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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 26, 2015
Hi guys, my new M3 pro seems to have poor Wi-Fi latency when compared to my recently acquired 16” intel. I use moonlight to stream from my cloud pc (it’s local just Ethernet and power in another room). Over Ethernet on both machines it’s flawless only 1ms latency. The story changes over Wi-Fi. The 16” intel in the same spot on the same network gets 2-3ms latency and it’s pretty stable. The M3 pro is almost like a clock. Every second the stream pauses. The latency will be 8ms then jump to 40 then down to 2 then back to 30 etc. I checked Wi-Fi on both and even had them both streaming the pc at the same time. I did the option + click on the wireless settings and they are both on 5ghz on the same access point. The 16” intel will sometimes switch to 2.4 and there it will be rock solid. The M3 never switches off 5ghz. Idk if maybe my 5g is bad but even on 5g the intel is like 3-6 ms stable. Anyone know of any issues with the M3 pro? I have 35 days left to return it, but I primarily play in bed before going to sleep over Wi-Fi and the intel it’s perfect but the M3 just keeps cutting out and lagging. I find myself still using the intel over the M3.
On the M3, go into Settings > Wi-Fi and click the "Details" button on your connected network. Select "Hardware" on the left. What is the setting for "Configure" and "MTU"? Do these differ from the Intel MBP?
On the M3, go into Settings > Wi-Fi and click the "Details" button on your connected network. Select "Hardware" on the left. What is the setting for "Configure" and "MTU"? Do these differ from the Intel MBP?
Went on vacation the day after I posted this and only brought the intel one with me (and its been great wi-fi wise :D). I will take a look when I get back in town. At the airbnb right now though on the intel, I am on a 5G network and the configure is set to Automatic and the MTU is 1500. Not sure if this gets assigned by the network though.
So just checked the M3 Pro and the settings are the same. Auto and 1500.
Is iCloud Private Relay enabled? If so, disable it.
It sure is, and it isn’t on the intel because I have it on a dummy Apple ID. I just tried them side by side (without making changes and their ping was about the same). When it goes all bad again which I’m sure it will, I will disable it and give it a shot.
So it did it again, I disabled private relay but it continued. I switch to my other access point in the house and it was fine this time. It's really just random. On either access point it will do it. I don't know if the Intel has just been lucky and hasn't had any problems when it comes to selected a congested channel or something.
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