I was handed down a 15" MBP Mid 2014 with a bulging battery. I couldn't find a battery replacement here in the south of France where I'm at. Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction? Thank you.
Have you considered iFixit? They have some awesome parts and tools just for this.
Unfortunately I'm not from France, so...if you're looking for a local store, I can't help you. But...if iFixit prices seem ok to you, you could order from them, and have it shipped to you. Just make sure you also have all the tools you need to do this job. They also have ready-made kits you can order, so you have everything in one place. If not, you can also use some items you usually find around the house, or you can easily buy from a nearby store.
The operation is not too difficult. I found cleaning up the residue after the removal far more time consuming than the actual battery replacement itself. However, you do need a few things, such as a couple of different size screwdrivers, an old credit card, or something made of flexible plastic, but not too flexible, something you can use to pry out the battery without puncturing it, isopropyl alcohol with a syringe and a slightly bent needle so you can reach underneath each cell, and, most important tool, a lot of patience!
It's a UK-based company. Not sure whether it has a presence in France so 'Brexit taxes' might be problematic.
I bought the same brand of battery for my 2009 MacBook and I don't regret it. I'd recommend this battery brand (2Power) to anyone wanting to replace a vintage computer's battery.