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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 16, 2004
Just printed the doc on top of this 2002Canon A3 laser printer from within Mojave 10.14.5

LBP-1610 A3 Laser 2001.JPG

I posted a similar report re: this ( Japan only ) Canon A3 LBP-1610 laser printer ( 64 mb RAM ) working in the Sierra forum. Anyway, tonight I got it working in Mojave 10.14.5 ! :D
I bought it here in Japan in 2002 ( I think) for around US$930 ( I think ) so it is now 17 years old.

The Mac driver that came with the printer was for OS 9 ( pre-OS X ).

It is still a sound, reliable workhorse for my English school. Only a couple of the external paper guides have deteriorated but duct tape is your friend !
All of the internals work without fail.
The original toner cartridges cast ¥40,000 = US$370 but I got ( so far ) only two recycled cartridges off the Net for around US$50 including shipping & replacement toner ( only twice ) for about US$ 35 shipped.


How I got this working in Sierra, Hi Sierra & Mojave.

I have EVERY OS X driver that Canon released for this printer .. quite a few. Official support finished with Mavericks.

.. . but . . . obviously one of their software team forgot about " planned obsolescence " - out of my many drivers there was just ONE that would install in any version of OS X ! It was coded for Snow Leopard only.

I still needed to do a bit of Terminal work to get it working every time with every new OS X release.

Here's how. ( probably only applies to Canon lasers )

1. Download ALL available Canon OS X drivers for your Canon - work backwards - try installing the last available OS X driver - this is the key - if mac OS won't allow installation of ANY of the available drivers - stop there - my hack can't be done.

2. if one ( or more ) drivers can be installed eg: into High Sierra or Mojave = Great !

Do not try to ADD the printer to your installed printers list yet.

3. Start terminal

Enter : sudo sh -c 'echo "Sandboxing Relaxed" >> /etc/cups/cups-files.conf'
Enter your password.

Enter : sudo launchctl stop org.cups.cupsd

4. Connect & turn on the printer.

5. In Printer Prefs you will have to do the " Select software" drop down menu.

6. ADD the printer.


Shut down - turn the printer ON - and start up again.

7. Look at "Library/Printer/InstalledPrinters.plist"
if your printer is not in the list find this LINE from another OLDER OS X installation and
copy it into this plist.

You can see the BOLD type where I added the LINE from a successful prior installation.

Library-Installed Printers Plist.jpg

NOTE : Occasionally I have had to repeat the Terminal commands after adding the printer.
NOTE 2 : Look in Users/ You/ Printers. Find your Print Monitor and put it on your Dock because if you cannot print a document the printer will be set to "PAUSE" - the monitor allows you to delete this.

Warm reboot if necessary.


Good luck

Bear in mind that all of the above relies on being able to actually have High Sierra or Mojave allowing the driver to be installed.

Disclaimer : I have no idea if this will work for any other laser printer besides the Canon LBP-1610

( If it ain't broke don't fix it .. .or .. throw it away ! )​
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Congratulations. :D
And thank you for saving the planet. ;) We should all throw away less stuff just because it's getting old.
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Thank you, much appreciated.

I'm old too but still useful most days. :D
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