Hi there,
I just came out of an Apple Store where they had the first 13" non-Touchbar 2016 Macbook Pros.
When checking the screen resolution I got a bit confused !
In the tech specs on apple.com the native screen resolution is specified with 2560 x 1600
which is used in retina mode of course, so effectively should "look like" 1280 x 800.
Now on the model in the Apple Store, in the monitor panel of the system preferences,
the standard resolution is 1440 x 900, and not 1280 x 800.
so either the specified 2560 x 1600 is wrong or the standard resolution is not @2x, but actually a scaled resolution. on the other hand, 1440 x 900 is mentioned as scaled resolution on apple.com.
something must be wrong here. ???
is this some cheat to make the store models look better?
I just came out of an Apple Store where they had the first 13" non-Touchbar 2016 Macbook Pros.
When checking the screen resolution I got a bit confused !
In the tech specs on apple.com the native screen resolution is specified with 2560 x 1600
which is used in retina mode of course, so effectively should "look like" 1280 x 800.
Now on the model in the Apple Store, in the monitor panel of the system preferences,
the standard resolution is 1440 x 900, and not 1280 x 800.
so either the specified 2560 x 1600 is wrong or the standard resolution is not @2x, but actually a scaled resolution. on the other hand, 1440 x 900 is mentioned as scaled resolution on apple.com.
something must be wrong here. ???
is this some cheat to make the store models look better?