My wife used Fix me stick and it seemed to help, I used it and it quarantines some of my start up disk. When I tried to boot it up it would go to the blinking question mark. I changed my hard drive. Mean while wifey used it again and it was kernel panicking and raising all kinds of hell. Put a 1 TB hard drive in hers. According to fix me guys you put the stick back in and "undo" whatever it did, in which case what's the sense of using it? I've not had luck Ever, using any Cleaners and I lost the stick. Now to my questions (whew), I want to use the old drives for storage and use as a boot disk for ubuntu or whatever. I bought an Insignia dual hard drive dock station to read and erase drives. On her drive which mounts and I can look at what is on it (BTW there is nothing in her startup Items), but my drive (question mark), won't mount. When installed and turned on it "buzzes" clicks a few times then just a low buzz and eventually gets warm, almost hot. My drive has stuff on it we would like, Hers (which works) don't care. Any Ideas how to get it to mount?