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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 21, 2004
Washington, D.C.
Anybody else having an issue with the keyboard not realizing it's there for 20 or 30 seconds after waking up from sleep? It actually brought up the thing to ask if I had a bluetooth keyboard ...
Reset your SMC. With the laptop off, hold down shift+control+option and the power button and hold them down for 10 seconds. Release the keys and press the power button to turn your computer on like normal. See if that helps.
Reset your SMC. With the laptop off, hold down shift+control+option and the power button and hold them down for 10 seconds. Release the keys and press the power button to turn your computer on like normal. See if that helps.
Okay thanks. Initial impression is it did - but not sure - let's see if it lasts. What's an SMC? Is that like the new PRAM?
Okay thanks. Initial impression is it did - but not sure - let's see if it lasts. What's an SMC? Is that like the new PRAM?

Actually I was incorrect, it's a different process for systems with the T2 chip. Here's a guide from Apple's website

SMC is the system management controller, which is a chip that controls a bunch of different functions around the computer. PRAM is a type of memory that holds config information. You should reset that as-well if the SMC reset doesn't help, here's a guide on that:
So ... I followed that second set of SMC instructions (the advanced version) and now it won't turn on ...

OK, actually, I was able to get it to turn back on ... let's see how we're doing after I leave the thing in sleep for several minutes and come back. It wasn't doing it immediately, it was after some idle time.

Could the fact that I used target disk to migrate the data from my 15" MBP be causing any of this?
Anybody else having an issue with the keyboard not realizing it's there for 20 or 30 seconds after waking up from sleep? It actually brought up the thing to ask if I had a bluetooth keyboard ...

No issues here, in to day three of constant use with it.
To do that, do i have to erase everything? I don't have an external HD

With a clean install, yes. Wipe the drive, install from flash stick.

Could the fact that I used target disk to migrate the data from my 15" MBP be causing any of this?

If you merely moved "data," that shouldn't be a problem. But if you instead used Apple migration assistant, or something similar, to move over apps, settings, etc., that could be causing problems. Bottom line, I hate restoring from backups, and I hate migration assistants. They generate artifact and error; they just do.

Whenever Apple releases a new iteration of OSX or iOS, I wipe the device, install or restore as new/default, and then manually install apps/programs/data. Then I'll do the incremental updates that Apple periodically releases. This has resulted in near-perfect app and software performance across all my devices.

Another tip: when Apple releases OSX updates, download the "Combo Update," which they always make available. The "Combo Update" contains everything the update could possibly need to update your iMac/Macbook/Mac Pro. I love the Combo Update because it doesn't rely on the software to do piecemeal downloads of what's needed -- you've got it all in the Combo. Have never, ever, ever had an OSX update error or issue using the downloadable Combo Update.

Bottom line, I like to go to these extra steps to ensure zero downtime and no stress/frustration. A little bit of time doing this on the front end saves a f**kton of time after it's all done the right way with clean installs and no junk from backups/migrations.
At least yours wakes up. If I'm connected to external monitors, mine doesn't wake up. Apple reviewed the capture logs and wants it back for an autopsy.
I was actually running into the same issue on a 2 week old MBP 16" running Catalina 10.15.1

After waking from sleep, the keyboard and also trackpad don't work, and often I'm presented with the "Bluetooth Setup Assistant" window showing "There isn't a keyboard connected".

Eventually, after about 20s or so as well, it just starts working again.
I have only had one incident with the keyboard. I (and others) have had a number of incidents where the computer does not wake up properly, i.e. both screen and keyboard appear dead.

I am not sure it is related but in those cases a wait generally fixes things. For me it sometimes also works with a short press on the power button. I get the impression the system is temporarily "hung" waiting for something.

I have had these problems intermittently on both a 2016 15" and the 16" and with recent Mojave releases and Catalina, so probably caused by SW.
Anybody else having an issue with the keyboard not realizing it's there for 20 or 30 seconds after waking up from sleep? It actually brought up the thing to ask if I had a bluetooth keyboard ...

Had this happen a couple of times where the machine was sluggish after waking. I think its indexing functions like Spotlight indexing and Photos scanning which goes on in the background and implemented badly in Catalina perhaps. The more I'm using the machine the less this is occurring. I also left it on and awake overnight to let it do its work.
I replaced my first MacBook Pro 16 due to other issues, but this new one has this problem! It's very frustrating. Hard to predict when it will occur. I have reset the SMC to no avail. Any other ideas?
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