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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 29, 2014
I just got a new retina macbook, really fast, but I checked the activity monitor. It seems like I'm using like 14-15 gb of ram already even though I have like 5-6 low-key programs running. I don't know why 16 gb of ram is being used up so fast. I thought the maximum I was going to hit was probably 4-5 gb, since my last computer had only 4 gb of ram.

Ryan Burgess

macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2013
I just got a new retina macbook, really fast, but I checked the activity monitor. It seems like I'm using like 14-15 gb of ram already even though I have like 5-6 low-key programs running. I don't know why 16 gb of ram is being used up so fast. I thought the maximum I was going to hit was probably 4-5 gb, since my last computer had only 4 gb of ram.

Unused RAM is wasted RAM. Look at the bottom of the activity monitor where there is a box and a graph labeled "Memory Pressure". As long as the graph is GREEN then you're fine. You are only low on RAM if the graph is RED.


macrumors 604
Apr 23, 2011
GVA, KUL, MEL (current), ZQN
Unused RAM is wasted RAM. Look at the bottom of the activity monitor where there is a box and a graph labeled "Memory Pressure". As long as the graph is GREEN then you're fine. You are only low on RAM if the graph is RED.

^ what he said.

Here's a screenshot of my Activity Monitor when no apps are running, other than Activity Monitor itself.

App memory is the best accurate representation of how much RAM is actually being used.


  • Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 16.05.08.png
    Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 16.05.08.png
    479.9 KB · Views: 192


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I just got a new retina macbook, really fast, but I checked the activity monitor. It seems like I'm using like 14-15 gb of ram already even though I have like 5-6 low-key programs running. I don't know why 16 gb of ram is being used up so fast. I thought the maximum I was going to hit was probably 4-5 gb, since my last computer had only 4 gb of ram.

OSX memory management is a lot different then Windows. OS X, will allocate all the memory to best use it, where as windows starts bogging down when free ram drops.

Under the newer version of OS X, take a look at the Ram Pressure within the activity monitor, it will detail if resources are getting tight. In prior versions page-ins were the measurement, i.e., the OS kept reading/writing memory pages to disk.
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