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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 15, 2015
Hi, I’m one of the few people that updated to the new home architecture when the 16.2 was released before Apple regretted it and stopped allowing users to upgrade it. When the 16.4 releases, do I need to upgrade again? I mean, something has changed, right?


macrumors 65816
Apr 1, 2013
It sounds like most of the changes were made with the upgrade process itself, if you’re already upgraded it’s unlikely you will need to do anything additional or notice any changes.


macrumors 65816
Sep 22, 2018
I'm already very curious about that (I also already updated back in December).


macrumors regular
Apr 19, 2011
Same here - updated the first time and no changes yet. 16.4 has been a pita so far, not sure if that’s anything to do with new architecture, but home is all over the place playing random songs and different playlists to the pull down menu, losing connection, running very hot, stereo pairs not working correctly. Had to full factory reset twice. So tired of this nonsense. I love the sound from the HomePods, but the integration that was part of the usp is broken.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2008
Toronto, Canada
It sounds like most of the changes were made with the upgrade process itself, if you’re already upgraded it’s unlikely you will need to do anything additional or notice any changes.
Thats funny, the upgrade process...

It throws an error without any suggestions that it cannot be upgraded for me...


macrumors member
Jan 12, 2020
Think I’m in trouble that’s nearly an hour and it’s still installing on the homepod, fingers crossed.
Sorted, after 2 hrs turned the HomePod off and on the iPad up popped a message, HomePod was on my home WiFi, iPad was on my sons mesh network, swapped my iPad to the home one, all good in the hood.
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macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2010
Hi, I’m one of the few people that updated to the new home architecture when the 16.2 was released before Apple regretted it and stopped allowing users to upgrade it. When the 16.4 releases, do I need to upgrade again? I mean, something has changed, right?
Like you I updated to the new architecture when it became available...I had no issued at all and now with the 16.4 I didn't have to do anything manually.


Oct 9, 2005
I will probably do the update this weekend. I wanted to wait to see how things went for others - redoing my home would be an absolute mess if something went wrong.


Nov 8, 2017
New York
Updated my architecture to the new about a week ago. Didn’t want to post before I did some testing. So far so good.

I got back the timed one time automations using Siri (e.g. Hey, Siri, turn off the light in 15 minutes). Previously I would get, “On it, still working, one sec, your device didn’t respond” every single time. Now I just get, “on it” and within 5-10 seconds it would work.

HomePod alarms in the Home app seem to be deleting and toggling fine. Something I couldn’t do before. They would swipe away then reappear. Very frustrating. Toggle would toggle itself back in when toggled off.

At first, opening the Home app would cause some accessories to take a few seconds to load. Mainly Thread accessories. Now they seem to load right up.

Cameras load up and start streaming very quickly. They always did but they seem to be even quicker now. Like almost instant. (When on home Wi-Fi)

Was finally able to get my wife invited back in.

Didn’t have many issues previously except for the above but I’m pleased so far with the new architecture. Seemed to fix whatever issues I had.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2004
Updated my architecture to the new about a week ago. Didn’t want to post before I did some testing. So far so good.


Didn’t have many issues previously except for the above but I’m pleased so far with the new architecture. Seemed to fix whatever issues I had.

That's good to hear. Did you end up doing the nuclear option or simply upgraded architecture and 16.4 ?


Nov 8, 2017
New York
If 16.4.x or 16.5 resolve your issues, will it be worth it?
It goes beyond just resolving HomeKit issues. I foolishly put my last name in my SSID when I created my network a couple years ago and wanting to change that. Once I change my SSID, everything will be booted from HomeKit anyway so at that point might as well start fresh. That’s the main reason for it.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2004
What happened to your Jules post? It’s in my email but not in here 🤣. Admin must’ve removed it for “threatening nature”.

No, actually it was removed because it was "frivolous"... :oops:

Please make posts that contribute to a thread rather than clutter it. Examples of frivolous posts: +1. Word. LOL :eek: Feels snappier. Cool story, bro. A post that only contains only an image.

I am going to type some more stuff here for obvious reasons:

The post contained a meme of the Pulp Fiction character Jules pointing a chrome object while saying, "Say Network Problem One More Time" because it really tells a bigger story. Every time somebody complains about HomeKit or Apple bugs, we get vague comments from apologists blaming the network. Then you come along and post that you need to change something in your network to help alleviate these issues; something innocuous that we both know really has nothing to do with Apple's automation bugs. My one-photo response was a humorous and ironic commentary on these "it's your network" posts that was a lot more entertaining than this wordy explanation.

Sometimes a photo really is worth more than a thousand words. Am I allowed to insert a frivolous laughing emoticon here?

And I defer to my posting over here regarding "Network Issues":

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Nov 8, 2017
New York
No, actually it was removed because it was "frivolous"... :oops:

I am going to type some more stuff here for obvious reasons:

The post contained a meme of the Pulp Fiction character Jules pointing a chrome object while saying, "Say Network Problem One More Time" because it really tells a bigger story. Every time somebody complains about HomeKit or Apple bugs, we get vague comments from apologists blaming the network. Then you come along and post that you need to change something in your network to help alleviate these issues; something innocuous that we both know really has nothing to do with Apple's automation bugs. My one-photo response was a humorous and ironic commentary on these "it's your network" posts that was a lot more entertaining than this wordy explanation.

Sometimes a photo really is worth more than a thousand words. Am I allowed to insert a frivolous laughing emoticon here?

And I defer to my posting over here regarding "Network Issues":

Oh I get it lol. Thought it was hysterical.
  • Haha
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