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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK
please can anyone offer a little help?

OK so the background first...

2010 2.4GHz with 8GB ram and 240GB SSD primary and 250GB HDD in optical bay containing my home folder.

yesterday morning at work I upgraded to 10.13.1 all a good and machine an all day until closing time when powered off.
I forgot my TM drive so did not make backup first, yes I know stupid!

So today got to work powered on the mac and white screen only.
after few mins it goes bit dim, then after little while screen goes black and white light on front of machine.

I have done command + alt + R + P as well a every other combination going.
Still only white screen.

command + R does nothing.
Tried boot from usb Linux CD and the drive spins and lights flashes on bot but screen still white.

disconnected both HDDs and tried to boot.
Pulled battery and held power button.
pulled ram.

none of these had any change, still just white screen.

My boss says he think the update messed with the firmware somehow.

Is the mac suddenly dead?
local apple repair shop quoted me £60 to take a look.

They will quote me for repair and then if I decide to get it repairs they wave the £60 fee and I only pay for the repair.

They have said though, they think it GPU.

£150-200 I can buy another same machine.
Not sure worth repair due to its age at 2010 it is a bit old now.
You can get 2009-2010 white MacBooks for £170-200 in good condition. I'd probably just do that.

There's no way Apple will charge less than that to replace the GPU. They'll probably quote over £500 to replace the entire logic board.

That's if they offer you anything at all. That machine is over 7 years old, which means their response will probably be "too old to fix, we don't have spare parts, bye and thanks for the £60".
it's a 3rd party apple will not even talk to me about it due to age.

I too am thinking not worth it if GPU.
if something else it still be mobo and not worth it.

i'm better off waiting a few weeks or so and build up some money for a 2012 macbook pro which is around £400 mark and much more worth while machine.

GPU replacement, not reflow can be done for £125 I have been quoted.
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