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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 13, 2012
Debating about whether I can hold out for another year on this iPhone 14 PM. By next September, Apple Intelligence features will be more mature, there will be other iPhone options (base models probably with always on display, "iPhone Slim"), etc. Thinking about just waiting on the phone and freshening things up with new accessories...
Weird but to answer OP question easily yes, my 13 pro went from 87 to 77 in under a year, I don't know some of these apple batteries are pretty hit and miss.
My 14pm is also on 86% and it barely lasts the day. I charge it in the car to and from work to give it an extra boost but by the evening it’s usually dead.
I guess it depends on individual usage as to why it drains so fast, but I’m not an over-user, (which I guess is also subjective).
I think for me it’s using maps for 2 hours a day and playing Pokemon Go that drains it, opposed to anything else.
The battery is the number one reason I’m upgrading though.
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My 14pm is also on 86% and it barely lasts the day. I charge it in the car to and from work to give it an extra boost but by the evening it’s usually dead.
I guess it depends on individual usage as to why it drains so fast, but I’m not an over-user, (which I guess is also subjective).
I think for me it’s using maps for 2 hours a day and playing Pokemon Go that drains it, opposed to anything else.
The battery is the number one reason I’m upgrading though.

Yeah - currently, if I use my battery heavily the first say half of he day, I end up in the 60s or 50s by midday, which is not where i want to be. But honestly, looking at reviews of the new phones, it seems like heavy users all end up below 30% or so by the en do the day even on the new phones, so maybe I should just dial back usage a bit…
If you don’t charge it beyond 80%, you can make it another 5 years
Or not. There's not really a magic bullet when it comes to batteries. Sure, keeping it in the ideal 80-30 range might help, but to what extent really depends on too many factors, including many that are beyond the user's control.
There really is no, "do this and the battery will last this long".
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My 14pm is also on 86% and it barely lasts the day. I charge it in the car to and from work to give it an extra boost but by the evening it’s usually dead.
I guess it depends on individual usage as to why it drains so fast, but I’m not an over-user, (which I guess is also subjective).
I think for me it’s using maps for 2 hours a day and playing Pokemon Go that drains it, opposed to anything else.
The battery is the number one reason I’m upgrading though.
Yeah, those kinds of activities are pretty demanding in terms of power use. My 14pm has 88% battery health. Most of my usage is social media, music, messaging, and email and I end most days with 50-60% remaining, after around 4 hours of screen on time.
I never charged my iPhone 6 Plus beyond 80% FOR 9 YEARS. And it’s battery health on the original battery is still at 94%.
Personally- I don’t think that’s possible. But that’s what it says
Thats impressive!

I also have seen people on MR saying that their 14 has under 90% battery health after 2 years, using 80% protection.
So it seems that some things was better before, or it’s the user.
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If battery capacity is all that is urging you to upgrade, dish out the $99 for a new battery and stop worrying about it.
why waste another $1000+ when all you need is a battery replacement? Some people think it's time for a new phone, how about time for another battery, your iPhone will last years with software updates! Plus think of the environment, it's better to replace the battery than chucking your iPhone in the bin. You might think it's just another phone, but what you don't see is the minerals, the time, and energy to produce another iPhone. why waste $$$ when your current one is working FINE?
My XR on OEM battery (!) is at 84% and I find that to be plenty. But I am upgrading to 16P because of the better cams and other newer features that have left me behind. If I had a 14 I would hold onto it for now, personally.
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Debating about whether I can hold out for another year on this iPhone 14 PM. By next September, Apple Intelligence features will be more mature, there will be other iPhone options (base models probably with always on display, "iPhone Slim"), etc. Thinking about just waiting on the phone and freshening things up with new accessories...
My 12 Mini is at 78%, I am keeping it until my wife's SE2 dies or they are no longer supported for software update. Being retired, fixed income, we are always near a charger anyway.
Yes, and better if you use slow wireless charging. That seems to help slow down the rate of the battery health depleation.
My 13 PM is at 87%. I take them to suana, steam room multiple times a week, never really care about charging or baby sitting beyond the Apple settings on charging. Enjoy your phone, no need to be obsessive.
My 13 Pro Max has been at 83% since this time last year. This is an iPhone that frequently, pauses charging due to heat, especially in hot conditions & usually when I have the Anker 633 Magnetic Battery attached to it (which is quite often). Yet the battery health percentage won’t drop below the magic 80%.
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