Thanks for letting me join! I have a mid 2015 MBP Retina, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB DDR3. Sometime in mid 2019, it began to freeze for exactly 11 seconds on a random basis (seems random to me, anyway). Apple had me restart in Safe Mode, reinstall the OS, etc. and it continued to do that. I went to the Genius Bar in Tysons, VA (where I was living at the time) and they upgraded the OS to Mojave 10.14.6 from whatever I had, removed everything and put back only a few programs. Didn't fix it and I had to go home and use my Time Capsule to revert to what I had before I took it to them so I could have my MS Office and pretty much every other thing I used back. I have seen many people in the Apple Forums with the same issue and no useful response from Apple. Does anyone have experience with this particular issue?