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Administrator emeritus
Original poster
Feb 5, 2004
New Zealand
The following statistics summarise the post reports we received from members in 2015.

This is the sixth set of post report statistics that we've disseminated. Previous post report statistics cover 2014, 2013, 2012, the first half of 2011, and the second half of 2010.

About post reports

The forums are maintained by a small group of volunteer moderators and administrators whose aim is to keep them enjoyable and free from problems. There are thousands of posts every day, and the moderators don't have time to review all of them. We instead rely on post reports that bring particular posts or threads to the moderators' attention.

Post reports are submitted by members by clicking the report button (the small exclamation mark in a circle), located at the bottom right of each post to the right of the "Share" button. You can use this any time you want to get the attention of a moderator, not just if you think a particular post violates a rule (for example, if you want a moderator to move or delete your own post, or if you want to bring attention to a thread or member in general). The moderation team will review every report, although in some cases we determine that no action is necessary. We are always grateful when you alert us to a potential problem, even when we take no action, so if in doubt, it's always better to report.

Behinds the scenes, generating statistics on post reports helps to highlight problem areas that we need to address, or to tell us when and at what times we're in need of new moderators. We release a subset of these statistics publicly for the interest of our members.

2015 post report summary

  • Number of post reports: 19611
  • Mean per day: 53.7
  • Max per day: 146
  • Min per day: 8
  • Number of post reporters: 2595
  • Number of reported members: 8831
  • Number of posts reported: 17139
  • Number of threads with a post reported: 11084

The highest number of reports in a day (146) was on September 16, which was coincidentally also the day with the most reports in 2014. About 1 in every 109 forum posts made in 2015 were reported.

The graph below shows the trend in both posts and post reports, by month, since mid-2006.


Time of day

The distribution of reports over the day roughly followed forum activity in general, peaking during the North American day. The quietest times were between 3 and 5 AM PST. The busiest hour (12 - 1 PM) had 3.8 times as many reports as the quietest hour (3 - 4 AM).


Reported forums

The News Discussion forum was the most reported forum in 2015 overall, regaining the top spot it had in 2014. However, it wasn't actually the most reported forum in either half of the year in isolation. The Apple Watch forum was the most reported forum in the first half of the year (1928 reports), but fell to 7th place in the second half of the year (323). The iPhone forum had the opposite trend; after being by far the most reported forum in the second half of 2014 (3724), it fell to third place in the first half of 2015 (761), then regained the top spot in the second half of the year (2236).

The top 20 forums by number of post reports were as follows; deltas are in comparison with figures from 2014.

Rank	Delta	Forum					Reports Percentage
----	-----	---------------------------------------	------- ----------
1	+1 News Discussion		3263	16.7%
2	-1	iPhone					2997	15.3%
3	+4	Apple Watch				2251	11.5%
4	n/c	Politics, Religion, Social Issues	1102	5.6%
5	+1	Community Discussion			948	4.8%
6	-1	Marketplace				751	3.8%
7	-4	iOS 9					692	3.5%
8	n/c	MacBook Pro				668	3.4%
9	+17	OS X Yosemite (10.10)			420	2.1%
10	+5	MacBook					372	1.9%
11	-1	iOS Blog Discussion			360	1.8%
12	-3	iPad					354	1.8%
13	+17	iOS 8					327	1.7%
14	-1	Mac Pro					309	1.6%
15	-4	iPhone Accessories			290	1.5%
16	-1	Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices	282	1.4%
17	-5	Mac Basics and Help			249	1.3%
18	+10	Site and Forum Feedback			198	1.0%
19	+24	Mac Applications and Mac App Store	191	1.0%
20	-1	OS X					189	1.0%

Post reporters

2595 members reported posts in 2014. Of these members, 55% reported just one post, while 92% made 10 or fewer reports each. The top 10% of reporters made 78% of all reports, with the top ten reporters alone making 34% of all reports - an average of 666 each. Whether you make 1 report or 1000, we always appreciate the help to alert us to potential issues, especially as many issues are likely never reported.


Report reasons

Moderators deal with a wide range of issues when handling post reports. The graph below shows some of the common issues and how the breakdown has changed over time.

Spam remained the most common reason throughout 2015, but dropped enormously from almost 35% in 2014 to just over 10% in 2015. This was in large part due to new tools that help us prevent and more quickly catch a significant portion of spam, particularly after the XenForo migration at the start of June.

At the same time, we saw a noticeable increase in reports for the category that covers consecutive and duplicate posts, primarily because we initially lost the ability to have these consecutive posts automatically merged after switching to XenForo. Since we now have this functionality again, we expect this category of reports to drop back to normal levels in 2016.

The frequency of other report reasons stayed fairly stable compared to previous years.


The distribution of reports across the day for each category was generally similar to the overall distribution above. In previous years, the notable exception was for spam, which was more likely to occur in the North American night. Because of the changes in our spam prevention tools, this distribution changed, with the distribution of spam now fairly even across the day (but still not following the distribution of other issues).


Reported threads

Some threads, particularly long or controversial ones, have a large number of posts reported. 72% of threads containing a reported post received just one report, while 121 threads received more than 10 reports. The thread with the most post reports for the year was Yosemite looks terrible! (99 reports), which had over twice as many reports as the runner up. This thread was particular long, with 3265 posts, however posts in this thread were reported on average about three times as often as typical forum posts.

How we handled reports

We encourage members to report posts even if they're not completely sure if the post is a rule violation. In 2015, about four out of five reports were found to be rule violations and acted on in some way.

About five out of six post reports were found to be clear-cut cases; the remaining ones required moderator discussions, and additional time, before the appropriate action or non-action was determined.


We don't publish statistics comparing how many reports each member makes, both for privacy reasons and because we don't want to turn post reporting into a competition. If you want aggregate information about your own post reports, you can contact me privately.


Staff member
Jan 20, 2005
Can you explain the reason for this? My guess would be you're worried about overwhelming the moderators, but it seems to me that the more posts reported, the better the forum would be.

With a "leaderboard", there's a temptation for people to go a bit overboard with their reports to try to climb the rankings, which could include frivolous or nitpicking reports that don't do much to improve the overall forum atmosphere. It happens a bit with post counts, although I think less so these days given that leaderboard was turned off several years ago on vBulletin.

But yes, for actual problem posts, the more reporting the better, so please have at it and let us know so we can clean things up. We rely on all of our members to be extra sets of eyes to help alert us to problems...there's no way we could keep up on our own.
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macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
How sad those who want to discuss politics etc. are some of the most egregious post reporters. Put on your big boy pants!


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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Excellent reporting and feedback, @HexMonkey - these stats and this information is much appreciated.

Apart from posts which strike me as a clear cut case of spam - which I report religiously - I tend to err on the side of caution elsewhere. Sometimes, there seems to be a thin enough line between enabling and facilitating robust debate while keeping an eye out for debate which strays into the area of insult or deliberately seeking to offend.

However, I suspect that some of this confusion of attacking the messenger rather than addressing and attempting to refute the message may arise form the fact that rules of manners, or etiquette, in an online setting are less than clear-cut and haven't yet evolved fully.


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I don't think I have ever reported a post for anything that wasn't obvious spam. However, I have been reported on numerous times. What I've found is that the more someone seems to be here just to push buttons, the more likely they are to report you when cross them.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2012
well I for one never ever reported a single post in my brief time here. not even spam. true believer in freedom of speech.

been reported a few times tough, how odd :)


macrumors 68000
Mar 22, 2010
I've been reported countless times and I report when I see blatant personal attacks.

I appreciate that the moderation has helped me see my faults as a contributor, as well as kept the tone of this forum as (un)civil as it is. But the really amazing thing is that despite our political differences and the devisive topics we discuss, we're still way more polite and mature than people talking about their iPhones.

Kudos PRSI.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Some really interesting info. I found this part the most intriguing:
  • Number of post reporters: 2595
  • Number of reported members: 8831
  • Number of posts reported: 17139
So, that would mean that the average reporter reported six or seven posts. Also, more than half of reports were of the same poster.
There's a lot of insults thrown around in here, post reports help keep it slightly more mature.

This forum, including PRSI, is child's play compared to some forums I've been on. I've been told on another political forum that I should die, that I should have been an abortion, that I should be thrown out of America...all for things like supporting workers' rights and better wages.


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
New England
Leave the big boy pants at home please.

The PRSI forum only exists because of the Rules for Appropriate Debate. Ignore that, and it (or its users) may just disappear.

Ignoring rules violations here is just a sure fire way to ratchet up the rhetoric in response to the existing violations in the thread. Threads are closed and users banned because of this.

Finally, note that you don't have to actively participate/post in PRSI to read or report posts. Also, just because a post is reported, doesn't mean we act on it.

Also, more than half of reports were of the same poster.

I don't think you're reading that right. More than half of reports came from posters who reported only a single post. The top 10 reporters had about 1/3 of reports.



Jul 11, 2006
This forum, including PRSI, is child's play compared to some forums I've been on. I've been told on another political forum that I should die, that I should have been an abortion, that I should be thrown out of America...all for things like supporting workers' rights and better wages.
Yep, and the moderation is what keeps it worth visiting and capable of sustaining a conversation at a higher level than throwing insults back and forth. I've seen how bad some other forums get, so I happily report posts to help keep this place from becoming that way.


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I don't think you're reading that right. More than half of reports came from posters who reported only a single post. The top 10 reporters had about 1/3 of reports.

I was just looking at there being 17,139 reported posts covering 8,831 members. Sounds like of people whose posts were reported, they generally had multiple reports. It's actually just under two. But, obviously, there's some sort of curve. I hadn't even gotten to the other graphs by that point showing the distribution of posters. Crazy that the top 10 reporters reported an enrage of 666 posts!

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
This is a good opportunity to thank our moderators for their tireless volunteer work. They are vital to the smooth running of this site and make the forums much more useful and enjoyable for forum members.

I'll also point out that Moderation FAQ explains how the forums are moderated, and this thread is another example of MacRumors' transparency about how it moderates its forums.


Sep 7, 2014
If you go to the iPhone forum, you WILL get cut. No doubt about it. People are crazy there.
That's pretty funny! I don't see how people can get all emotional over an iPhone and launch personal attacks over it. You would think that this forum would lead in the number of reported posts. The important things in life :)
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macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Yep, and the moderation is what keeps it worth visiting and capable of sustaining a conversation at a higher level than throwing insults back and forth. I've seen how bad some other forums get, so I happily report posts to help keep this place from becoming that way.

Agreed. While I don't always agree with how the moderation is handled here, it definitely keeps this place more likable.


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2010
Midlife, Midwest
I suspect that when it comes to reporting, there is adherence to a Pareto distribution: 80% of the reports are submitted by 20% of the forum visitors.

On the other side: Probably not so much. Because I suspect that anybody whose posts get reported very often soon finds themselves removed from the population. There may be a few exceptions: i.e. Someone whose posts manage to inspire widespread outrage - while delicately skirting the line that separates spirited debate from an outright rules violation.

That's a difficult trick to pull off. One that I think few dedicated trolls have the skills for.


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2006
Atlanta, GA
If you go to the iPhone forum, you WILL get cut. No doubt about it. People are crazy there.

I don't know what it's like now. I left the iPhone forum many years ago due to the sheer craziness. People returning phones half a dozen times over invisible scratches or what they perceived was a slightly yellow screen which they could only see in certain lighting conditions, then going apoplectic on anyone who dared to suggest they were taking it a bit far.
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