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macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
It does not like you cannot do whatever the heck you wanna do under Obama anyway. But I get it, you want a dozen more firearms to defend your nicely built house and trump encourages you to do so, without background check and such.

You completely miss the point of “free country” cannot be allowed by government, and America is not a true “free country” either.
If you don’t think America is a free country then here’s the door, and you can leave whenever you want.
Ahh, typical Fox News moment. I get it.
Anyway, when I am trying to come up with an idea to practically hurt and force China to subdue and admit their crime, you tell me I miss the point? But yeah, Fox News only tells you tariff works, when it does more harm to USA farmers than good, be it short term or long term. And obviously you don’t know that USA was trying to surround China for a very long time since 1953 after being defeated by Chinese in Korean Peninsula.
And tell you what? You only receive information from trump and Fox News. Most Chinese people also receive information from state controlled media and nowhere else. Oh god, I see so many similarities now. Both only manipulate the information to hide what is actually happening. Jesus. USA is well on their way to become the next communist country with an oppressive government. Thankfully there are still enough people trying to speed bump this trump train. Valiant attempt for sure.
Lol it’s not Fox News. It’s called common sense. But if you need to watch the news in order to know between right and wrong, then go ahead.


macrumors 68040
Feb 22, 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ahh, typical Fox News moment. I get it.
Anyway, when I am trying to come up with an idea to practically hurt and force China to subdue and admit their crime, you tell me I miss the point? But yeah, Fox News only tells you tariff works, when it does more harm to USA farmers than good, be it short term or long term. And obviously you don’t know that USA was trying to surround China for a very long time since 1953 after being defeated by Chinese in Korean Peninsula.
And tell you what? You only receive information from trump and Fox News. Most Chinese people also receive information from state controlled media and nowhere else. Oh god, I see so many similarities now. Both only manipulate the information to hide what is actually happening. Jesus. USA is well on their way to become the next communist country with an oppressive government. Thankfully there are still enough people trying to speed bump this trump train. Valiant attempt for sure.

It’s so ironic and not funny at all. Americans only care about freedom when it applies to themselves. Any freedom for anyone else they consider restricting their own and so they must kill it.
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macrumors 65816
May 28, 2009
Keep funding China, or incentivise building jobs local. Decisions, decision.

Don’t worry, if Apple feels sales drop due to the Tarif, they will discount. The beauty of a free enterprise
Just a joke or contaminated by the detailed knowledge of Fox News?
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macrumors 68040
Feb 22, 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

LOL. Get a calculator please and look at all the assets Trump has. He has an incredible amount of real estate, hotels, golf clubs etc etc. if with all of this he cannot generate more than 655M in revenue then he is indeed an inept manager. Not that we didn’t know that already. It is clear that he is operating at a loss of this is indeed his true revenue figure.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 28, 2016
Just about everything is going up because of these tariffs. Was just talking my local bike shop, they are no longer selling kids bikes because they have gone up about $120 each. So, I a nice kids bike that would cost about $100, is $220 now.

I'm assuming you forgot the /s...
Good. About time people stopped buying low quality crap paid for out of slave wages. Get a second hand kid's bike, or buy a good one not made in China that you can on-sell once your kid has grown out of it, assuming you can look after said bike.
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macrumors 65816
May 28, 2009
Sorry, but that's BS. I held a very significant AAPL portfolio (in a few million dollars) for over 10 years, which I just sold this past Thursday. I didn't feel like Apple had my best interests at heart. AAPL didn't do quite as well as other FAANG stocks did. In hindsight, I should have invested in AMZN, as the return would have been significantly better. Sitting on a pile of cash does nothing for the shareholders, as does the absolute lack of vision by Tim Cook.

The only reason that the stock has held up recently is the absolutely outrageous amount of money that Tim has thrown at stock buybacks. But even with that, the P/E ratio has been sliding down slowly but surely, which means that Wall Street has no trust in Apple's ability to grow any time soon. If Tim Apple had my best interests at heart as a shareholder, he would have aggressively increased the dividend payments rather than throwing hundreds of billions of dollars on stock buybacks. However, I do realize that the stock buybacks is the only reason that AAPL hasn't lost 25-40% of its value by now compared to its highs. These hundreds of billions of dollars, and not the Apple's innovation, is what kept AAPL afloat for the past few years.

The fact that Tim was warned by Trump almost three years ago now to move manufacturing out of China but was doing nothing to that end until very recently tells me that Tim didn't have my best interests at heart. In fact, I consider this a dereliction of his duties and a complete failure as CEO. The next year or two will be very rocky for the AAPL shareholders due to Apple being caught with their pants down when it comes to tariffs due to their almost 100% dependence on the Chinese manufacturing. Don't blame Trump; he told Tim to start planning exit from China 3 years ago.

I'm betting on no deal with China any time soon and the 30% tariff on the Apple Watch and iMacs (going in affect on September 1), no exciting products announced by Apple on September 10th, then no-deal Brexit on October 31st, slow holiday season for Apple due to the lack of 5G iPhones this year, and finally, a 15% tariff on the iPhone (going in affect on December 15th). These are multiple punches that are going to hit AAPL one after another against the backdrop of the entire market going down due to the escalating trade war with China and the UK bolting out of Europe with no deal.

In the past, I wished so many times that I had sold AAPL before just one event like this because it always hit AAPL hard and negatively affected the stock price for months (if not years). This time around, there are multiple events that are going to hit AAPL one after another within the next 4 months, and I do not have any trust in either Apple's product pipeline or in the wisdom of Tim Cook to weather the storm, worth risking my investments. Hence, I'm almost completely in cash as of two days ago. I believe the market correction is going to start in November 2019 (when Brexit occurs) and continue until at least the end of December 2019, similarly to the way it happened in 2018. This time around, though, the real "no-deal" Brexit and the full-blown trade war with China will not be just fears but rather reality.

My next task is to decide what to invest in after the overall market corrects itself, and I no longer think that I will invest nearly as much (if anything at all) in AAPL. I haven't been excited about what Apple has been doing for years now. I no longer watch the boring Apple's keynotes unlike in the past when I would tune in live and sit on the edge of my chair throughout the keynote. I stopped following the iPad completely, as the crippled software makes it a boring product for me, and overall, I just think that Apple has lost its cool factor - at least for me. I'm not excited about Apple raising the prices on their iPhones and Macs - that's not good for the shareholders at all because it results in sales numbers continually trending down year after year. I'm not at all impressed by the Apple's "services" sector, as in my opinion, their services are amateurish. They can't even pave their way in education due to the lack of a cloud offering that suits the education sector. Their "services" are completely useless in the enterprise. The only sector where their "services" are acceptable are for private home use, but even there the Apple's "services are extremely limited and leave a lot to be desired. Apple is leaving so much money on the table for no reason whatsoever, and their shortsightedness when it comes to their approach to the enterprise has bothered me for years.

My iPhone 7 is 3 years old, and my wife's iPhone X is two years old. We are not planning to buy a new iPhone for the next several years. In fact, I'm seriously considering switching to Android at this point because Android excites me more than iOS at this point. I never thought I would ever utter anything like this, but here I am not even wanting a new iPhone.

I'm happy I was able to get out of AAPL before the next downturn this time around. Tim Cook has killed the excitement of Apple for me, and I'm no longer willing to ride the AAPL train all the way down the cliff. So, to sum it all up, I don't believe that Tim Cook has ever had the shareholders' interests in mind. I think that all Tim is concerned with is his social agenda. He has bitten much more than he can swallow at this point, as he was never ready to be CEO of a company like what Apple used to be when Steve Jobs ran it in the first decade of the 21st century. Tim Cook has failed as CEO and he is failing as a logistics guru by not having taken Trump seriously three years ago.
BS story. If you spent "millions of dollars" in AAPL you would be a rich and happy man these days. If today (stock price 208) after 10 years (stock price 12.76) you sold Apple for 1 million, Apple has paid you a profit of 980,000 dollars. AAPL a "bad" share? LOL!
Sirozha, just small parts of your whining are common sense.
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macrumors 65816
May 28, 2009
If import of chinese production becomes too expensive, not a single job will be created in the USA. Never.

Tech companies are forced to switch to other 'cheap' countries, that will take years.
In the meantime, most sales market worldwide (e.g Europe and Asia anyway) will be totally(!) lost to Samsung and Huawai...

Thus the 'the apprentice (you are fired)' - entertainer weakens and humiliates one of the most important US company. Not about making a country 'strong again'...

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macrumors 68020
Mar 6, 2009
Don’t buy anything besides food this Labor Day weekend until December if you want Trump out of office. If you like Trump wait till new tariffs kick in and pay more then.

If no one buys anything this Labor Day weekend markets will drop next week due to poor consumer spending. Buy if you support Trump and his policies or wait if you oppose.
Good. About time people stopped buying low quality crap paid for out of slave wages. Get a second hand kid's bike, or buy a good one not made in China that you can on-sell once your kid has grown out of it, assuming you can look after said bike.
Wages are subject to cost of living in each country. ;)


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2015
A President that claims to be for free trade, yet introduced protectionist policy. In a world of global markets as we have today, only one side will suffer in the long term. Sadly that will be the USA.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
If you don’t think America is a free country then here’s the door, and you can leave whenever you want.
Lol it’s not Fox News. It’s called common sense. But if you need to watch the news in order to know between right and wrong, then go ahead.
Oh my gosh. Feels so familiar.
But that’s pretty much about it. Good luck being a loyal trump supporter.
I'm looking for a post that discusses how China treats their workers. They have suicide nets outside buildings to ensure employees don't off themselves during their shift. Maybe this will force China to improve working conditions and wages. But Trump though....right?
China has so many people working in manufacturing industry that a few hundred death won’t even be cared by Chinese government at all, regardless of people’s sentiments. Suicide net is the cheapest thing they can do to stop workers killing themselves.


macrumors 68000
May 30, 2011
Get a calculator please and look at all the assets Trump has. He has an incredible amount of real estate, hotels, golf clubs etc etc

He has his name on a lot of things, wether he truly owns them is another question.

if with all of this he cannot generate more than 655M in revenue then he is indeed an inept manager

Small hint: he is the guy who went bankrupt on casinos :cool:


macrumors regular
Apr 9, 2006

Your post makes no sense, you are lost in the past. Try getting to know the modern world. China's "slave labor" are hundreds of millions of people who have gone from being poor to reaching the middle class. Those people are the biggest market in the world for US goods. You'd wall off the USA from China, thereby ensuring Americans will lose access to the biggest market opportunity of the century. Whose costing the USA jobs? Attitudes like yours.
I’m more upset about the mandatory $15 an hour wage for the small business.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2008
Our companies are giving jobs and business to China and China is stealing all of our stuff and cheating us. Time to find a new country to do business with. We're not gonna take it.

A simple answer for a simple mind.

Whenever I have to wait a long time, I just find another doctor who will see me sooner.
The doctors who can see you sooner are a waste of time and money.


macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2008
BS story. If you spent "millions of dollars" in AAPL you would be a rich and happy man these days. If today (stock price 208) after 10 years (stock price 12.76) you sold Apple for 1 million, Apple has paid you a profit of 980,000 dollars. AAPL a "bad" share? LOL!
Sirozha, just small parts of your whining are common sense.
View attachment 855608

I’m not complaining about the past as much as I don’t see any reason to continue to hold AAPL, as I see a major correction in the next month or two. Yes, I have made a lot of money. I netted much more than $1 million. It doesn’t change the fact that I would have netted even more had I invested in AMZN.

I see real vision coming from Amazon. I see no vision from Apple. Apple Watch and AirPods are cool products, but are small achievements for a tech giant like Apple. The gripes I’ve had about lack of features in Apple’s services, Apple’s lack of interest for the Mac in the enterprise, Apple’s failure in Education, etc. have been raised for years, and nothing is improving. However, Tim seems to get a kick out of new watch bands and emojis.

One of the main principles of investing is only invest in companies one believes in and understands their business model. I no longer believe in Apple’s ability to grow, and frankly, I don’t get Tim’s vision for the future - probably because he has no vision. I never invested in GOOG for the same reason. IMHO, among the FAANG stocks, Amazon is the most innovative company. At this point, even Microsoft's is more innovative than Apple. The ever decreasing sales numbers and stagnated profits is the best proof that under Cook, Apple’s growth has ended, and there is no vision at Apple what to do next.

Cook’s dangerous brinksmanship vis-à-vis Qualcomm, his foolish bet on Intel’s cellular modems, and as a result the absence of 5G iPhones this year will be a major blow to the Apple’s bottom line this holiday season (Q1 2020 fiscal year). The 15% tariff on the iPhones starting on December 15 will kill the second quarter numbers for Apple. We are talking a really bad year for Apple starting today (September 1, when the 30% tariff on Apple’s desktops, AirPods, and Apple Watches began). Whether Apple absorbs the tariffs or passes them on, AAPL is going to be under a serious bearish pressure on Wall Street - either for the lower sales numbers with the stable margins or for the stable (or slightly lower) sales numbers with much lower margins. It’s inevitable that Apple will start being hammered come September 3 (the first trading day after the 30% tariff was imposed on Apple) in anticipation of what is to come. With Apple’s products being so overpriced, a 30% tariff is not something that Wall Street will ignore. Appe has no room to increase their prices to compensate for the tariffs. The iPhones are already more expensive than most are willing to pay; hence, a much longer upgrade cycle. Apple has painted itself in the corner: they can’t increase the price and they can’t lower profit margins, as either move will hit the stock price hard.

So, even though I am not a trader but a long-time investor. This time around, I’m not willing to go down with AAPL like I have done dozens of times in the past 12 years since I started investing in Apple.
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macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2008
Not all of our health benefits are free Another American myth and if you are in good health they aren’t much of a benefit.

Don’t many American’s get medical benefits through there employers?

If you are self employed, a contractor, retired, work for a company that decides not to cover, Or unable to work for any reason you are not covered.

Canada covers every single citizen from before birth to grave, no matter their income or work situation. That is incredibly valuable.

As for the claim that they are no benefit when you are healthy? That isn’t true. Other posters have talked to check ups and more which benefit heathy people. One not mentioned yet is Canada’s programs also give parents 18 months payed time off (and their jobs back after) for parental care for new babies and adoptions. That offering is enforced at the federal level. Once again, incredibly valuable to the health of baby and parents alike. The equivalent USA offering is between 0 and 12 weeks of unpaid time.

Here is a better breakdown to show costs per country


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
You mean something like this?

A far cry from your previous post?

Nope, not at all. It's clear you have zero understanding with respect to what GPM (Gross Profit margin) is. You might want to educate yourself on the subject. Even a tiny bit would help. Once you have a basic understanding of what that is, then go on to Net Profit Margin, and try and understand what that entails.
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H.E. Pennypacker

macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2017
Nope, not at all. It's clear you have zero understanding with respect to what GPM (Gross Profit margin) is. You might want to educate yourself on the subject. Even a tiny bit would help. Once you have a basic understanding of what that is, then go on to Net Profit Margin, and try and understand what that entails.
I know what net profit margin is kiddo. Over 20% in retail is exceptional. If you think apples margins are fair you’re delusional. Educate yourself please.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 28, 2010
Thank you President Trump for looking after our countries best interest in many ways.
Thank you Apple for letting me buy a lot of stock in 2002-2003 and being one of the best well run companies.
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