I assume you're looking for a replacement logic board for your EXISTING 17" 1.25Ghz G4 iMac?
There were 5 logic boards for the USB2 iMac G4.
Originally, Apple released a 15" & 17" only, in Sept 2003.
Later, when the 20" was released, new motherboards appeared for the 15" & 17" (as well as one for the new 20" model).
A new neck assembly was created for the 20". These assemblies include the display cabling and are different for the 15", 17" and 20".
Why the 15" and 17" boards were changed is something I can't determine. None of the specs changed as far as I can tell, though the later versions would have shipped with 10.3.1 instead of 10.2.7.
The power supplies were different part numbers for the 20" vs the 17" & 15", but I'm not sure if the pinouts were exactly the same, although the 12v and ground certainly ARE the same pinouts. I'd assume the difference is to drive the larger display, especially the higher requirements of the backlight on the 20".
What DOES scare me a little is that the bottom housing (the very base of the whole machine) is a different part number from the 17" to the 20". Just why this is is also a mystery, but may indicate a small difference in logic board mounting, or a difference in attachment with the faraday cage which is another part that differs from the 17" to the 20".
One thing that does worry me is TDMS "swing". There seems to be two settings for this, and I can't determine which setting is for which display. It appears that this is a difference in the voltage used for the serial TDMS bus. If the wrong display is connected, you could destroy the display.
Without more info, I'd stick to the logic board your machine originally shipped with. IE, exchange like for like.