals to be sure one will work. So, I ordered 3 yesterday, and I'll tell you! :rolleyes:
The first gen minis seem to run the battery down when not in use a lot more than the second gen.
Sorry to dig this out (again!) but I'm doing the same upgrade on my old iPod mini and am wondering how the Chinese batteries worked out for you guys?
And I bump it too, due to getting a ten year old 4GB mini I'd like to make last longer. Does anyone know of a reputable source of iPod mini batteries in Germany?
Hey Guys,
Sorry for digging this out.
I got my Apple iPod mini 1 Gen. - A1051 that is working perfectly fine only when charging...
Do you think it's only a battery issue, if yes - should I buy exactly the same as the initial one or something that is recommended in this thread?
Would you be kind enough ;) to give me a link? (Europe market)
Much Appreciated
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