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Remington Steel

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 26, 2016
Is it possible to connect my late 2013 MBP to an external monitor using a lightning bolt 2 to HDMI adapter? And will it work with the MBP closed as long as the power cable is connected?


macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2018

I have and still very actively use my MacBook Pro early 2013 with Mojave, and have driven 3 external monitors with it. One on the HDMI port, and 2 others with the lightening extensions. Note that the laptop would get really warm with this, and I didn’t run long in this mode, because I needed Ethernet.

Driving a monitor with the HDMI cable and one lightening adapter gives me 3 video surfaces, and that has been my layout for upwards of 7 years.

And it is one reason I left the 2016 models alone, because Apple removed the HDMI port and went USB C. I also love that I can remove my hard drive at any time. I also pulled the thing apart 2 years ago and replaced the battery.

I really love this machine.
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