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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 20, 2010
Warwickshire, UK
The first TV OS14.2 beta totally broke Dolby Atmos on the Apple TV on all sources.

Apple released another update this evening and I can confirm that Dolby Atmos is now working again

The first TV OS14.2 beta totally broke Dolby Atmos on the Apple TV on all sources.

Apple released another update this evening and I can confirm that Dolby Atmos is now working again


Is that a developer Beta? I think I am on public beta (14.2 - 18K5036d) - Atmos seems to work on apps like Disney+ but not on Netflix.
18K5036d is the second public beta (atmos does work in this version)
if you're on the first beta, atmos is completely missing for every app.

I think there was also a Netflix update, you might want to check that you've done that also. as I remember seeing some issues with Netflix recently.

how are you testing for atmos?
Do you see the atmos badge in the show info screen (before you start playing)

If that doesn't help
what model of TV do you have, and do you have an external sound device (sound bar or A/V receiver)
and how are they connected to each other
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I am on the latest public beta and Dolby Atmos is not working in Netflix and no show info about Dolby Atmos. Works fine in appletv+. Is this still the case?
Yes it does work on Netflix in the 2nd public beta (18K5036d)

Netflix is a little odd, you actually have to play an Atmos title, before the Atmos tag will show up anywhere.
Even though the badge isn't there, when you play the first atmos title, it seems to play correctly. I think it only checks when you start playing a file.

how are you verifying you have atmos?
what model of TV do you have?
what kind of external speakers are you using, if any?
As I said, Dolby Atmos is not working on Netflix. There is no info on Tv-series or movies about Dolby Atmos. On previous versions of Netflix this was working ok. In AppleTV+ Dolby Atmos is working fine.
I am using a Samsung soundbar with Dolby Atmos that display ´Dolby Atmos´ when I start playing.
not working for you.
It is working for others, so that means it's probably not an app or OS problem. And troubleshooting on your setup might help.

what TV do you have?

go into the sound settings on the television, you might have to go into advanced
look for a setting about audio format or digital sound, play around with those.
there might be separate settings for each input and the output
you might see words like LPCM, bitstream, or pass through.
The aTV uses LPCM, so start there. auto or pass though are also good choices.

I can't say this for sure, but it seems Netflix only checks atmos compatibility when it starts to play a file. So the badge won't be there at first, but it will play in atmos, And then when you stop, you'll have the atmos badges.
Same goes in reverse, if you start to play something, but your system or a setting is wonky, and it thinks you don't have atmos, it will remove the badges.

you could also try uninstalling and re-installing the app if nothing else helps
As I said, before Public Beta 14.2 this was working fine with Netflix. Title info say´Dolby Atmos´ and my soundbar say´Dolby Atmos´ when I start the movie. Now there is no info about Dolby Atmos in Netflix and my soundbar does not switch to Dolby Atmos. I have no problem with AppleTV+, Dolby Atmos is working fine there.
AppleTV is connected to Samsung soundbar and the soundbar is connected to TV.
Correction to my previous post. I re-installed Netflix and now Dolby Atmos is working. Only problem now is that there is no info that say´Dolby Atmos´ on movies or tv-series. If the movie have Dolby Atmos my soundbar will display ˋDolby Atmos´ and everything is ok, if not, there is no Dolby Atmos available. I hope there will be an update to the Netflix app soon.
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