I well understand your dilemma.
Something that hasn't been mentioned so far is how long you intend to keep the laptop for.
If you're going to use it for 2 years, get the MBA. If you're going to use it until it becomes unusable (4-5 years, more?) go with the Pro.
I had MBAs from 2011 to 2016, 11" and 13". I loved them. I think they're great machines, and I love their portability, but in the end I opted for the MBP (touch bar). It has the portability, but with more power and a retina display. It's also clearly the future of portable computing.
After a great deal of thought, I decided that the MBP represented better value over the long term. But part of that decision is that I intend to use and keep the new machine until it becomes unusable.
I use my laptops pretty heavily, for 8 hours a day. The processor load isn't high, save when I work with video footage. But this is an essential aspect of my work sometimes.
Most of my usage is word-processing, emails and browsing. Over the long term, I think the MBP offers better value. But you may wish to change laptops before then.
A word about dongles.
The need for a dongle to connect to USB B irritates me every time I want to connect ANYTHING to my laptop. Examples from my 'real life; usage include:
- a flash drive
- the Apple Superdrive (to upload data or video footage from DVDs or CD-Roms)
- Using another dongle to 'share' my screen with others. And if I need to use two features at once (flash drive and sharing dongle), I need to use 2 USB C to USB B dongles. It is very very irritating.
However, it is also fair to say that in my 'real life' usage I only need these things infrequently. But when I do it is very very irritating.
I am very happy with my purchase, and I wouldn't switch back to an MBA, but the dongle issue is a real and ongoing irritation (I am repeating this phrase deliberately, it is very very irritating. It's a brand new machine, and dongles are required in banal run of the mill work usage scenarios. It irritates me).
A word about the price.
As I have repeatedly posted here, I think these machines are too expensive for what they are. But my last laptop came to an end after a spilled drink incident and I need my machine for work, so it was a must buy for me. Apple's sales figures indicate MBPs are selling well, so a downward price adjustment is not realistic at the moment.