Hi everybody, just wanted to get some tips and advice on buying a MacBook Pro.
I’m debating between a refurb 13” MBP TB 2016 vs 13” MBP TB 2017. The pricing is different with the 2016 being $1349 on the Apple store and 2017 being $1529.
Is there that much of a difference with the specs inside with the processor? I read on here that the keyboard is different?
I’m just a casual user that uses the computer for work with Microsoft office and internet browsing and video calls.
I do want to use this computer for at least the next 5 years.
Please give some input into it. I’m looking into buying today.
I’m debating between a refurb 13” MBP TB 2016 vs 13” MBP TB 2017. The pricing is different with the 2016 being $1349 on the Apple store and 2017 being $1529.
Is there that much of a difference with the specs inside with the processor? I read on here that the keyboard is different?
I’m just a casual user that uses the computer for work with Microsoft office and internet browsing and video calls.
I do want to use this computer for at least the next 5 years.
Please give some input into it. I’m looking into buying today.