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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 2, 2019
Hi guys,

My Macbook Pro "16's battery life is down to 90% on 150 cycles. It's dropped 5% in the last month. It has fluctuated from 93-95% a fair bit but never dropped to 90%. Is this something I should be concerned about? I bought it in December. I'm not sure if I should contact Apple support or not. I cannot go into an Apple store because of the current pandemic, and I've also got a concussion that'll probably keep me in bed for a while. I'm just wondering how to manage this.



macrumors newbie
Feb 6, 2020
I recommend keeping it around 80%. The new OS update should prolong it's life anyways. Mine is at 93% with about 60 cycles so kinda the same I think. I kept mine plugged in and at 100% most of the time so that's probably why mine is so low.


macrumors member
Oct 29, 2014
I recommend keeping it around 80%. The new OS update should prolong it's life anyways. Mine is at 93% with about 60 cycles so kinda the same I think. I kept mine plugged in and at 100% most of the time so that's probably why mine is so low.
isn't keeping your laptop plugged in all the time bad for battery?

also what do you mean keep it around 80%? You mean immediately charge it once it gets to 80%?



macrumors newbie
Feb 6, 2020
Yeah I know it's bad for the battery, it's just convenient for me and I don't care about the state of the battery as that's serviceable. What I mean by keeping it around 80% is that whenever it falls to 50-60 you charge it until it's at 80-90 so that it never stays fully charged AND it doesn't consume as much cycles. Every once in a while it's beneficial to let it discharge completely in order for it to recalibrate and stuff. I'm not an expert, that's just what I've read & know about Li-Ion batteries in general.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 27, 2012
Once your battery capacity reaches below 80%, I believe you can initiate a battery replacement with Apple.


macrumors regular
May 21, 2016
Got my 16” last december, it was never 100% capacity out of the box.. more like 99.7%. It sat there for a couple of days then the plummeting started. 98 to 97 and so on. It was 95% a couple of weeks later and stayed there for a month or two. I had started countless threads about it here and on reddit, but it really never made me feel better about this whole situation as no one really convinced me of anything. Today it was 93% after it had been 95% for a couple of months as I said, so I thought why not calibrate the battery and reset the SMC for the idk how many times, right? After doing so, the health is now 91%. Lowest it’s been :/. I have no idea how under 71 cycles the battery seemingly degraded 9 whole percents. It makes no sense. On older 15”, around 300 cycles the battery still held 95% of its design capacity... this makes the 91% of the 16” with 71 cycles look laughable at best. But oh well. Just ranting.

Oh and I to the AASP last february and they just brushed it off after running some diagnostics on it, and told me it was normal. Oh well. So all in all, I have yet to know why this is happening and if it’s normal or not.. I’ve seen other 16” go as low as 82% with similar cycle count so it’s worrying tbh. But oh well, just letting you know OP.. Same boat here.
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