I have a 2009 MBP 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. Maxed out RAM ( 8G ), Samsung 860 EVO 500Gb and OWC Mercury Electra 3G 240 Gb SSD respectively. I have my OS ( Yosemite ) running off the Mercury and use the Samsung as storage. Neither of which are even half way full. Back when I had 2 Mercury Electras the MBP used to be relatively peppy but one of them burnt out and I made a couple swaps and now the laptop is super sluggish and if I have more than a couple tabs open it takes for ever for things to load. Is my computer just outdated at this point? Or is there something I can do for this thing to run a little better? I use Clean my Mac and sort out crap I don't need pretty regularly. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!