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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK
I am going o get in next couple of weeks a new macbook.

Im looking at a 13" 2012 Pro reurb from apple. i5, 4G RAM and 500GB HDD.
I have more ram and SSD already to upgrade it.
only £749

or a new 13" 2015 air i5, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD
For my work and mobile use 256GB is fine.
For £1099

Both will be on credit as cannot afford outright.

Got a limit of about £1000.

I use it mainly for web based stuff for work and work/excel.
Nothing special.

For average user what pro/con is there?
I like the air a thin and light be good for traveling to and from work.
The Pro has SD and DVD, not that use them much I do a little at work to burn programs to boot a customers windows machine from or to burn recovered data.
I can use usb dvd drive in the air so not a real issue.

I do like the fat the older pro is user upgradable though.
The air is what it is, plus the pro can pull the optical for 2nd HDD (already have external optical caddy)


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
I'd say the Air as you'll get the warranty with it. And the SSDs are so quick that it'll likely feel snappier than the 2012 anyway.

Plus the i5-5250U in the MBA is pretty identical to performance against the i5-3210M in the MBP, so you won't really be losing out.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK
I get warranty with both as the 2012 pro is from apple refurb store.

I get a year with apple as well.

I do like the air.

Is air battery life better?
The lightness will be nice


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK

So looked into it and in long run will cost me more but I nee a newer mac, cant stand this pro much longer.
Hate the G4 style silver keyboard.

my monthly bill charge is 3% of the original purchase.
So the air is £1099 plus 20%APR

Still worth it?
I kinda already convinced myself to get the air but it a lot of money considering my income and bills already.

But it will see use everyday


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
If you already have RAM and an SSD, the 2012 MBPro will offer extra ports if you use them.

The non-retina MacBooks are workhorses and last a long time. I have an April 2010 MBPro that I only retired a couple of weeks ago for a 2015 model.

Looks like quite a bit less money as well.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK
yes it is less money and genuine apple refurb too from apple store online.

the 2007 macbook pro is a good wok horse but too heavy and crap keyboard or me.

I do not use the extra ports much but it mean I could do target mode to my other macs.
The SD slot be handy for my dash cam videos too, but the air has that too.

I got a 250GB SSD and 8GB DDR3. But looks like my ram too slow as from my 2009 unibody which was 1066MHz
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