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Jan 3, 2017
I'm looking to purchase my first MacBook, I've been a windows user for ever and I'm excited to switch.

I'm currently debating between the 2015 MacBook Air, base model with 128gb ssd and 8gb ram vs the 2016 MacBook Pro base model.

The pricing for me to purchase these brand new with current discount is

$1185.37 & $2017.05, these are Canadian prices including taxes.

For the purpose of best bang for your buck and longetivity is it worth spending the extra $830 on the 2016 MacBook?

I'm a light user of laptops, just typical small applications and such .
Yes the Pro is worth it.
Better screen etc.....
In Canada also so I know the pain of our prices.
Have had every size of Air and Pro
Settled on the Pro 13.
Maybe the Macbook suits your needs?
Best luck with your first Mac
The regular 12 inch MacBook seems way over priced, $1550 + tax, at that price point id be able to easily justify spending the extra 300$ on the new pro.
I'm looking to purchase my first MacBook, I've been a windows user for ever and I'm excited to switch.I'm a light user of laptops, just typical small applications and such .

What exactly are you going to use it for? I was facing the same decision, and went with the 2015 MBA, but, my needs may be totally different from yours (I do a lot of text work, so having a great screen for photos and stuff wasn't something I cared about).
Very light usage, email, web browsing, and Apple numbers (excel)

I'm just looking for in terms of value, because the 2015 Air is already 2 years old.

I'm wondering would i get much more usage and resale value if I spend the extra 800$ right now on the newest 2016 MacBook

The Pro is a much nicer machine, but I don't know that it is worth so much more in price. Personally, the Air screen is okay to me. Keep in mind that my vision is that of an older gent who is diabetic, so some of the beauty of a retina screen is lost on me.

Depending on your usage case, you may be just fine with the Air. I love both my Air and my Pros. Frankly, I doubt in either case you can go wrong. Even if you make a mistake, you still end up with a great little computer.
You will be happy with either one as long as it isn't Windows. You are a winner every time with Mac OS X.
Very light usage, email, web browsing, and Apple numbers (excel)

I'm just looking for in terms of value, because the 2015 Air is already 2 years old.

I'm wondering would i get much more usage and resale value if I spend the extra 800$ right now on the newest 2016 MacBook

FYI, yes the MBA is 2 years old, but the 2016 Mac Pro was a huge disappointment to people for various reasons, good and bad. Just be aware that if you buy the Pro, be ready to also shell out for dongles of all types. You won't even be able t o plug in a USB drive or mouse/keyboard without a USB C to USB A adapter.
Also consider battery life… using Apple's own numbers, the MBA is rated at 12 hours and the MBP at 10 hours. 20% longer run time is pretty significant if you're away from power. And you may also have seen that there's some controvesy as to whether the MBP actually runs as long as Apple claims….
Just made this very decision, at these approx price points, to replace my daughter's broken 2012 MBA. I like the MBA, and if it works for you, then that's what you should get - dramatic savings!. Ultimately we went with the MBP. I buy machines to last a long time, and I believe there is more "life" in the new MBP. FWIW, USB-C to USB-conventional adaptors are less than $5 on Amazon (highly rated). I also bought from Apple a Lightning-to-USB-C cable (charge the iPhone)- $20. USB-C - HDMI adaptors are still pricey (about $30), but I expect them to come down in the next few months. Note that for an MBA, you will likely need to buy some sort of video dongle.
OP wrote:
"Very light usage, email, web browsing, and Apple numbers (excel)
I'm just looking for in terms of value, because the 2015 Air is already 2 years old."

There's an "in-between" option you're missing.

That's a -2015- MacBook Pro (either 13" or 15").
Both are still in Apple's active product lineup, and either can still be custom-ordered.

You -won't- see them on Apple's MacBook Pro main page.
You have to click the "buy" button, and scroll down to see the 2015 model listed for purchase.

I think you'd do MUCH better with a 2015 MacBook Pro 13" than with the Air.
More power, more ports, better display.
Better all around, for not much more money.
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I well understand your dilemma.

Something that hasn't been mentioned so far is how long you intend to keep the laptop for.

If you're going to use it for 2 years, get the MBA. If you're going to use it until it becomes unusable (4-5 years, more?) go with the Pro.

I had MBAs from 2011 to 2016, 11" and 13". I loved them. I think they're great machines, and I love their portability, but in the end I opted for the MBP (touch bar). It has the portability, but with more power and a retina display. It's also clearly the future of portable computing.

After a great deal of thought, I decided that the MBP represented better value over the long term. But part of that decision is that I intend to use and keep the new machine until it becomes unusable.

I use my laptops pretty heavily, for 8 hours a day. The processor load isn't high, save when I work with video footage. But this is an essential aspect of my work sometimes.

Most of my usage is word-processing, emails and browsing. Over the long term, I think the MBP offers better value. But you may wish to change laptops before then.

A word about dongles.
The need for a dongle to connect to USB B irritates me every time I want to connect ANYTHING to my laptop. Examples from my 'real life; usage include:
- a flash drive
- the Apple Superdrive (to upload data or video footage from DVDs or CD-Roms)
- Using another dongle to 'share' my screen with others. And if I need to use two features at once (flash drive and sharing dongle), I need to use 2 USB C to USB B dongles. It is very very irritating.

However, it is also fair to say that in my 'real life' usage I only need these things infrequently. But when I do it is very very irritating.

I am very happy with my purchase, and I wouldn't switch back to an MBA, but the dongle issue is a real and ongoing irritation (I am repeating this phrase deliberately, it is very very irritating. It's a brand new machine, and dongles are required in banal run of the mill work usage scenarios. It irritates me).

A word about the price.
As I have repeatedly posted here, I think these machines are too expensive for what they are. But my last laptop came to an end after a spilled drink incident and I need my machine for work, so it was a must buy for me. Apple's sales figures indicate MBPs are selling well, so a downward price adjustment is not realistic at the moment.
I believe I made my decision, going to go with the 2016 MacBook pro base model 13in, hopefully keep it for over 4 years and it will retain a good amount of resale when I decide to sell it and upgrade compared to if I bought the MacBook Air.

Just going to be difficult to bite the bullet go spend the $2,000 especially when never had any experience with Mac OSX
@Mikey96 For longer term use, I thing you've made the wise choice.

One more piece of advice, my friend. Buy two Apple USB C to USB B dongles while they're still cheap (£9 in UK, instead of £20). You are going to need them.

It's an awesome machine. I now use it in preference to all my other devices.
And check out Amazon for highly-rated alternatives. I just bought a pair of C2B adapters for $10 - they work fine.
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